WhatsApp How to delete WhatsApp backup from iCloud How to delete WhatsApp backups from iCloud, if you are a WhatsApp user and want to permanently delete WhatsApp backups from iCloud, then you are in the right place. WhatsApp is the most popular messaging application and for a lot of people it is the most […]
WhatsApp How to send high resolution images with WhatsApp Sending high-resolution photos with WhatsApp is really very simple. Today, the easiest and fastest way to share photos is via WhatsApp. WhatsApp tends to compress images when they are sent in a chat. So what if you want to send original photos without losing […]
WhatsApp Five reasons why WhatsApp could block your account forever Here are the five reasons why WhatsApp could block your account forever !!! The most popular instant messaging application in the world has some restrictions that we should be aware of. WhatsApp is the most popular instant messaging application in the world, […]
WhatsApp WhatsRemoved recovers deleted messages on Whatsapp For a few weeks, it was possible to delete WhatsApp messages, and make sure not to show them to recipients. The creators of WhatsRemoved with an app have filled the hole left by this feature: this application keeps backup copies of deleted messages. If […]
WhatsApp 3 ways to disable Whatsapp calls WhatsApp is a widely used application that allows users to send messages, multimedia content, videos and even make calls over the internet. This means that if you connect to your WIFI or mobile data, you can easily make free WhatsApp calls to your WhatsApp contacts. The […]
WhatsApp How to change Whatsapp ringtone We will explain how to change the ringtone and tone of Whatsapp messages, both on Android and on iOS. WhatsApp uses a different notification and ring tone than the rest to be able to differentiate itself from other applications, so that you know when the message […]
WhatsApp 3 things to keep in mind before deleting a WhatsApp message After a long wait, WhatsApp introduced at the end of 2017 the function most requested by its users: the deletion of sent messages. It is a very useful tool that on some occasions we have all used to delete badly written, badly written messages or written to the […]
WhatsApp What to do if WhatsApp does not show notifications on Android What to do if WhatsApp does not show notifications on Android. If WhatsApp has stopped showing notifications on your Android phone, try some of these solutions to get them working again. Notifications are an essential part of an Android phone, as they inform us […]
WhatsApp WhatsApp Web vs WhatsApp Desktop: Which One Should You Use Currently ranked as the world's most popular instant messaging app, WhatsApp needs no introduction. The app can be used on both mobile and PC. Unlike mobile devices, however, WhatsApp can be used on a computer in two different ways: WhatsApp Web and WhatsApp Desktop. […]
WhatsApp WhatsApp will allow you to decline invitations to groups WhatsApp is working on a new feature that aims to prevent any user from adding you to a group without your permission. The feature will soon be available in the beta version of WhatsApp for iOS and Android and will later reach other users as well. How […]
WhatsApp Block Whatsapp contact, I tell you everything You can block a contact on WhatsApp in seconds and prevent them from texting you, sending you photos, etc. Additionally, you can also report that person if you are continually being harassed or spammed. Or you can just block Whatsapp contact that you don't like […]
WhatsApp How to download and save WhatsApp audio Do you need to know how to download and save WhatsApp audio on Android and iPhone? Who doesn't know Whatsapp today? It has become our favorite app. Indeed, in Spain we are one of the countries with the greatest interest in using this app. 90% have it installed […]
WhatsApp How to hide photos and videos on Whatsapp Our phones have also become our diaries and for this it is useful to know how to hide our (private) photos on Whatsapp. Whenever you download an image or video in WhatsApp, it is automatically saved in the file manager and eventually appears in the Gallery. We […]
WhatsApp Some tricks to use WhatsApp at its best How many of you have installed WhatsApp on your smartphone? And how many use it daily? Probably all of us open it more than once a day, and between groups and single chats we receive many messages, images, audio and so on and so forth. Like all apps and […]
WhatsApp Send automatic replies on WhatsApp WhatsApp is undoubtedly a practical and fast way to communicate. If we use WhatsApp especially for work, real-time customer response must be a priority. However, texting on WhatsApp while at work or picking up the phone to reply to each message is not always possible. […]
WhatsApp How to know if someone is reading your messages on WhatsApp How to know if someone is reading your messages on WhatsApp. How to know if they spy on me on Whatsapp? While it seems impossible at first glance, the fact is that other people can access your messages on WhatsApp to read them without you knowing. The best you […]
WhatsApp Whatsapp how to write, draw & insert emojis on photos Whatsapp how to write, draw & insert emojis on photos, last month, WhatsApp Beta for Android added stickers, the ability to scribble and the ability to insert bigger emojis. Now, the popular instant messenger has launched the feature for everyone. Now […]
WhatsApp How to enable double authentication on WhatsApp? To ensure the security of your WhatsApp account, it is best to enable Double Authentication or Two-Step Verification. How to transfer Whatsapp messages from one smartphone to another As the world's most popular messaging application, WhatsApp is often […]
WhatsApp How to hide a Contact's WhatsApp profile picture without Blocking them So, do you want to know how to hide a contact's WhatsApp profile picture without blocking them? One of the advantages of WhatsApp is that it allows you to hide your profile picture from other contacts without having to block them, which can sometimes be very […]
WhatsApp Here's how to recover deleted photos from Whatsapp Do you want to know how to recover deleted photos from Whatsapp? It happens to everyone to delete an image at first sight useless and then regret it immediately afterwards. In this article we illustrate the easiest and fastest methods to recover deleted photos […]
WhatsApp How to read WhatsApp messages on the lock screen The almost extinct SMS messages were replaced a long time ago by WhatsApp and today it is more normal to say "I'm sending you a WhatsApp" than "I'm sending you a message". Up to Android 4.4 Kitkat it is possible to insert a WhatsApp widget on the lock screen, […]
WhatsApp How to unblock on Whatsapp | Fast guide Well yes, you have just been blocked on WhatsApp and are looking for a way on how to unblock on Whatsapp. Now, with the help of this article, on how to unblock on WhatsApp, we show you the steps to know "How to get unblocked on WhatsApp? " You found out […]
WhatsApp WhatsApp prepares a new advanced search function WhatsApp prepares a new advanced search function. Do you find it difficult to locate content or attachments in your conversations? Very soon it will be much easier search in WhatsApp photos, videos, GIFs, documents or links in chats: the platform […]
