Our guide on how to defeat Selene and Dag in Bravely Default II.
Bravely Default II is Square Enix's latest JRPG and the newest chapter in the acclaimed Bravely series. Offering a classic turn-based combat system, Bravely Default II is a title that has surely conquered fans of the classic Japanese-style role-playing games of the nineties and which at the same time, thanks to the Brave and Default system, has managed to give the kind of a breath of fresh air.
The title is also not particularly easy and, on the contrary, continually challenges the player with a decidedly difficult boss fight to face. But rest assured and don't give up. Thanks to our guides, you will know how to arm yourself against the bosses and get the better of these fearsome enemies. Let's start with the first real boss fight of the game: Selene and Dag.
Well yes. The first boss fight is actually a battle against two bosses: Selene and Dag, in fact. To be able to defeat them without hitting the game over too many times, there are two strategies that we recommend.
The first, particularly offensive, consists in harness the magic of your Dark Magician, using the elemental magic of fire and thunder. Since with this strategy you will face the two openly, we also recommend that you wear heavy armor at the party in order to be sufficiently protected in defense.
The second strategy, on the other hand, is more tactical and wait-and-see, but no less effective. By taking advantage of the defense spells and positioning yourself in Default mode, you will always be sufficiently protected from enemy attacks and thus you can leave the dirty work to Sir Sloane who will attack the bosses for you.
This was our guide on how to defeat Selene and Dag in Bravely Default II and what strategy did you use? As always, we invite you to tell us in the comments.
► Bravely Default II is an RPG type game developed by Claytechworks Co. Ltd. Team Asano and published by Nintendo for Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 31/12/2020
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