The Last of Us: Part II - Guide to safes

    The post-apocalyptic world within which Ellie's vengeful adventure takes place in The Last Of Us: Part II, a follow-up to the 3 PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 2013 title of the same name N, is full of safes containing useful objects and materials. To get the latter it is necessary to find some codes that, normally, can be identified simply by looking around, but some little advice about it can make the search easier!

    Patrol Safe

    The meeting with the first safe will take place shortly after the start of The Last of Us: Part II, following the one with the first group of infected occurred together with Dina. Providing a clue to locate the code of the safe is a note, left by Mina to a girl named Kristen, according to which the combination would be the date on which her "Good Boy" was awarded the award as employee of the month. .

    The Last of Us: Part II - Guide to safes

    The nice guy Mina's note refers to would be her dog, whose photo is placed right on the desk in the room. Leaving the latter and continuing in the corridor it will be possible to find a ranking concerning the employees of the month, from which you can see the date on which the dog obtained the prize: July 2013. The security code, therefore, will 07-20-13.

    Inside the safe it will be possible to find some gun parts and supplements.

    1st day combinations

    Bank vault

    The Last of Us: Part II - Guide to safes

    Very useful in The Last Of Us: Part II is the shotgun. The latter, together with the ring of Nathan Drake, was placed inside the safe in the bank vault, located in the southern part of the Seattle Downtown hub area.

    To provide the code for its opening is a note, called "Plans for bank robbery", which will show the combination 60-23-06.

    Gate West 2

    In a small space on Madison StreetLocated near the top left corner of the map is the west gate safe. The code for its opening, identifiable simply by looking at the old diary of the gate codes, is 04-51.

    Court safe

    Less simple to locate than the previous ones is the safe inside the court. To reach the latter it will in fact be necessary, once past the first group of infected, to continue along a dark corridor. At the end of the latter there will be metal detectors on the right, while on the left there will be only an office.

    By breaking the window of the latter it will be possible to enter the room and see, on a blackboard inside it, the code for opening the safe, or 86-07-22.

    Inside the box Ellie will find gun supplements and parts.

    Underground Doors

    Inside the tunnels, in the area where you can find one of the collectible cards of The Last Of Us: Part II, players will find themselves in front of a door that can only be opened by combination. A clue about the latter is provided by a note around the corner of the door, stating:

    “Hey Dewey - Forgot your code again? Give me a drink and the code is yours! - V ".

    The Last of Us: Part II - Guide to safes

    Taking a look at the nearby soda machine you will find a can with a note attached that the first digits of the combination would be 1-5-2 -? - ?. The elimination process allows you to identify the remaining part of the code, thanks to which you will arrive at the answer, that is 15243.

    Inside the safe it will be possible to find ammunition, supplements and materials.

    The combination of Staci

    Exploring the tripware area with Dina you can easily see the Wellwishes thrift shop on the left. Once you have entered the activity, which took place only after passing a trap positioned at the entrance door, you will be able to access a back door.

    A note, placed on a bulletin board on the right, will suggest how the combination is close, as well as consisting of the last six digits of Staci's phone, not visible due to a tear on the bottom.

    The Last of Us: Part II - Guide to safes

    By going through the door on the left you will have access to another side room containing the safe whose combination, shown on the wall of one of the nearby bathrooms, is 55-01-33.

    Combination of the garage

    Following the first encounter with the WLF and their dogs, they represent a fundamental part of the horror adventure of The Last of Us: Part II you will find yourself on a side street full of shops, including a tattoo shop. Once past the latter, on the back, it will be possible to access a car repair shop, simply by moving the dumpster placed in front of the front door.

    Before opening the door it is advisable to place a mine due to the presence of some inside Runner. Once these have been eliminated, you will have access to the structure, where there will be a new safe.

    The combination of the latter can be identified in the kitchen of the bar located in front of the previously met tattoo shop, reachable only after killing one Shambler. The code, written on a ticket on the board, is 30-82-65.

    Inside the safe it will be possible to find one case for short weapons, combined with some ammunition and weapon parts.

    Wedding Date Combination

    To reach the hospital in the special mission Ellie will have to go through a supermarket and a bar, the Kingsgate Brewing. Once done and explored the buildings on the street you will see, on the left, an optional condominium.