WhatsApp How to transfer Whatsapp chats from iPhone to Android Transferring Whatsapp chats from iPhone to Android is quite simple. Go to Settings, log into Chats and go to Chat History, then tap Export Chat. From there, conversation by conversation, you can export all the messages exchanged and receive them in .TXT format […]
WhatsApp How to enable WhatsApp two-factor authentication for Android How to enable WhatsApp two-factor authentication for Android. WhatsApp, how to activate two-step verification. WhatsApp is an outstanding and revolutionary app. Simple to use, free and ad-free, it's no surprise that many users around the world demand it. With […]
WhatsApp How to send full resolution photos with WhatsApp for iOS WhatsApp for iOS offers a wide range of features. This “simple” messaging service simplifies many complicated things, whether it's sending your current location or transferring a simple PDF file. But what it doesn't do is transfer the images in their original […]
WhatsApp Whatsapp Web complete guide So are you looking for a guide to know how Whatsapp Web works? Today we will tell you in detail about WhatsApp Web and we will do it by explaining of what it is, how it is used and what are the differences that distinguish it from the mobile client of […]
WhatsApp How to create FALSE Conversations in WhatsApp How to create fake conversations on WhatsApp. whatsFun is a beautiful Android app that allows you to create real fake Whatsapp conversations! You can use it to make a joke or create funny posts to publish on social networks. How WhatsFun works […]
WhatsApp Whatsapp, how to reply to a message using a gesture - Swipe to Reply Swipe to Reply, how to reply to a message using a gesture on Whatsapp. IP-based messaging apps have replaced SMS and have become the most used messaging method in recent times. Apps like WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal and iMessage (only on iOS) offer more features […]
WhatsApp How to configure WhatsApp notifications on Android Through WhatsApp we can receive hundreds of messages a day because of its groups, and if not we have configured notifications correctly, these can turn into a real madness, with our cell phone beeping all the time. WhatsApp It offers a wide […]
WhatsApp WhasApp without your phone number: it's possible and here's how Want to use WhasApp without your phone number personal? Ok it can be done. I think you already know that a phone number is required to message contacts in your messaging application, but if you want to keep your number out of the application, there is a way around […]
WhatsApp Viruses on WhatsApp, how they arrive and how to avoid them WhatsApp is the most popular instant messaging application in the world, also being the most used in 109 different countries. How email can become the perfect gateway for malicious people. Many times the scams that proliferate on WhatsApp aim to access our personal […]
WhatsApp WhatsApp warns: if you don't use the official application, your account will be banned WhatsApp, which recently turned 10, continues to update with new features that improve its use, such as the new option for decline invitations to groups o an advanced search function in the purest Telegram style. The famous messaging application […]
WhatsApp Here's how to use WhatsApp on a Mac You know you can open WhatsApp on a Mac computer? As with Windows, there are several ways to access this messaging application from a PC, beyond the official version provided by the company. Using WhatsApp on Mac it is the best way if you usually […]
WhatsApp How to delete WhatsApp videos and photos to free up space on your mobile How delete WhatsApp videos and photos to free up memory on your phone. WhatsApp is the most used messaging tool around the world, and it is very likely that the vast majority of your friends and family are using it to get in touch with you. The problem? The […]
WhatsApp What to do if WhatsApp suspends your account What to do if you see the following message on your phone: “Your phone number is suspended from using WhatsApp. Contact assistance. " Even if it is not usual, WhatsApp can suspend your account for several reasons we have already explained, including […]
WhatsApp How to post long videos on WhatsApp status By reading this article you will learn how to post videos longer than 30 seconds as WhatsApp status. It is possible to circumvent this limitation and post long videos about WhatsApp status. How to post long videos on WhatsApp status One way to get around […]
WhatsApp How to know if Whatsapp is spying on me We will show you how to know if they are spying on Whatsapp using the WhatsApp web service. It is a web tool with which you can access WhatsApp on any computer directly from the browser and without having to enter your phone number or any type of password. If […]
WhatsApp How to become a WhatsApp beta tester on Android or iOS Did you know that you can become a WhatsApp beta tester on Android or iOS and be the first to try the new features of the application? As? Keep reading. Just like what happens with other applications, WhatsApp relies on testers to try out new updates before releasing […]
WhatsApp WhatsApp Business | All functions "Keeping personal life and working life separate is a good idea." And WhatsApp helped us with this by launching the WhatsApp Business App. There are many features of the Business WhatsApp app, but it is difficult to find and understand them all. So in this article, […]
WhatsApp Useless Whatsapp photos, let's see how to delete them Useless Whatsapp photos, let's see how to delete them. Thanks to all the features of Whatsapp, users have an excellent way of communicating with other people. But in some groups, users send a lot of photos that they start downloading to their phone automatically, […]
WhatsApp How to get free WhatsApp for life (Updated) How to get WhatsApp free for life, we will help you see how to get WhatsApp free for another year. We all know that every year with WhatsApp users are entitled to a 1 year free trial. Then after completing the first year you have to pay a few euro cents to activate […]
WhatsApp Download and install Whatsapp V2.12.7 with voice call Download and install Whatsapp V2.12.7 with voice call, it just made its voice call feature available for all android smartphones. If you are running late and have not been able to get the invitation, you can still use voice calling by downloading the latest version […]
WhatsApp WhatsApp: how not to send photos to the wrong people How many times have you sent a photo on WhatsApp to the wrong person? The era of blunders (or worse) may be over, but it's still best to be cautious. The most popular messaging app in the world has added a feature that will help us to don't send photos to the […]
WhatsApp How to create fake Whatsapp account Do you know that it is possible to create fake Whatsapp account? Using a fake phone number. WhatsApp, unlike other instant messaging applications, bases its service on connecting with a phone number. It is not necessary to have a SIM card associated with a phone […]
WhatsApp Send a message on Whatsapp without having it in the address book In this tutorial we will talk about how to send a message on Whatsapp without having it in the address book. We see how to contact someone without having them in the list of our Whatsapp contacts. Send a message to someone you don't have on WhatsApp […]
