Review for Cat Quest. Game for Android, PlayStation Network, PC, iOS, Mac, PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 08/08/2017 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 10/11/2017 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 10/11/2017
One of the advantages of Nintendo Nintendo Switch is its hybrid nature as a home / portable console which makes it the perfect platform to accommodate any type of indie title, and it is no coincidence that many software houses are massively bringing their productions to the latest. born of the house in Kyoto. Among these we also find The Gentlebros with their Cat Quest, born for mobile and PC (version that we reviewed at the time) and only recently landed on Playstation 4 and, in fact, Nintendo Switch. This last incarnation is a prime example of how the Nintendo console is the ideal platform for certain titles, since it combines the practicality of joy-con controls (instead of touch controls), with the convenient portability that PC and PS4 do not they can offer.
It was therefore a pleasure to be able to try the delicious on Switch Cat Quest, revealed to be one of the most interesting indies of recent times.
From the point of view of the setting and the narrative sector, Cat Quest does not offer anything original, but rather focuses everything on classic and nostalgia. As the title suggests, however, it does revisiting everything in feline sauce: the game is in fact set in a typical fantasy world, populated entirely by anthropomorphic cats, complete with recurring puns in names or ways of speaking.
The story begins with our hero surprised during a boat trip by a dark figure named Drakoth, who for no apparent reason kidnaps his sister and destroys her boat, forcing him to be shipwrecked on the shore of the kingdom of Felingard. Here he will be rescued by Spirry, a guiding spirit who will recognize in him the mark of the Dragonborn, a mythical lineage of felines able to stand up to dragons, suddenly returned to the kingdom to wreak havoc. Thus begins the journey to find the kidnapped sister and thwart the plans of the shady Drakoth.
As already mentioned, the plot has a deliberately ultraclassic flavor, and on several occasions it clearly resorts to quotes from other games (avoiding spoilers, just think that the original Dragonblood is "Dragonblood", from which it is impossible not to grasp the similarity with Skyrim's Dragonborn) and in general various clichés are touched upon which fans of fantasy games will be accustomed to. Towards the end a couple of surprises are reserved, but faced in a very light way, in line with the general tone of the adventure. The main story is pleasant enough, nothing more. A shame for the last boss fight that is decidedly not very satisfying, after which the game leaves us with a really too open ending; evidently the developers have decided to keep space for a possible sequel, but leaving with a bad taste in the mouth.
Fortunately, the numerous side missions contribute a lot to give substance to the game and, while some of them you will find yourself even skipping the negligible dialogues, others will reveal some interesting details about the background of the main story. The sub quests are also so numerous enough to temporarily forget the main story.
Mastering the combat system is really simple, revealing in its simplicity an eye to the mobile. We will be able to attack with the equipped weapon and roll away to dodge the opponent's attacks, appropriately marked by a red range of action; during the adventure we will unlock various spells that we can assign to one of the four backbones. The whole thing will be in learning the attack patterns of the various enemies and knowing how to adapt our offensive accordingly, attacking and rolling away at the right time. The spells will consume magical energy, which we can restore through physical attacks: in this way you will always be led to seek a balance between the two types of attack. The various items of equipment will still allow a minimum space for customization for those wishing to specialize their style of play.
We are therefore faced with a hack 'n slash with simple but effective controls, and a game rhythm that is addictive and makes the hours of play go by as if nothing had happened. Only in the long run will you be able to feel a certain stagnation and repetitiveness of the mechanics, also thanks to the level design of the dungeons which does not exactly shine for originality. The game difficulty is certainly not high, but a bit of effort will still be required, especially in moments when you will be surprised by several enemies at the same time; attacking enemies head-on with blind slashes will inevitably bring you to the Game Over screen.
Visually, the game is presented in two-dimensional cartoon-style graphics, well designed and bright colors. The animations are certainly not on par with Vanillaware's works, but they work just enough for a product of this caliber, as do the occasional special effects.
The soundtrack is pleasant and in line with the light-hearted mood of the adventure, but despite the compositions being effective, unfortunately in the long run they are quite repetitive.
Cat Quest is an indie with a parody personality without great claims of originality or depth, but it is still a well packaged, nice and pleasant product, especially for those who want to spend ten hours having fun in lightness. The game is fully translated into Spanish and if you don't mind a certain “cheesy” humor that the dialogues are imbued with, together with its cute appearance it will be able to make you more than a smile and put you in a good mood.
► Cat Quest is an RPG type game developed by The Gentlebros and published by PQube for Android, PlayStation Network, PC, iOS, Mac, PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 08/08/2017 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 10/11/2017 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 10/11/2017
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