WhatsApp, which recently turned 10, continues to update with new features that improve its use, such as the new option for decline invitations to groups o an advanced search function in the purest Telegram style. The famous messaging application has launched a new alert to its users, and says that if you don't use your official Whatsapp application, your account will be banned.
In the FAQ section on its website, WhatsApp has entered new information on banned accounts. If a user receives a message in the application announcing that his account has been banned, it means that he is probably using an unofficial version of WhatsApp. In this case, the company indicates to the user that he must download the official app to continue using your account.
WhatsApp says it's important delete unsupported or third-party applications, such as WhatsApp Plus and GB WhatsApp, because they are altered versions, since it is not possible to validate their security practices. In addition, they also report that these applications are unofficial violate the Terms of Service of the popular messaging application.
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WhatsApp asks to delete unofficial apps
The messaging application, which belongs to Facebook, wanted to share a small guide to help those users who use a third-party version to switch to the official app. To do this, the first thing to do is to run a backup of the chat history before making the change, especially if you are using WhatsApp Plus or GB WhatsApp.
If the backup fails, when you switch to the official application you may lose all chat history. The company again stresses that they cannot guarantee that the transfer of stories will be successful as WhatsApp does not support unofficial applications.
A process that shouldn't be done if you're using WhatsApp Plus, as the company claims that if the chat history was previously saved, it should be automatically transferred to the official WhatsApp application. To avoid these situations it is always advisable to download the “official” applications from its original source.
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Further Reading:
- How to send the same message to multiple contacts at the same time with WhatsApp for Android
- How to protect WhatsApp chats on Android with fingerprints with these apps
- How to delete WhatsApp videos and photos to free up space on your mobile
- What to do if WhatsApp suspends your account
- How to disable Whatsapp on Android and iPhone