After defeating the Ubisoft version of Cerberus, the Shadow of the Eagle will have to recruit the four Fallen Guardians to restore balance. In the world of Assassin's Creed Odyssey (and beyond) are four legendary heroes of Greek history. We warn you that following this guide could give you some small spoilers, even if you have already faced the Elysian Fields.
Before you can recruit all the Guardians, you must be able to cross the Veil of Tartarus. To do this, you will need the armor of the Fallen to which we have already dedicated this guide. Once you have the armor you can search for the four heroes in the Tartarus of Assassin's Creed Odyssey.
The first Guardian will be the killer of the most famous Gorgon, Perseus. You can also find it without going beyond the Veil. However, you must first defeat Deianira and to find her you must first get rid of the Poisoner and Epiktetos. Alternatively, you can find Perseus east of the Terre Bruciate. Use Ikaros to explore the area and you will see a large structure - Perseus will be in there.
The second Guardian will be Achilles. To find it you will first have to defeat Perseus and then pass the Veil. You should be able to unlock it automatically on the map. It is located east of the Fields of Mourning.
It will then be the turn of Agamemnon, the Mycenaean king. You should be able to automatically track it on the map after defeating the Swordfish. To find it you will have to go to the Well of Deprivation, south of the Burnt Lands, and throw yourself into it. At the bottom, take the path to the left, crossing the Veil to find it.
The last on the list is Hercules. Go north of the Abyss of Torment to reach Fort Tartarus. On the eastern side you will find the entrance to an underground chamber with inside which you will find Hercules.
► Assassin's Creed Odyssey is an Adventure-Action game developed and published by Ubisoft for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Google Stadia, the video game was released on 05/10/2018
Version for Google Stadia from 19/11/2019
Assassin's Creed Odyssey is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 89%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Assassin's Creed Odyssey Review