WhatsApp How to make group video calls with WhatsApp | Drive fast By reading this article you will understand how you can make group video calls with WhatsApp, simply with a few words. The group video calls on WhatsApp were announced at the F8 conference on May 1st and now the option is ready to be released to early Apple and […]
WhatsApp How to transfer Whatsapp chats between mobiles How to transfer Whatsapp chats between mobiles Let's start with the most obvious step, which is how to backup WhatsApp conversations and transfer it to the new smartphone. This is also useful for actually saving your chat history so that you can […]
WhatsApp How to download WhatsApp Stories without taking screenshots How to download WhatsApp Stories without taking screenshots. By now almost everyone knows Snapchat Stories like the Status feature on WhatsApp. You take a picture and it is set as a status, even if only for that particular day. After 24 hours, the state disappears. Unlike […]
Facebook How to block WhatsApp from sharing data with Facebook How to block WhatsApp from sharing data with Facebook, WhatsApp users around the world will receive a request over the next few days to make the application integrate more with Facebook. As you know, Facebook acquired WhatsApp in 2014 for $ 19 billion. WhatsApp […]
WhatsApp How to make WhatsApp phone calls How to make WhatsApp phone calls? How to make a phone call with Whatsapp? Voice calling, even internationally, is easy with this messaging app. WhatsApp is a popular messaging app with over a billion users. It has grown in popularity, in part, because it […]
WhatsApp How to transfer Whatsapp backup from one Android to another How to transfer Whatsapp backup from one Android to another, we are constantly busy publishing tricks for our readers. The main goal is to allow users to take full advantage of WhatsApp without ever getting bored. Today, we will let you know how to transfer […]
WhatsApp Best WhatsApp emoticon apps In this article you will find a vast list of Whatsapp emoticons and at the end I will also explain how to install them on Android and iPhone. WhatsApp always releases new features. From time to time, the application is updated with new emoticons to make sure that […]
WhatsApp How to enlarge WhatsApp fonts How to enlarge WhatsApp fonts. Change the font size in WhatsApp with this simple setting. If you want to adjust the font size in your WhatsApp chats, the application has a simple setting that will allow us to enlarge WhatsApp fonts. There are times when […]
WhatsApp How to block Whatsapp, all methods In this article, I'll explain how to block Whatsapp on Android and iOS. Do you want to leave your cell phone free at home, but are you afraid that someone else will read your messages? Now you can block access to the applications you want, in this case block access […]
WhatsApp How to share a video larger than 15MB with WhatsApp How to share a video larger than 15MB with WhatsApp, and as we all know WhatsApp is one of the most downloaded applications among Google Play and App Store, this tells the success of this utility. But it sucks when I record a small clip on my phone and […]
WhatsApp Tricks to master WhatsApp perfectly Tricks to master WhatsApp perfectly…! More than just a messaging application, WhatsApp has become a true communication tool for millions of people who exchange photos, videos and audio notes through this free application, which is now available for all types […]
WhatsApp How to send heavy video on WhatsApp, easy way How to Send Heavy Video on WhatsApp Using Online Clipchamp or Media Converter on Your Android Phone. Today our smartphones are capable of recording high definition video. You can do it in HD at 1289 x 720 pixels at the admired 4K resolution. In all of these cases, […]
WhatsApp How to Hide WhatsApp Conversations from Android, iPhone and WhatsApp Web How to hide WhatsApp conversations from Android, iPhone and from the Web . Whatsapp, here's the trick to hide conversations and messages. How to hide WhatsApp chats on iphone, Android and Pc or Mac. WhatsApp has become one of our main forms of communication. […]
WhatsApp 11 solutions to fix with WhatsApp backup stuck on iPhone and Android WhatsApp is the largest Instant Messaging (IM) platform in the world with over 2 billion users and still does not offer cross-platform synchronization. You still can't transfer WhatsApp backups from Android to iPhone and vice versa. But the company provides the […]
WhatsApp How to use Whatsapp web without QR code So you want to know how to use Whatsapp Web without QR code and without phone? I read about some searches made by users: "web whatsapp qr code" or "whatsapp web qr code". These are users who want to use Whatsapp web without QR code. Let's see first if it […]
WhatsApp How to send files and documents via Whatsapp Like sending files and documents via Whatsapp, there are a lot of applications available on the Google Play Store that allow you to share documents, but this feature is not yet available on the most popular instant messaging application, namely, WhatsApp. Today, […]
WhatsApp WhatsApp Plus, how to download and install in 2014 WhatsApp Plus, also known as Blue WhatsApp, was one of the most popular applications and used by users of the world's leading messaging app. Thanks to this modified version of Whatsapp, it was possible make the most of WhatsApp's capabilities and […]
WhatsApp How to use two WhatsApp accounts on Samsung phone Some apps like Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Twitter, etc., allow you to have multiple accounts quite easily. However, other popular apps, such as WhatsApp, don't offer this functionality. Many WhatsApp users want to use two accounts on their Samsung phone. If […]
WhatsApp Whatsapp is not working or connecting on iPhone Even with Apple's strong push to iMessage, WhatsApp remains unrivaled on the iPhone. It's the favorite way for millions of people to stay connected with friends and family. Although the Facebook-owned service works well most of the time, you may have trouble opening […]
WhatsApp How to delete WhatsApp account Have you found an alternative to WhatsApp and you no longer want to text with this application? Do you want to delete your WhatsApp account? Well, whatever the reason, you can delete your Whatsapp account whenever you want. It is a very simple operation and can […]
WhatsApp How to reply to someone in a Whatsapp group without anyone knowing An interesting feature that allows you to reply privately within a group. The messaging app never ceases to amaze us, in fact practically every week we see the release of some news in the different betas that the app has for the different operating systems. In […]
WhatsApp All the tips and tricks for mastering WhatsApp groups WhatsApp groups blessed (or damned). There are all kinds, from groups of friends, family, for a birthday, to organize a barbecue, with those from work, with those at the club, with the football team, with the three friends you left the other day. . .. WhatsApp […]
WhatsApp How to transfer WhatsApp from Android to iPhone There is no direct way to transfer WhatsApp from Android to iPhone, as WhatsApp doesn't officially support users moving between different phone types. However, there are workarounds that make switching from WhatsApp from Android to iPhone less painful. Here's […]
WhatsApp The essential tricks of WhatsApp WhatsApp is perhaps the most downloaded Android application. The WhatsApp chat application is designed to be easy to use. But that doesn't mean there aren't any features, tricks, and opportunities not evident in it - pretty much everyone has it. It saves us a […]
