Review for Assassin's Creed III Remastered. Game for Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 29/03/2019 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 21/05/2019
Ideals, patriotism, independence, action, war and acrobatic assassination - that's what every pixel of the famous title exudes Ubisoft Assassin's Creed III Remastered, which today finally lands on the small but powerful one Nintendo Switch. After enjoying the exploits of the assassin clan on PlayStation 4 e Xbox One finally we can enjoy the fantastic adventure of the eagles with the hidden blade also on the Nintendo laptop which, as we now well know, manages to enhance all the remastered.
How did Assassin's Creed III Remastered fare during our test?
Meanwhile, let's frame the package you will get with the purchase of the Ubisoft title, because together with Assassin's Creed III Remastered we will also find the restyling of Assassin's Creed III: Liberation (released only for PlayStation Vita) and all the DLC including the two titles. A series of contents capable of giving hours and hours of unbridled gameplay in the fabulous setting of the American War of Independence.
We talked extensively about the scenario and the plot in our previous review; on the occasion of the release of the remastered we prefer to focus our impressions on the Nintendo Switch version. We will therefore contextualize only strictly necessary for the porting analysis.
Through the Animus and thanks to the improved interface we will have to acquire skills and memories that will allow us to carry out our important mission. Thanks to the equipment we will take on the role of settlers, Templars and Indians passing through phases of animal possession, all surrounded by interdimensional experiences and spectacular battles. Of all Assassin's Creed this is by far the most complete and action-packed, without neglecting a wealth of content that justifies the plot and characters worthy of the titles of the new gen. Each character encountered has a story to consult in the database that justifies their behavior and existence; this, combined with the rich and impressive scenarios, creates a complete and engaging gaming experience despite the passage of time.
Assassin's Creed III Remastered is in fact the chapter with the most depth of all: in the course of our adventure we will go hunting, carry out missions with high historical accuracy, we will captain ships during excited battles in the open sea and we will live exciting and intense temporal experiences. The movies masterfully surround the plot without ever being frustrating and giving meaning to every memory we are going to live.
The combat system has been simplified on the one hand, dedicating a single button to parades and counterattacks and thus providing the possibility of chaining spectacular combos, while on the other, thanks to a system that allows you to add combos and moves during the adventure, it becomes more complex and multifaceted also by virtue of the possibility of using new and varied weapons.
Even the crafting of weapons and disguises has been improved thanks to the possibility of selling objects, recovering projects to bring to the artisans who, as you level up, become more and more able to build better and more devastating weapons. Even the scenarios offer infinite and decidedly rewarding approach possibilities as much as the AI of the enemies leaves room for some doubts. Enemies, for example, are alarmed too easily without acting effectively when we reveal ourselves in front of their eyes: exploiting numerical superiority, just to name one, is not something that has been properly taught, since practically our albeit valiant assassin is able to calmly defeat a dozen armed men and, if you keep good timing, you can take them all out without suffering any damage.
In reality, taking damage in Assassin's Creed III Remastered isn't all that relevant, given that in this chapter the Animus acquires a self-healing ability outside of battles, able to completely heal us. This little trick accentuates the action component of the title, naturally without penalizing the stealth part that is pushed by the missions we will face and that will require us in some cases not to be discovered or to go unnoticed.
However, do not think you are facing a title like Assassin's Creed III Remastered lightly: conquering even the secondary objectives of each memory is not always easy, and therefore should not be taken lightly. Luckily in this remastered post mortem uploads are reduced to the bone and wandering for minutes in the white fog of synchronization is a mere thing of the past.
Thanks to the fabulous work of the development team, enjoying Assassin's Creed III Remastered on Nintendo Switch is a joy for the eyes. Scenarios, lighting effects and characters have been adapted to make them accessible to the small Nintendo laptop, making a masterful compromise between framerate and graphics and actually making the gaming experience exciting to say the least.
A keen eye will immediately notice the graphic downgrade, especially found in the faces of the characters, excessively spirited and woody, as well as the lower framerate in mobility compared to the TV mode, but this in no way undermines the enjoyment of Assassin's Creed III Remastered, indeed: the possibility of using the title on the move - as Switch has accustomed us by now - enhances the latent potential of the title, thrilling the player from the very beginning.
Fortunately, gyroscopic movement commands have not been implemented and in our opinion this is good, since the stealth component and the action one do not require minimizing them. The menus sensitive to the touch screen are a small pearl, which although not essential remains pleasant during the game as we appreciated the use of the Rumble HD which warns us of the dangers and returns a discreet and pleasant feeling in the fights.
Voices on the net have reported unconfirmed news that Assassin's Creed III Remastered for Nintendo Switch would not be the result of a downgrade of the remastered versions for Playstation 4 and Xbox One but a real upgrade that starts as a basis from the version for Wii U. Not being able confirming these rumors we limit ourselves to saying that the finished product is extremely enjoyable and well cared for, with an extra twist if you prefer the game on TV. In any case, after several hours spent in the Animus, we feel like promoting the work done by Ubisoft with flying colors.
Assassin's Creed III Remastered is a small masterpiece that has many strong points: first of all the amount of content, then the audio in Spanish, and finally a lady remastering done with all the trappings of the case. The only sore point that the player could pay attention to is given by the passing of time and the comparison with the new gen titles that becomes self-evident, but a compelling storyline immersed in the accurate historical context makes these doubts pass into the background giving the player various hours of pure enjoyment
► Assassin's Creed III Remastered is an Adventure-Strategy game developed and published by Ubisoft for Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 29/03/2019 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 21/05/2019