Pocket when you find something you want to consult later articles, videos save directly from your browser or from applications such as Twitter, Flipboard, Pulse and Zite.
Very often on the net, browsing from your devices in the most disparate moments, you happen to find some article, a video, or more generally some very interesting web page to want to read; however, you do not always have the opportunity to do it right away.
Surely many try to remedy the problem by leaving the browser tab open, or by saving the link of the web page, but you do not think that it would be more convenient to simply save the entire page to be able to reread it even later offline, keeping it within reach. out of hand? Pocket was born precisely to do this: it is a in fact a efficient read-it-later servicewhich has been and still is appreciated by more than ten million users.
Pocket what it is
the app that allows you to save and organize any web content from computers and mobile devices.
You will then be able to read and consult even without an Internet connection.
To be brief, the application allows you to save within your account, after free registration, any type of content found on the web or within the applications: articles, recipes, photos, videos, tweets and much more, with the ability to consult them anytime, anywhere, even when we don't have an Internet connection available.
It will therefore no longer be necessary to self-send emails, clog the device notes with hundreds of links or open dozens of tabs on your browser in order not to lose track of the interesting things that we find daily on the net, because we will be able to save everything and access them later from any device. .
Download Pocket is free for Android and iOS Browser
The application supports six other languages: French, German, Japanese, Spanish, Russian and Italian.
- iPhone and iPad
- Android
- Kobo
- Your browser