WhatsApp Whatsapp, how to convert audio messages to text WhatsApp audio messages are the new text messages, they have become one of the fastest and easiest ways to communicate with our contacts. While they are a useful tool to save us from writing, we cannot always reproduce the content that is sent to us: work, […]
WhatsApp WhatsApp notifications don't work, 8 solutions WhatsApp could be your favorite app for keeping in touch with friends and family. But the instant messaging app experience can be frustrating if WhatsApp notifications aren't working or arriving. You may be missing important messages and updates. Here's how to […]
WhatsApp How to enable Whatsapp web for iPhone 6, 6 Plus, 5S and 5 How to enable Whatsapp web to iPhone 6, 6 Plus, 5S e 5, WhatsApp Web for Android allows users to use WhatsApp in their web browser on any computer or laptop if they own an Android device. WhatsApp Web for iPhone works the same, but instead allows you to […]
WhatsApp What to do when WhatsApp Notifications do not arrive or arrive late, How to fix it 8 best solutions for when WhatsApp notifications do not arrive on iPhone and Android. WhatsApp is one of the most popular instant messaging apps in the world. In February 2020, the Facebook-owned company announced 2 million users, up from 1.5 million in 2018. WhatsApp […]
WhatsApp Delete sent Whatsapp message We are going to see how to delete Whatsapp message sent on iPhone and Android. WhatsApp has finally implemented a new option that many users have been asking for for a long time and that Telegram, its main competitor, has been holding for a long time. We are talking […]
WhatsApp How to use WhatsApp without a phone number or SIM How to use WhatsApp without phone number or SIM, have you ever thought about it, how to use Whatsapp without phone number or SIM card? If not, then now is the right time to think about it. I'm pretty sure, you all have a WhatsApp account. It is the most popular […]
WhatsApp Telegram vs Signal: which alternative to WhatsApp is better WhatsApp's new privacy policy has created quite a stir. That's why most people consider Signal and Telegram as an alternative. You can find out what a better alternative to WhatsApp is in this post. Both Telegram and Signal are committed to protecting the privacy […]
WhatsApp How to hide your WhatsApp profile picture (from some or all of your contacts) On WhatsApp, it is possible to hide your profile picture from some contacts. To do this, just follow a few simple steps. The topic of Internet privacy often emerges when it comes to social networks and messaging apps such as WhatsApp. When Zuckerberg's […]
WhatsApp How to free up space on WhatsApp How to clear WhatsApp cache and free up space. Free memory is a very important aspect of your Android phone, also because in many moments it facilitates the fluidity of the device. Gradually, and without you noticing it, the WhatsApp cache occupies that space, […]
WhatsApp WhatsApp not working? Here are the solutions! WhatsApp not working? Lots of solutions to the most common Whatsapp problems. WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging apps out there, with over 10 percent of the global population actively using it every month. Given this volume of use, it is clear […]
WhatsApp Is my whatsapp spied on? How do Whatsapp spy on us? How Whatsapp spy on us. Read the article in full, I recommend it. One of the unwritten laws of computer science provides that the more a certain technology gains people's trust, the greater the possibility that malicious people will try to use it to propagate […]
WhatsApp A few tips on Whatsapp security WhatsApp, Facebook's proprietary messaging platform, is one of the most popular messaging apps in the world. Over a billion people are estimated to use the app, sending over 65 billion messages a day. It is therefore not surprising that security problems, malware […]
WhatsApp What happens when you change your WhatsApp number? Many people change their phone numbers for various reasons. We try to keep the same phone number as long as possible, then there comes a point in our lives when we almost have to change it. Previously, the only things associated with the phone number were calls […]
WhatsApp How to send messages on WhatsApp via Google Now (Root) How to send messages on WhatsApp via Google Now, Google Now has become an important feature for most of the Android users. Voice Assistant provides an easy platform for you to get involved with everything that's going on in the world and do things you enjoy. However, […]
WhatsApp How to send a song with Whatsapp How to send a song with Whatsapp. The WhatsApp application has made our everyday life easier and one of the many advantages it has is that it allows us to send all types of files to another mobile device. This includes sending pictures, messages, videos and music […]
WhatsApp 4 ways to send WhatsApp messages to unsaved numbers How to send a Whatsapp message to people whose number you don't want to save with these steps. You can send messages to anyone on WhatsApp, as long as their number is saved in your address book. If you don't have the person's number saved in your contacts, WhatsApp […]
WhatsApp How to activate WhatsApp without SIM The WhatsApp instant messaging application is the most popular and popular in its category, but that doesn't mean it's the best or the most complete. It has major shortcomings compared to some of its competitors. And it gives some problems when, for example, users […]
WhatsApp How to Hack WhatsApp in 2 minutes Do you know how to Hack WhatsApp in 2 minutes, are you interested in knowing how to spy on WhatsApp messages? We have to tell you that it is possible to spy on WhatsApp. WhatsApp is the most popular messaging platform of our time. Used by millions of people […]
WhatsApp WhatsApp does not work on Xiaomi Let's read the useful solution for when WhatsApp does not work on Xiaomi. Notifications on Xiaomi devices don't work? Don't receive WhatsApp notifications on Xiaomi devices? Here's how to fix it. Why WhatsApp notifications don't arrive on Xiaomi? If […]
WhatsApp 3 ways to send a WhatsApp message to someone without adding them as a contact We can no longer hide it, now we are addicted to Whatsapp, Facebook's messaging application, similar to Telegram, even if the latter is much more complete and safe, and it is (no one knows how it does it) always one step ahead of WhatsApp in terms of updates and […]
WhatsApp How to write bold and italics on WhatsApp How to write bold and italics on WhatsApp. While it is sometimes a bit of a pain to have to constantly update applications, on some of these occasions we get pleasant surprises in the form of novelties. One of these surprises we have recently had, thanks […]
WhatsApp How to change the background on WhatsApp of a chat or all chats How to change WhatsApp wallpaper for specific chats or all chats at once. A little-known feature of WhatsApp is the ability to change the background of your chats. You can change the WhatsApp wallpaper for a specific chat or for all your chats at the same time. To […]
WhatsApp How to forward messages with WhatsApp Like forwarding messages with WhatsApp, the popular messaging service WhatsApp makes it really easy to forward a message to one of your contacts or in a group. In this article you will find the procedure for forwarding WhatsApp messages on iPhone and Android. Forwarding […]
