You find yourself stuck in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night? Don't worry, we at Epic Videogames Guide offer you a practical guide divided into several parts, where each part will follow in detail one of the areas complete with a strategy for the boss.
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night - PART 1: GALEON MINERVA
- After the conversation with Johannes, open the chest and get the Knife and Kung Fu Shoes.
- Defeat the Seama to get your first Fragment: Cerulean Sketch.
- Jump to the upper level and open the chest to get a Potion.
- Use the right analog to control Miriam's arm. Make it point towards the top of the door. It will slowly turn red and activate.
- Go outside and kill the monsters that stand in front of you along the way.
- Drop off a thin platform by pressing the jump button while holding the down rudder.
- Go to the far left to get a Potion.
- Go to the next room on the right to get one Tunic.
- Break the candles in front of you whenever possible. They drop money or materials, and when you don't have full Mana they drop roses that will restore some of your spent Mana.
- Save often. There are no checkpoints in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, and if you die you will lose all experience progress, drops, and so on. On top of that, saving will fully restore your health and mana.
- Go back to the room where you found the Tunic and get off.
- Go to the room on the left and defeat him Cannon spectrum to get a new Fragment. To use a Directional Fragment, move Miriam's Right Arm with the right analog and then shoot using the corresponding button. Equip the Fragment Burning Cannon and use it on the cannon to unlock the path in front of you.
- Go to the room on the left and open the chest.
- Go down and go to the room on the right.
- Defeat all Cannon Wraiths in the area and get the Map of the Galleon. All the Treasure Chests will also appear on the Mini Map.
- Get the Short Sword from the chest at the top right of this room.
- Keep moving right until you reach the save point.
- Go back outside, go up and open the chest.
- Go to the room to the right and open the chest that contains the Ripped Scarf.
- Go down and defeat the enemies in front of you.
- Continue to the room on the right.
- Go up and open the chest.
- Keep going up until you find a room with a Chest. Open it to get the Claymore.
- Go to the room on the left while continuing to defeat the enemies.
- Use the Burning Cannon Fragment on the Cannon to unlock a passage.
- Go to the room on the left and drop down to open a chest with one inside Head Band.
- Go left from the previous chest and find another one with a inside Musketoon.
- Return to the deck of the ship, saving on the way.
- Use the hanging wooden platform to go to the top left of the bridge. There you will find a chest containing a Campagnolo dress.
- Head back to the save point, and head to the room directly below it.
- Climb on the platform in the middle of the room to be able to advance to the next one.
- Push the wooden crate and use it as a platform to climb up. There you will find a Whip and you can continue to the upper room.
- Continue to the right until you reach a door that opens by itself when you approach. Don't go inside for now, this is the boss room. For now, open the chest in this room and drop down to get 500G and get to the save point.
- After saving you can start the battle against Vepar, the first boss of the game. Here are some tips: - The enemy is often stationary, so equip the Claymore to deal as much damage as possible.
- Every now and then he will open his mouth and shoot Seama who will join the fight. Kill them as quickly as possible so you can focus on Vepar.
- Vepar also fires water jets that inflict massive damage. Move or use the back dodge button when this happens.
- When Vepar attacks with its tentacles, wait for it to land, then jump to avoid the sweep.
When Vepar moves to the central area, it will use a beam of compressed water all over the floor. You can jump the beam when it gets to where you are and keep attacking it.
- Use Directional Shards whenever possible. They do a lot more damage than the equipped weapon, and it won't be long before you manage to defeat the boss.
With this you have passed the first zone of Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night. From here you can head to Arantville, following the next guide.
► Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is a Metroidvania-type game developed by WayForward Technologies and published by 505 Games for Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 18/06/2019 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 25/06/2019
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 82%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Review of Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night