On the occasion of its twenty years, Age of Empires II shines at E3 2019 one last time with the Definitive Edition, developed by Xbox Game Studios and published by Microsoft. In addition to the remastering in 4K of the original title and all its DLC, including the free expansion The Last Khans which contains three campaigns and four civilizations.
On Age Of Empires II: Definitive Edition, the AI has been significantly improved, so much so that it can (literally) beat its previous version, which will still be available in case the challenge is too difficult. But when you are tired of fighting, you can bask in the variety of codes, always present in the game, but now with a particular novelty!
How to use codes on Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition
Once the game has started and standing in front of the game map just hit enter and write the code you want to use, then press enter again to confirm.
To make sure it worked, there are several ways depending on the kind of code used: if it is a unit, it will be generated near the city center; if they are resources, then their number will increase; if you want to change the game, you will notice the change immediately. If these don't work, they'll appear as simple chat messages.
Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition code list
Map codes
- Marco: Reveal the whole map. Rewriting it will deactivate it.
- polo: Removes fog. This will also be disabled by typing it a second time.
Unit codes
- alpaca simulator: Generates a fighting alpaca, more precisely “Alfred the Alpaca”. It has a lot of defense and is strong in close combat, but weak in attacks from a distance.
- furious the monkey boy: Generates "Furious the Monkey Boy", a monkey capable of destroying small to medium buildings in one hit. It is slow and low in HP.
- how do you turn this on: Generates “AC Cobra”, a sports car that fires bullets at high speed and long range, but can injure allied troops.
- i don't exist: Generate a penguin with high resistance and attack.
- i love the monkey head: Generates a "VMDL", a very fast man suitable for exploration. It is unable to attack, but it makes the attack of the buildings it takes refuge more effective. Fun fact: VMDL stands for Villager Male David Lewis. David Lewis is one of the producers of the game.
- to smithereens: Spawns a "Saboteur", deals damage by detonating.
Resource Codes
- jimmy's cheese steak: Increase food by 10,000.
- lumberjack: Increases timber by 10,000.
- Robin Hood: Increases Gold by 10,000.
- rock on: Increase the stone by 10,000.
- ninjaconnor / ninjalui / rowshep: Increases all resources by 100,000.
Other codes
- ! mute: Mute taunts.
- ! nomute: Cancel ! mute.
- aegis: Speeds up construction, recruitment, research and resource gathering, also works on AI. Typing it a second time cancels it.
- black death: Eliminate all civilizations, including allies, except your own.
- ir winner: Declare instant victory.
- natural wonders: Allows you to control animals at the expense of your civilization. This code is irreversible.
- resign: Declare instant defeat.
- torpedo X: Delete the specified civilization. Insert the number of the chosen civilization in place of the X.
- impywimpywimpy: Eliminate all your units. It has the same function as resign.
- woof woof: Turn birds into "Storm dogs". They are flying dogs with red coats. The gameplay does not change.
The very recent discovery
Microsoft claims that with the improvement of the AI in Age Of Empires II: Definitive Edition there is no need to use cheats to win, but surprising the enemy is always a winning strategy: who would expect a cat piloting a shark equipped with turbojet that fires explosive laser bullets right above your own walls?
That's right, the new cheat in question, "catzor“, Will spawn a flying shark piloted by a cat near your city center, ready to fight! It seems that this new unit was already present among the game files in the previous HD version of the title, but it can only be used in this edition.
So here is the code to use to activate this unlikely power-up: * ctrl C; ctrl V intensifies *
► Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings is an RTS-Strategy game published by Microsoft Studios Konami for PC, Mac and PlayStation 2, the video game was released on 30/09/1999