WhatsApp Whatsapp crashes on Android There are a few possible reasons why Whatsapp crashes on your Android phone. Thankfully, all kinds of Whatsapp problems can be resolved relatively quickly. I often read the following phrases on the Internet: Whatsapp blocked today or Whatsapp on tilt today. If […]
WhatsApp How to know if someone has read a message on WhatsApp Sending a message on Whatsapp and not receiving a reply right away, or even within an hour, can be annoying. If you've ever experienced this feeling, you know it's not pleasant when someone takes hours or even days to respond to you. But how do you know if they […]
WhatsApp How to use bold, italic and strikethrough text on WhatsApp How to use bold, italic and strikethrough text on WhatsApp, a silent update brought some new features to the popular WhatsApp Messenger for iPhone, without being mentioned in the change log. You can now add bold, italic and strikethrough formatting to text on […]
WhatsApp How to read Whatsapp message without the sender knowing In this article we are going to learn how read Whatsapp message without the sender knowing. Have you ever wondered if it is possible read a message on Whatsapp without opening the application? The answer is yes, it is possible read Whatsapp messages without entering […]
WhatsApp How to mute users in Whatsapp groups How mute users in Whatsapp groups. Most WhatsApp users know the problem: in group conversations there are always people who annoy anyone by sending spam. The good news is that group admins will now have a little more power to silence those who write too much. […]
WhatsApp 10 WhatsApp tricks you may not know If you have a mobile, you have certainly installed WhatsApp. Everyone knows how to use it, but new features are being added all the time, releasing new tricks to get the most out of WhatsApp. These are the last ones 10 WhatsApp tricks you may not know. Whatsapp, […]
WhatsApp How to send self-destructing WhatsApp messages How to send self-destructing WhatsApp messages? Snapchat was the first application to offer this type of service, but in this tutorial we will explain a trick to be able to send self-destructing messages also via WhatsApp. For this you will need a special application, […]
WhatsApp How to listen to Whatsapp messages aloud while driving In our age of continuous and fast communications, it has become completely normal to read Whatsapp messages a few seconds after receiving them. In addition to this, we must remember the dangers this can have in certain situations, especially while driving. Stickers […]
WhatsApp How to send the same message to multiple contacts at the same time with WhatsApp for Android How to send the same message to multiple contacts at the same time with WhatsApp for Android. There are times when we have to send the same message, photo, video or file to multiple people, and sending it one by one is neither practical nor efficient, as […]
WhatsApp Whatsapp: how to delete messages after 7 minutes Whatsapp: how to delete messages after 7 minutes. Whatsapp a few days ago released a new function with its latest update, namely that of deleting messages sent within seven minutes. In an article previous to this we talked about a trick that concerns precisely […]
WhatsApp How to use WhatsApp on multiple devices Cross-platform syncing across multiple platforms is fast becoming the must-have add-on for WhatsApp and other similar services. Now you can use WhatsApp on multiple devices, on up to four devices, without having your phone connected to the Internet. This is a […]
Facebook How to locate a person by chatting on Facebook & WhatsApp How to locate a person by chatting on Facebook & WhatsApp, today we are here with a very cool trick to track the location of any person chatting on Facebook / WhatsApp. If we want to know the location of the person you are chatting with on Facebook / Whatsapp, […]
WhatsApp Stickers in Whatsapp, how to download and use the new stickers Let's see together how to use stickers in WhatsApp. How is it possible to add new WhatsApp stickers to use in chats? WhatsApp has launched one of the most awaited features by its users, stickers. Undoubtedly, this was one of the most awaited things by those who […]
WhatsApp Deleting WhatsApp contact, very easy I tell you right away that to delete WhatsApp contact, you need to delete the number from your phone's contact list. WhatsApp does not have a username system, WhatsApp contacts are linked to the numbers stored on the phone in the address book. As we know, […]
WhatsApp How to restore WhatsApp messages Restoring WhatsApp messages is something incredibly useful and important if you find yourself having to reinstall WhatsApp or have decided to change your smartphone. Here's everything you need to know about how to recover Whatsapp conversations on your Android […]
WhatsApp Whatsapp password as you configure Do you want to prevent anyone from seeing your chat history and want to know how to put the password on Whatsapp? Well, here we offer you some applications that allow you to block access to Whatsapp with a password. WhatsApp is the best program to send […]
WhatsApp What happens if I report someone on WhatsApp What happens if I report someone on WhatsApp. There are several ways to filter conversations with people on WhatsApp. If someone keeps posting a lot of offensive, hateful, or obscene content that you don't feel comfortable with, WhatsApp lets you block or report […]
WhatsApp How to Save Whatsapp Status: Save Videos and Status Images How to save Whatsapp status on your Android and iPhone Are you looking for a way to Download WhatsApp statuses/stories to your Android and iPhone Find everything written below! Find out how to save whatsapp status on android and iPhone! WhatsApp […]
WhatsApp How to know if Someone is Spying on you on WhatsApp: Step by Step Guide How to check if someone else is using your Whatsapp account. Like many other online applications, WhatsApp goes to great lengths to maintain the privacy and security of its users' data. With features like single sign-on and two-factor authentication, the platform […]
WhatsApp How to save WhatsApp status videos and pictures Through this article you will see how to save WhatsApp status videos and pictures. WhatsApp allows users to upload images and videos as daily status updates. As these status updates are automatically deleted from WhatsApp after 24 hours, some users want save WhatsApp […]
WhatsApp What to do if the WhatsApp messages do not arrive until the application is opened In this article, we explain what to do if the WhatsApp messages do not arrive. It happened to you that you have to open WhatsApp to receive i messages? Then I warn you you are not the only one. We have found that it is a more common problem than […]
WhatsApp Emoticons, the hidden meaning of WhatsApp smileys It could be said that technology, social networks and all smart services are the distant descendants of SMS, abbreviation for Short Message Service, the standard format for sending a short text with a limited number of characters. From this small "obstacle" many […]
WhatsApp How to read WhatsApp messages offline How to read WhatsApp messages offline. WhatsApp is the most popular messaging application in the world. There are some unique features that make WhatsApp so popular. One of these features are double ticks. Each time a message is sent, the sender can see […]
