Code Vein, souls like in anime sauce, was able to amaze with the quality of its story and the complexity of the lore. Nothing is left to chance and the numerous NPCs have torrential lines of dialogue ready to unravel all the secrets of this post-apocalyptic world. This complexity is reflected in the finale, which can vary according to the protagonist's actions. In total there are three distinct endings: "Heirs", "To Eternity" and "Dweller in the Dark".
While the first two represent the worst and neutral ending respectively, the last, Dweller in the Dark, is the one considered canon.
In the title of Bandai Namco there are particular bosses called successors. Killing them all will get the ending "Heirs", while just save even one to unlock "To Eternity". For the canonical ending, all must be saved, an operation that is not entirely obvious. Before facing a successor it is necessary to find all the vestiges related to their memory, so that you can unlock the save option once they have been faced in combat.
The vestiges to be collected are always found in the area before the boss and there will always be an NPC ready to remember how many and which ones are missing.
The areas to look for these items are:
- Cathedral of Sacred Blood
- Ridge of Frozen Souls
- Ridge of Frozen Souls
- Throat's Vestiges
By saving the successors, the vestiges of Eos are obtained, necessary for the good ending. Once these four have been collected, it is necessary to visit the Provisional Government Center, where the rest are found. Healing all the vestiges of Eos before facing the final boss will allow you to witness an extra scene, useful for having a complete picture of the world of Code Vein.
► Code Vein is an Action-RPG type game developed and published by Bandai Namco for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 27/09/2019
Code Vein is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 85%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Code Vein Review