In our age of continuous and fast communications, it has become completely normal to read Whatsapp messages a few seconds after receiving them. In addition to this, we must remember the dangers this can have in certain situations, especially while driving.
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Fortunately, there is a solution for listen to Whatsapp messages aloud while driving without even having to look at your smartphone, via an Android app.
If your hands are busy doing something more important (for example, driving!), It's best to leave the messages aside and make them wait. Unfortunately, today no one wants to wait to read a message, curiosity is a lot. Apps can read yours loud Whatsapp messages while receiving and of course you don't need your fingers to hear the message.
And here's the solution GeorgeApp, a sort of second digital pilot in charge of reading Whatsapp messages and more and also all the social updates that concern us. GeorgeApp has a very simple interface, which makes it very easy to use while driving.
As soon as it starts, George will ask you to access notifications on your smartphone: the app is mostly interested in reading messages from Facebook, Twitter, the SMS app, WhatsApp, Telegram and Facebook Messenger.
As soon as you have authorized and activated GeorgeApp will immediately start reading i Whatsapp messages received aloud, the driver will be able to hear the message without taking their hands off the wheel and their eyes off the road.
Once configured to be able to use GeorgeApp just activate it by pressing the only button in the app on the display. GeorgeApp can be downloaded for free from the Google Play Store at a cost of € 0,59 every three months or use it for free, but it will read you 5 messages at a time. To hear the sixth notification, you need to close George and restart him.
Further Reading:
- Does the phone listen to us? How to prevent the phone from listening
- How to listen to Whatsapp voice messages without viewing and without opening the app
- How to speed up Whatsapp audio messages on PC and phone
- How to change voice on WhatsApp
- WhatsApp widget, how to use it