WhatsApp How to clone Whatsapp One of them, and what perhaps most users complain about, is being able to duplicate Whatsapp accounts on two different phones. Next, we will show how to clone WhatsApp so that it can be used on two devices at the same time. WhatsApp is the most used messaging […]
WhatsApp Advertising on Whatsapp, everything we know about the imminent arrival of ads in the app Renewal is one of the keys to WhatsApp, the instant messaging app par excellence. We often talk about the interesting new features prepared by the platform, how to send a WhatsApp message to someone without adding them as a contact! WhatsApp news often […]
WhatsApp WhatsApp Gold doesn't exist, it's just a scam WhatsApp is an application used by millions of people all over the world, due to its popularity, often some bad intentions use the app to create ad hoc scams. Not all WhatsApp users are familiar with all the functions of the mobile phone or the dangers. This […]
WhatsApp How to transfer Whatsapp messages from one phone to another How to transfer Whatsapp messages from one phone to another. WhatsApp is the favorite messaging application of many of us more than Telegram or iMessage. Everyone has WhatsApp, it is very useful to talk with our partner or our friends and also with the plumber. […]
WhatsApp How to solve problems with WhatsApp notifications on Xiaomi Get into the situation. You just bought the latest Xiaomi mobile, you turn it on for the first time and you start hallucinating with its features, the photos it takes and how well it performs. You start installing applications, WhatsApp is the first and… what […]
WhatsApp How to fix "Verification SMS failed" with Whatsapp Messenger How to fix “Verification SMS Failed” with Whatsapp Messenger, without a doubt WhatsApp Messenger is one of the most popular instant messaging apps for all platforms. The installation of WhatsApp Messenger is very simple and can be easily done by anyone. The […]
WhatsApp How to edit WhatsApp images How to edit WhatsApp images. Sending an image or photograph to a contact in the WhatsApp app is a common practice that most users are already familiar with, but did you know that you can also edit the image directly within WhatsApp without having to open a separate […]
WhatsApp How to hide the last access on Whatsapp Do you want to protect your privacy on WhatsApp? Today we explain how to hide the date and time of the last access on WhatsApp. WhatsApp has certainly made it easier and cheaper to communicate with friends and family but, in some cases, constant online messages […]
WhatsApp WhatsApp is very simple: install, update, backup and restore Among the various applications currently available to send and receive messages, WhatsApp is no doubt one of the most popular, and this is no mere coincidence, since this instant messaging tool offers a large number of features, […]
WhatsApp Today WhatsApp will delete the messages and photos of Android users WhatsApp posted an ad for all of his identification using the messaging application with a phone Android. Today Monday, November 12, all messages, files and photos that have accumulated over time in the application will be deleted, […]
WhatsApp How to change Whatsapp group administrator WhatsApp allows us to change the administrator of the group without problems, to do this it is sufficient to access the list of users, where we will tinker with the profile of each user. The latest official version of WhatsApp has been entirely focused on improving […]
WhatsApp How to see the WhatsApp status of our contacts without their knowledge WhatsApp statuses have always been the subject of controversy, for better or for worse. Many users are against this new feature and have even created a Change.org for Zuckerberg and company to eliminate this feature from the application or at least, to decide […]
WhatsApp How to video call with Whatsapp - Download now How to video call with Whatsapp - Download now, after months of leaks, the option to video call with WhatsApp for Android has finally been released. Until now it is limited to beta version 2.16.318. A couple of days ago, a beta version was also spotted for Windows […]
Snapchat What is TikTok, the most downloaded app from Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram and YouTube Social networks like Facebook or YouTube have hundreds of millions of users. We also assume that they are the most famous, and they are… but in the West. The Asian market, especially the Chinese one, is a world apart in everything that has to do with social […]
WhatsApp How to enable Chat Heads with WhatsApp WhatsApp is the most popular instant messaging app on all smartphone platforms. It is fast, reliable and safe. The key to its success over other messaging apps is its simple user interface and the speed at which it works. Facebook tried to compete with […]
WhatsApp WhatsApp widget, how to use it So you want to use the WhatsApp widget on your Android phone? Let's see how it's done. If you want to be able to read the messages sent to you on WhatsApp without opening the app and without the other person knowing, the Whatsapp widget is a good option. WhatsApp […]
WhatsApp How to use iMessage (Memoji) stickers in WhatsApp How to use iMessage Memoji in WhatsApp and other apps. You no longer need special characters like colon (:), semicolon (;), etc., to create emoticons. Emotions can now be expressed with the help of emojis. If that's not enough, we also have stickers. Apple offers […]
WhatsApp 10 solutions for when WhatsApp does not send messages on Android and iOS WhatsApp is the world's most significant instant messaging (IM) platform with over 2 billion users. Even after the recent privacy fiasco, the Facebook-owned company tops the popularity charts on both the App Store and Play Store. As millions of users jump aboard […]
WhatsApp What happens to WhatsApp when you switch phones WhatsApp is one of the leading chat apps available in the world. What makes it popular is its user-friendly nature and the ability to work in all kinds of circumstances. Even if you have a poor internet connection, WhatsApp works wonders. Also, once you create […]
WhatsApp How to know if I have been blocked on Whatsapp By confirming the clues listed below, we will know if someone has blocked you on Whatsapp, let's move on. One of the best messaging applications used all over the world is WhatsApp. You can text and group chat via Wi-Fi with your friends and connections around […]
WhatsApp Self-destructing WhatsApp messages are now official The ephemeral messages of WhatsApp have arrived: so you can send messages that disappear in your chats. We have known for some time that WhatsApp works on the new function called "ephemeral messages", which allows users of the messaging platform to send messages […]
WhatsApp How to add contact to WhatsApp using the Chat tab or a QR code Adding a new contact to WhatsApp can be done in seconds. You can add contacts to WhatsApp by manually entering them in chats or by scanning the QR code from their WhatsApp profile. You can also import contacts from your phone to WhatsApp. When saving a phone number […]
WhatsApp WhatsApp web how to use the application on a PC or Mac without a smartphone WhatsApp web allows you to use the email application on a PC or Mac without a smartphone, via a web browser or desktop application. This option is very useful for a myriad of users who, like Skype or Facebook Messenger, who don't necessarily have to stay on their […]
