Review for Battlezone Gold Edition. Game for Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 01/05/2018 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 08/11/2018
Do you remember Battlezone? No? So you had a bad childhood! We're clearly kidding, even though Battlezone remains a real milestone in arcade cabinets. For everyone else, just know that Battlezone is a three dimensional first person shooter in which the player is called upon to drive a high-tech tank in order to defeat hordes of enemies. The original episode dates back to the 80s and was developed by Atari; in 2016, however, a brand new version signed by Rebellion arrives which, although it fully respects its essence, has still updated numerous aspects of the gameplay to make the title attractive even to today's public. After various updates and DLC, here is the debut definitive version, Battlezone Gold Edition, which contains in a single package what Rebellion has achieved to date.
The first striking aspect of Battlezone Gold Edition is certainly the graphics sector. Proposing realistic graphics like that of World of Tanks would not have made sense, so Rebellion has well thought of opting for a polygonal look, but with some references to the past. So here is that environments, enemies and the dashboard are all made through one low poly style and with monochrome textures, so as to remember, at least in part, those very simple wireframe polygons of the original. Everything has been embellished with cutting-edge special effects and a lighting system that give it a decidedly modern and pleasant look.
From a performance point of view, the choice to use an essential and simple style gave way to Battlezone Gold Edition of run with dignity even on less updated PC configurations, making it playable on laptops as well. However, the soundtrack is not surprising, but this is not the main element on which the production focuses.
In addition to graphics, much of Rebellion's efforts have focused on rejuvenating the entire gameplay system. The start of a new game consists first of all in the creation of a game board with hexagonal boxes on which the player will have to move to reach his goal. Each hex can hide both pitfalls and bonuses and supplies inside, so it will be up to us to figure out how best to move from turn to turn. When we meet an enemy, the real battle will start that will catapult us into the heart of the action. As mentioned above, the player will be put at the helm of a high-tech tank with which he will be called upon to defeat hordes and hordes of enemies. At his disposal he will have an emergency cannon and two other types of weapon of his choice, which can be customized and enhanced according to the style of play that you want to adopt. From clash to clash, objectives and enemies encountered can vary: at times we will be required to eliminate turrets, at other times to conquer strategic points or, again, to shoot down all enemy air vehicles. In short, an indispensable variety to keep the player's attention high, which otherwise could soon find the formula very repetitive and limited.
There are two real modes, online and offlineHowever, various aspects of randomly generated games can be customized: this will help create ever new situations. The single player game will clearly be fundamental both to learn the basics and to become familiar with the different types of missions available. The online, on the other hand, represents the real battlefield where you can practice your skills in the company of three other friends. What sorry is the total absence of the PVP: online, in fact, only allows you to play cooperative matches, so you won't be able to play it with other human players.
The original Battlezone made arcade history, and this new version is also capable of delivering a number of satisfactions. Unfortunately, the absence of an online competitive mode cuts the legs to the entire game system: cooperating with your friends is certainly a good idea, but do you want to put the satisfaction of blasting them with a high-tech tank? A real shame, because the basic system is well made, and also the control scheme manages to be immediate but not trivial or shallow for this. The biggest "upgrade" of Battlezone Gold Edition therefore remains the possibility of being played in its entirety even by those who do not have a headset for virtual reality.
► Battlezone Gold Edition is an Action-type game developed and published by Rebellion for Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 01/05/2018 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 08/11/2018