Review for Capcom Arcade Stadium. Game for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 17/02/2021 The version for PC came out on 25/05/2021 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 25/05/2021 The version for Xbox One came out on 25/05/2021
When it comes to arcade of a certain level, the mind immediately flies towards Capcom, one of the most prolific Japanese software houses to have trod the arcades around the world during what can be defined, without fear of denial, the golden age of coin-ops, that is the period that starting from the middle of the years '80 has come to lap the first months of the new millennium, defining three decades in which the evolution of videogames has often passed through the technical evolution that only cabinets could offer.
It is not surprising, therefore, the whole cornucopia of collections conceived to date with the aim of exploiting extremely dated works, while refreshing old-time players and their watered-down memories. Cornucopia under which Capcom Arcade Stadium it must obviously be inserted, placing a half between that almost museum-like attitude to the preservation of the great classics and the simple cheap market.
What is surprising right from the start, in the negative, is the failure to include some milestones (Knights of the Round, The King of Dragons, the two Dungeons & Dragons, just to name a few excellent names) whose presence would have greatly increased the gross value of this collection. As it is, however, Capcom Arcade Stadium alternates some highs (Ghouls' n Ghosts, Commando, Final Fight) to binary creations which, although good, certainly cannot be considered seminal works. And then there is Street Fighter II, here proposed in three different variants (The World Warrior, Hyper Fighting and Super Turbo): a rather senseless choice, considering that probably the implementation of the more advanced version could have been sufficient, at least for the average user. The entire Capcom Arcade Stadium offer consists of three packages, each of which relates to a different historical period:
Capcom Arcade Stadium Pack 1: Dawn of the Arcade (84′-88 ′)
- Vulgus;
- Pirate Ship Higemaru;
- 1942;
- Commando;
- Section Z;
- Tatakai no Banka;
- Legendary Wings;
- Bionic Commando;
- Forgotten Worlds;
- Ghouls' n Ghosts;
Capcom Arcade Stadium Pack 2: Arcade Revolution (89′-92 ′)
- Strider;
- Dynasty Wars;
- Final Fight;
- 1941 - Counter Attack;
- Senjo no Okami II;
- Mega Twins;
- Carrier Air Wing;
- Street Fighter II: The World Warrior;
- Captain Commando;
- Varth - Operation Thunderstorm;
Capcom Arcade Stadium Pack 3: Aercade Evolution (92′-01 ′)
- Warriors of Fate;
- Street Fighter II: Hyper Fighting;
- Super Street Fighter II Turbo;
- Powered Gear: Strategic Variant Armor Equipment;
- Cyberbots - Fullmetal Madness;
- 19XX - The War Against Destiny;
- Battle Circuit Giga Wing;
- 1994 - The Loop Master;
- progear
Without fear of denial, it is clearly evident that most of the games featured have been published countless times over the years. It is also evident the unwillingness to include in Capcom Arcade Stadium some breaking element able to revive the interest in these classics, almost as if the development team had wanted to achieve the maximum result with the minimum effort. In addition to what was proposed just a few months ago by the Nintendo Switch version, Capcom Arcade Stadium in PlayStation 4 edition offers a couple of minor novelties: a mode that gives invincibility and that allows even the most incapable of users to overcome any obstacle without any problem, flanked by a series of thirty-two backgrounds made with the illustrations of each of the titles proposed in Capcom Arcade Stadium.
What hasn't changed is the price at which everything is offered: € 39,99 for the bundle triptych, € 14,99 if you want to buy a single pack, certainly an excessive cost for what is proposed. The introduction of challenges and a system of triumphs, who tries to mimic the concept of goals a bit, at least they manage to generate some appeal in those who compulsively seek the achievement of every single achievement in their gamer career, slightly refreshing the entire offer. Even on a technical level, of course, practically nothing has changed compared to the previous release on the hybrid of the Super Mario house: the quality of the proposed emulation is confirmed to be on good levels. The implementation of filters to improve the cosmetic quality of the experience, including the ability to rotate the screen, is interesting, even if somewhat obvious, especially if you decide to play the shoot 'em ups of the collection. In terms of playability, the response to the commands is confirmed to be quite reactive and in line with what one would expect from Capcom.
Also on PlayStation, Capcom Arcade Stadium confirms its nature as a product aimed mainly at those who want to relive, at home, the golden age of the arcades. The few notable additions, together with a selection of titles that could certainly have been better and more varied, are all elements that do not allow the collection to reach higher qualitative heights.
► Capcom Arcade Stadium is a Beat 'em up-Shooter-Platform-Arcade game developed and published by Capcom for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 17/02/2021 The version for PC came out on 25/05/2021 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 25/05/2021 The version for Xbox One came out on 25/05/2021