WhatsApp Why WhatsApp Web is not working If you are reading this tutorial it is because WhatsApp Web is not working, stay with us and see what we can do to fix the problem. WhatsApp recently broke the record of two billion users on the platform. One of the reasons for WhatsApp's great popularity has […]
WhatsApp How to send automatic messages on Whatsapp How to send automatic messages on Whatsapp. How to schedule the sending of a message on Whatsapp on root and non-root phones. The Whatsapp application is well known for being a complete chat software: it allows short recordings of audio, video, inserting images, […]
WhatsApp Unfortunately WhatsApp has stopped, how to fix The message "Unfortunately, WhatsApp has stopped", or "Unfortunately WhatsApp has stopped”Is not difficult to see on our Android phones. There are many reasons that can cause this error "Unfortunately WhatsApp has stopped". Once the application shows you this […]
WhatsApp The Best Sticker Packs for WhatsApp After a long wait, stickers arrived on WhatsApp at the end of 2018 and the most used instant messaging application on the planet has finally adopted one of the features that other online communication tools have had for several years. Of course, WhatsApp did […]
WhatsApp Will WhatsApp charge € 0,01 for each message and will its logo be blue? WhatsApp hoaxes have existed since the application was launched a few years ago and new ones will continue to arrive in the near future. Also, many hoaxes come back cyclically and start being shared massively among users. In this case, two hoaxes in one […]
WhatsApp Then you can use your TV to watch WhatsApp video calls Say goodbye to 5-inch screens. We explain step by step how to see WhatsApp video calls in style on your TV in an easy way. WhatsApp has significantly improved the integration of video calls, a feature that allows users to communicate via video and audio with their […]
WhatsApp WhatsApp status, all the tricks you don't know Get the most out of WhatsApp Status with these tips, tricks and secrets you may not know. Since its arrival in early 2017, Whatsapp Status has become a key part of the application. So much so that in just over a year since the launch of this feature, not […]
WhatsApp How to unify WhatsApp, Telegram and other messages in Chrome It is very useful when you have several open messaging applications that you use at work, it allows you to talk on WhatsApp or Telegram and other applications with any other contact. A simple Internet connection and you communicate with the rest of the world […]
WhatsApp How to delete unnecessary WhatsApp photos automatically In this article I will teach you how delete unnecessary WhatsApp photos automatically. We all know WhatsApp by now and we all know that you can send messages, share short videos, send and receive images, etc. We spend most of our day in chat with our friends […]
WhatsApp How to use WhatsApp to monitor your friends in real time How to use WhatsApp to monitor your friends in real time! Lately WhatsApp the most popular instant messaging application in the world has released a very useful feature called Location. How to use WhatsApp to monitor your friends in real time. This […]
WhatsApp How to install WhatsApp on Kindle Fire Installing WhatsApp or any other messaging app turns the Kindle Fire into a great communication tool. But for install WhatsApp on Kindle Fire a process must be put in place, as Fire prevents third-party software downloads and installations. On the […]
WhatsApp Send anonymous messages on WhatsApp without showing your number Send anonymous messages on WhatsApp without showing your number. There are many apparently very useful online services that, if used incorrectly, can be harmful or otherwise not truly legal. This is the case with the service we are about to show you, for send […]
WhatsApp How to disable the blue ticks on WhatsApp How to disable the blue ticks on WhatsApp and you are annoyed by the new feature that WhatsApp has introduced called "read receipt" with two blue ticks, don't worry. It can be easily deactivated. Facebook, the most popular social site on the internet has […]
WhatsApp Fortnite stickers for WhatsApp It hasn't been long since the stickers officially arrived on WhatsApp, since then we have seen an avalanche of packages that landed on Google Play day after day, with different themes in practically every category, thus allowing millions of users of the application […]
WhatsApp WhatsApp Web: how to use WhatsApp Web on PC, Tablet and Phone and the best Tips and Tricks In this article we will talk about WhatsApp Web: how to use WhatsApp Web on PC, tablet and phone and how to use it to the fullest. It started almost four years ago and since then it has become the preferred way for millions of users to chat with their friends […]
WhatsApp How to be notified every time a contact changes status on Whatsapp Do you like to look at the WhatsApp status of your contacts? Don't miss any changes? To do this, you need to keep checking the status very often. In today's tutorial, we will explain how to automatically know when someone changes their WhatsApp status, without […]
WhatsApp Why WhatsApp photos are not saved in the gallery Are you curious why WhatsApp photos are not saved in your phone's gallery. In the article you will find why and how to save Whatsapp photos on your phone. WhatsApp is a multi-system mobile platform that completely dominates the world of messaging applications. […]
WhatsApp How to change the theme of WhatsApp How to change the theme of WhatsApp? WhatsApp is a great communication tool, it allows us to interact for free with friends, family and acquaintances and gives us the freedom to express ourselves using statuses, profile pictures and more. The app is constantly […]
WhatsApp How to permanently delete a WhatsApp group WhatsApp groups can be ugly or nice depending on which group you belong to. Some groups are very helpful and it makes sense to continue being a part of them. However, annoying groups must be deactivated immediately. And if it's feasible, you can also delete the […]
WhatsApp What happens when you delete your WhatsApp account WhatsApp is extremely convenient for texting, but it can sometimes make you nervous. Whether it's annoying group messages, business messages or privacy issues, WhatsApp sometimes gets on our nerves. And that's when we think about deleting our WhatsApp account. […]
WhatsApp How to make WhatsApp calls using the Google Assistant You are here because you want to know how to make WhatsApp calls using Google Assistant. Until now, the Google Assistant has allowed you to read and send messages on WhatsApp. However, it now supports WhatsApp calling, which means you can make an audio or video […]
WhatsApp How to add stickers and emoticons on WhatsApp How to add stickers and emoticons on WhatsApp? How to add WhatsApp emoticons? How to insert new emoji emoticon faces on Whatsapp? How to download free stickers for Whatsapp? WhatsApp is one of the most used instant messaging applications, which has changed […]
WhatsApp How to make a video call with WhatsApp How to make and receive a video call with WhatsApp. There are several ways to make individual or group video calls on WhatsApp. You can video call with WhatsApp from the Calls tab by searching for a contact or from a chat thread. WhatsApp allows you to join a […]