    Going up to the second floor of the latter, through the special stairs located on the right after the entrance door, you will find yourself in front of a workbench on the right and a closed door on the left. To overcome this small difficulty, just break the window overlooking the balcony, go up, jump to the left and then break another window, so as to re-enter the building.

    The Last of Us: Part II - Guide to safes

    Once done you will have access to a bedroom, containing a safe whose combination is the wedding date, circled on a calendar placed in the room from which you entered: 10-08-83.

    Weston Pharmacy

    Located inside the Weston pharmacy, it is a safe that is not easy to find: the latter is in fact inserted in a crack in the wall, placed between two shelves.

    To provide the combination for its opening is a note stating:

    “Tom - I keep hearing shots at odd hours. We have no one to protect us from this crazy cult. We can't wait for the WLF to find us… we have to get to their base and join them. I started to accumulate materials inside the safe. Let's go out looking for the best route, we'll be back with a plan soon. Be careful, MK. PS - I almost forgot, the code is 38-55-23".

    Inside the safe the player will find a medical kit, explosive arrows and some supplements.

    Boat safe

    In the long journey Ellie lived in The Last Of Us: Part II you will also have the opportunity to explore a boat and notice the presence of a safe behind a metal fence in a garage. Once you leave the boat it will be possible to go up a flight of stairs, go through a window and take note of a Ferris wheel in the distance.

    In the corner of the nearby corridor you will see, on a corpse, a note addressed to Beth by Randall (the corpse, probably), inside which he invites the woman to retrieve everything he has inserted inside a safe using the code 70-12-64 for opening.

    By moving the mobile trolley placed in front of the corpse you will see a space in which to crawl: that passage will lead to an area below, fenced, where there will be the safe containing ammunition, supplements, weapon parts and resources.

    Day 1 Safe Codes (Abby)

    "Big Win" Camper Lottery Ticket Combination

    Once you have completed the boat puzzle you will have access to a new area of The Last of Us: Part II characterized by the presence of a camper, where it will be possible to find a note indicating the existence of a safe and, as a clue to identify the combination, "the great Victory".

    The Last of Us: Part II - Guide to safes

    The latter indicates the circled numbers on the lottery ticket placed on the cork board inside the van, that is 17-38-07. Inside the safe you will find the hunting pistol and a set of ammunition.

    Chinatown safe combination

    In one of the Chinatown shops of The Last of Us: Part II there is a safe. To open the latter, however, you must continue to the area and, two buildings opposite, locate the back door of another commercial activity.

    Proceeding in that direction and climbing the stairs you will have access to a room from which, after facing some clickers, you can go out on the balcony and, with a good run, jump on the one across the street. Turning left you will find a note with the security code 68-96-89 which, used on the Chinatown safe, will allow to obtain supplements and resources.

    Combination weapon storage safe for ferries

    Immediately after obtaining the crossbow, on a note, there is the code of the weapons depot 90-77-01. The latter can be used on a safe that will be identified later, located at the stern, on the back of a ship.

    Within the latter it will be possible to find the Ordnance update manual, some supplements and gun parts.

    Safe combination from Julia's apartment

    During the journey with Lev to the skybridge, you will have the opportunity to identify a point where you can jump onto a balcony from the street and, once some windows are broken, you will have access to several apartments.

    In the first of these, you will come into possession of a note that, reporting a conversation between the two neighbors Sam and Julia, mentions some supplies locked in a safe with the security code consisting of "our apartment number and your apartment number ".

    To open the box, located in the bedroom, you will need to enter the code 30-23-04, so that you have access to ammunition, resources and some weapon parts.

    Gym safe combination

    Following the fall from the skybridge you will find yourself in a gym. Crossing the latter you will arrive at Orchards Juice Bar, a place where you can find a note showing:

    “Please don't leave any valuables lying around during the shift. Employees have a safe in the cleaning cupboard located in the lobby. The code is the same as for WiFi. Sheryl ".

    The Last of Us: Part II - Guide to safes

    By following the signs for the hall you will find the safe, located in the room in front of the reception desk and which can only be opened after entering the code 12-18-79. There will be some inside materials.

    And with this you will have opened all the safes present in The Last of Us Part II, winning the relative trophy.

    ► The Last of Us: Part II is an Adventure-Action-Horror-Survival game developed by Naughty Dog and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment for PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 19/06/2020
    The Last of Us: Part II is a game to own at all costs: we decided to evaluate it with a 98%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Review of The Last of Us: Part II

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