Diet app. Discover the best diet apps on Android and iOS smartphones, keep an eye on your nutrition and follow the advice.
Do you want to lose weight or eat healthier through the indications these apps will provide?
Then now we will list you the best diet apps on Android, iPhone and iPad.
We remind you that these apps must be taken with the right pretext, they will show you parameters and advice for good nutrition but will never replace a doctor who specializes in this. So use them with caution.
Diet app
Melarossa - Your personalized diet
Melarossa - Your personalized diet developed in collaboration with a team of experts including nutritionists and dieticians and the diets present within it have passed under the watchful eyes of the Spanish Society of Food Science.
This application will help you create a personalized diet, based on your personal data that you will have to enter personally, taking care to fill them in accurately download it from the App Store or PlayStore
MyFitnessPal - Calorie counter and diet management
MyFitnessPal - Calorie counter and diet management, well-known tool that offers functions to count the calories of food and incorporates some tips for physical exercises to be followed daily. Available for Android and iOs
LifeSum available for free on Android and iOS Then answer honestly to the questions that will be asked: indicate gender, age, weight and height and press on NEXT. Also answer the questions regarding your eating habits and continue until you are redirected to the main screen of the application.