WhatsApp How to remove WhatsApp photos from Google Photos I am part of 10 WhatsApp groups. Here ... I said it out loud. At this point, you may have already deduced the sad state of my phone's gallery. From gibberish media to awkward jokes, my phone has seen and saved everything. While there is a nifty little trick to […]
WhatsApp A WhatsApp bug deletes the chat history We usually talk about the many new features and features launched on WhatsApp practically every week. But unfortunately today we have to talk about some rather bad news, WhatsApp users are getting along complaining about a bug that deletes the chat history. According […]
WhatsApp 5 things you don't know about WhatsApp Web The WhatsApp web platform allows you to use WhatsApp from your computer, with the convenience of being able to participate in conversations without having to pick up your cell phone from time to time. This platform, available at web.whatsapp.com, works with all […]
WhatsApp How to automatically delete WhatsApp photos You have a memory full of media and now you want to know how to automatically delete whatsapp photos? Well, then read on! We have the simplest method for you. Find how eliminate WhatsApp photos with just three simple steps. WhatsApp is a […]
WhatsApp How to change "Status" on Whatsapp automatically How to change "Status" on Whatsapp automatically, the recent release of the "Status" option, for many was not that great, but many users found it very interesting. If you liked this new WhatsApp feature and are looking for a way to change your status automatically, […]
WhatsApp How to add new contacts to WhatsApp using WhatsApp Web A few years ago, WhatsApp implemented support for WhatsApp Web which allows you to open it in the browser of your choice on your computer. This saves a lot of time and effort, especially for people like me who spend a lot of time sitting and working on their desktops. […]
WhatsApp How to make a video call from Messenger Rooms via WhatsApp How to make a video call from Messenger Rooms via WhatsApp. It's only been a few weeks, but Messenger Rooms it has already become one of the most used alternatives to Zoom and Google Meet during the days we were all locked in the house. However, Facebook […]
WhatsApp How to get unblocked on Whatsapp Have you just been blocked on WhatsApp and are you looking for a way to get unblocked? Now with the help of this article on how to get unblocked on WhatsApp, you will finally learn how to do it! You are lucky because you are in the right place. Here is […]
WhatsApp Find out who visits your WhatsApp profile photo How to see who visits your WhatsApp profile. There is more than one way to know who spies on you on Whatsapp and reads your conversations. The same goes for who visits your WhatsApp profile photo: if someone sees it, you don't know. Curious to know who views or […]
WhatsApp How to share photos on Whatsapp without losing quality How to share photos on Whatsapp without losing quality. In this article we will talk about WhatsApp, here's how to send photos and videos without losing quality. Whatsapp is one of the most popular messaging applications and has millions of active users. Although […]
WhatsApp WhatsApp is preparing a feature to protect chats with a fingerprint WhatsApp is working on one new feature which will further protect our conversations, the application is preparing a function to protect chats with a password or fingerprint. The WhatsApp scam that promises to tell you who has seen your […]
WhatsApp How to use WhatsApp QR codes to add contacts Adding people on WhatsApp has always been a twisted story. It's as easy as adding a contact on your phone, but the whole process of tapping the digits, saving the number, searching for the contact on WhatsApp, and finally being able to send them a message is exhausting. […]
WhatsApp How to clean WhatsApp quickly and easily You know you can clean up WhatsApp quickly and easily. Do I have to show you how? Well, you just have to keep reading the tutorial. WhatsApp groups can go crazy with memes and videos. All these media take up precious space in the internal memory of your iPhone […]
WhatsApp How to get WhatsApp without a Phone Number or Sim Card WhatsApp is a widely used application today, its functionality depends on a mobile number with active chip to be able to confirm your account, but now you will discover how to have WhatsApp without number or chip on your smartphone. To install […]
WhatsApp How to send a WhatsApp message to multiple contacts on iPhone & Android How to send a WhatsApp message to multiple contacts on iPhone & Android, in case you haven't tried it yet, the “Broadcast” function on WhatsApp. This function allows you to send messages to all or several selected contacts at the same time. Let's […]
WhatsApp How to Send Messages to a Person Who Has Blocked You on WhatsApp The world of messaging has become very large in recent years and there is now a wide variety of messaging apps. Your favorite messaging app probably depends on where you live and what device you use every day. In the U.S., Apple fans rely on […]
WhatsApp How to spy on a contact on Whatsapp How to spy on a contact on Whatsapp, yes, you read that right, from today it is possible to spy on your friend's WhatsApp account! With this method, it is possible to spy on your friend while they are online. To do this you need to use an app called WhatsDog, […]
WhatsApp How to send WhatsApp messages using Siri How to send WhatsApp messages using Siri, Apple opened Siri to third-party developers with its latest iOS 10 operating system, and WhatsApp became one of the first applications to take advantage of this opportunity, allowing iPhone users to send WhatsApp messages […]
WhatsApp How to transfer WhatsApp messages between phones Very often we see people in buses, subways and even at work communicating via WhatsApp, which is today the most popular instant messaging application in the world. Generally speaking, there are thousands of conversations, attached photos, video and audio files […]
WhatsApp Whatsapp notifications arrive late [Solved] We all use the WhatsApp messaging service, even very frequently and keep in touch with our friends. Many times we respond to WhatsApp messages only from notifications. However, for some reasons, these notifications arrive late and this is precisely where the […]
WhatsApp How to schedule a message on WhatsApp How to schedule a message on WhatsApp, yes because we may be busy, I don't know with work, and we may not send a greeting message to a dear friend of ours. Being human, we love to make surprises, in the same way we want to be remembered on our special days, such […]
WhatsApp How to use WhatsApp on your Apple Watch How to use WhatsApp on your Apple Watch? How to install WhatsApp on Apple Watch? One of the things that really sets the Apple Watch apart from the competition, and places it at the top of the line when it comes to the best smartwatches, is its ecosystem of great […]
WhatsApp How to be anonymous on Whatsapp How to be anonymous on Whatsapp, we are often asked on our blog how it is possible to be anonymous on Whatsapp, starting from February 2016, WhatsApp has a catchment area of at least one billion users, which makes it one of the messaging applications more […]
WhatsApp Whatsapp Web your Android So you are here because you want to know how to use Whatsapp Web on your phone, it can be done, provided you read the tutorial below. In addition to its popular application, the version of the popular messaging service can be used on both computers and mobile […]