Android Police Podcast
Android Police will give you access to more than 300 shows
Android Police Podcast. Recognized by Google Play as one of the top applications, with over 2 million installations, Player FM is a free podcast app for Android that will give you access to more than 300 shows.
Every day hundreds of new episodes are recorded and new shows are created.
With news, politics, science, study, fitness, entertainment and hundreds of other shows Player FM always has something for you.
You can't miss it.
Download now for android: click here
Do you have various devices on which you have Player FM installed, and are you worried about losing your information when you switch devices? Player FM is equipped with cloud technology and keeps everything synchronized on each of your devices.
Are you coming home and don't have wifi? Would you like to listen to podcasts offline? Player FM allows you to download the episodes to listen to them even without having an internet connection.
Do you want to find the podcasts you listened to last week? You can access the history of all podcasts already listened to.
Don't have enough internal memory for the podcasts you've downloaded? You can save them to the SD card.
Have you tried looking for something and just wanted to find the episodes instead of getting a mix of different things? The new enhanced search function breaks down results into episodes, series, subscriptions and topics making searches much more effective.
Do you have too many subscriptions and find it difficult to organize them? Now you can create your own categories, such as for daily shows, talk shows, technology, etc.
Are you studying a new language? The playback function of Player FM provides speed control, an intelligent function to skip parts of silence and to increase the volume.
Are you afraid of falling asleep during the nightly podcast sessions? Use the timer function to turn off the app automatically. You can also set it to shut down the application at the end of the current episode.
Do you want to play your local audio files with Player FM? You can do it.
Do you also want to watch videos? FM Player plays them.
Do you enjoy using Android Auto when you are in your car? Player FM supports it.
Do you want to automatically download new episodes only when you have Wifi? FM Player allows you to easily change all settings
Are you curious about how Player FM integrates with other apps? Player FM works perfectly with Android Auto, Android Wear, Chromecast, Samsung Gear S notifications, LG Quick Circle ™, Music Boss, Podlove Subscribe, Drivemode, RockScout. And many others!