The mad scientists of Remedy Entertainment, developers of the excellent action game Control, have hidden one in their title mission / cameo of the legendary Hideo Kojima. You may be able to carry out this mission without even realizing it and there is no need to miss the trip that has been reserved for you.
The mission is called 'Dr. Yoshimi Tokui's Imaginary', and that's exactly what it sounds like. Instead of gunfights with Hiss-infected soldiers, an isolation chamber awaits you where you'll hear Hideo Kojima's strange narrative as he takes you on a personal journey. We don't know how personal she really is, but her words will create extremely vivid dreams.

Sam Lake, screenwriter of Control, with the master Kojima.
To play the mission narrated by Hideo Kojima you will need to have purchased the Season Pass by Control. The DLC is available online and includes two major expansions of stories: The Foundation ed EMA. The strange missions with Hideo Kojima, the creator of the Metal Gear Solid and Death Stranding franchise, are included in the pass itself, which includes among other things all additional content provided for the Remedy title.
However, despite having purchased the Season Pass, the mission will be available but the game will not explicitly tell you how to find it. We explain how.
Go to the Extrasensory Laboratory, connected to the parapsychological area of the research sector. In the lab, look for isolation pod # 4 and collect the correspondence note here. If you don't have the Season Pass, this document folder will not appear.
To experience the mission 'The Imaginary of Dr. Yoshimi Tokui', you will need find two tapes.
- The first is located in the ritual division of the research sector. Take the elevator to the office and you will find it there;
- The second is in the HRA laboratory, research sector. Take the stairs to the upper office;
Then return to the Extrasensory Lab to begin your guided experiences of extrasensory images.
These are not actual missions. You will hear Hideo Kojima's narration, which is of course in Japanese, while a translation will guide you through the dream journey. There are no enemies to fight, but you will have a different experience. And then it's Kojima, sorry if it's cheap!
If, on the other hand, you are looking for a way to acquire all the skills of Jesse Faden, we have here the one for you!
► Control is an Adventure-Action game developed by Remedy Entertainment and published by 505 Games for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, the video game was released on 27/08/2019
Control is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 85%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Control Review