Review for Bayonetta. Game for PlayStation Network, PC, Wii U, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 29/10/2009 The version for PC came out on 11/04/2017 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 16/02/2018
Bayonetta, one of the first creatures of Platinum Games, is a title that dates back to 2009 in full it was Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 and yet today, almost 10 years after its debut we are still here to talk about it. What is so special about this game then? Actually a lot of things, and the fact that it even piqued Nintendo's interest is the clearest proof. Despite the time that has passed, Bayonetta remains a game that hasn't aged a second, a quality that many other even younger “colleagues” cannot boast.
However, there are various elements that have helped to preserve the original charm intact and they are all the result of an expert hand and very skilled with action games.
In fact, who created Bayonetta is Hideki Kamiya, a very important name in the sector and which can boast unforgettable productions such as Resident Evil 2, Devil May Cry and Viewtiful Joe within its curriculum. The Platinum Games action game, however, arrived on the market in a period of decline for Japanese developers, so much so that not many players realized its great qualities. After also arriving on Wii U and PC, here is therefore that our beloved Witch of Umbra makes her debut on the hybrid Nintendo Switch in what could be its definitive version.
Bayonetta adapts perfectly to the dynamics of a portable console as the division into chapters, the frequent checkpoints, the possibility of replaying the missions already completed and the fast but nonetheless jumpable animated sequences mean that even with little time available, a game you always manage to do it. However, this does not compromise longevity at all, which indeed benefits thanks to the very high replayability factor.
If you are new to this series, however, do not expect open world environments or explorable macro areas. Bayonetta is based almost entirely on a superfine battle system, extremely fast and technical, a bit of platforming phases and a well-calibrated level of difficulty. Then there are no contaminations from the RPG world, just a few simple secrets to find and an original and very varied arsenal of weapons. Naked action, just like it did in Devil May Cry or Ninja Gaide, and it couldn't have been a better choice. Of course, as a famous tire advertisement said, power is nothing without control, and such a title could have some problems playing on Nintendo Switch Joycons. Fortunately, however, the conversion and adaptation work was excellent and Bayonetta checks herself that it is a pleasure, even through those small and analog keys. The ideal, however, would be a more massive Pro Controller, the results obtained with the grip for the Joycons is however a discreet and much cheaper alternative.
On the purely technical side, if it may initially disappoint the fact that the game runs at a resolution of 1280 * 720 pixels in both docked and undocked mode, you will soon realize how much this actually represents a well-considered choice by the development team. . Switch is a beast if we think of its size, however the computing power is not such as to perform miracles: at the time even the Xbox 360 had difficulty in maintaining a constant 60 frames per second, even dropping below 40 in the most demanding situations. On the Nintendo hybrid all this does not happen, the 60 frames per second are maintained for almost the entire adventure and any drops are less severe and occur on very rare occasions. Better than Switch are only Xbox One X and PC, but here we are talking about non-portable machines and above all they cost much more.
“Fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars” - and Bayonetta for Nintendo Switch is just what he wants you to do. The Platinum Games masterpiece is in better shape than ever, it does not accuse the passage of time at all and indeed it is still as fun as the first day it debuted in stores. Hideki Kamiya is an action game genius and if you are a fan of the genre, Bayonetta cannot be missing from your library! Do you want to put the satisfaction of torturing angels on the bus?
► Bayonetta is an Action-Third Person Shooter game developed by Nintendo PlatinumGames Sega and published by Nintendo PlatinumGames Sega for PlayStation Network, PC, Wii U, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 29/10/2009 The version for PC came out on 11/04/2017 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 16/02/2018
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