Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time is one of the great releases of October and as expected brings with it trophies for those who want to be thorough and complete the title 100%.
In all they are 51 trophies to be obtained to be able to say that it has completed Crash Bandicoot 4. The official sequel to Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped counts on well 40 bronze trophies, 8 silver trophies, 2 gold trophies and one last platinum, which plans to collect all the collectible. Completing the game at 100% or even 106% will mean unlocking all the trophies, as well as the final cutscenes.
Among these are the story-related trophies, which can be unlocked simply by playing, and those with more cryptic descriptions that need a treasure hunt for the various levels. The Zapping trophy, for example, is unlocked by spinning the TV several times at the start of the game, as soon as Crash wakes up near the beach.
After this introduction, we leave you to the list of all the trophies of Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time!
Bronze Trophies
- Zapping: Do some zapping
- Loud and clear: Make some noise
- The chatty robot: Shut up N. Gin
- Silence, scientist: Shut up N. Brio
- You played them!: Defeat N. Gin with his Mass Percussion Weapon
- Master mixer: Defeat N. Brio
- The fourth time: Defeat Dr. Neo Cortex
- UOAH, YES!: You collected a lot of Bumpa
- Concert in the landfill: He plays in a ... particular location
- Bad targets: Practice with the target
- Taste this!: Aim and shoot!
- Come here, kitty-kitty!: Scare the cat hiding at the party
- The fruits of hard work: Find out where Bumpa Berries come from
- Big fan of audiovisuals: Get a Flashback Tape
- N. Winable: Complete a story level without dying
- Bully: Defeat an enemy with the Triple Turn
- Wow!: Perform a triple turn
- Dress up: Try a skin
- Faster than a turtle: Obtain a relic of the Time Trials
- The perfect guinea pig: Get a flashback Relic
- So called perfectionist: Obtain a perfectly N. Sana Relic.
- Sudden, but inevitable: Treason! From your worst enemy.
- Ladies first: Complete a level with Coco
- No, now it's MY turn: Complete a level with Pass and Play enabled
- Cataclysmic proportions: Meet Lani-Loli
- Silent protagonist: Meet Akano
- I see through time: Meet Kapuna-Wa
- Ups and downs: Meet Ika-Ika
- Do you suffer from vertigo?: Perform a double jump while crouching or after a slide
- Arrogant emerald: Find the hidden Green Gem
- Dizzying Sapphire: Find the hidden Blue Gem.
- Ruby red: Find the hidden red gem.
- Space for topaz: Find the hidden yellow gem.
- A marsupial with rhinestones: Obtain half of the clear Gems
- New record: Play a game of Crate Combos
- A tutto gas: Take part in a checkpoint race
- Another perspective: Complete a Timeline
- Secondary road: Complete a bonus path
- I FEEL DIZZY!!!: Complete a level in N. Vertito mode.
- Defeat them, one way or the other: Defeat a boss in N. Vertita mode
Silver Trophies
- Faster than light: Collect ALL Platinum Relics from Time Trials
- We conclude the experiments: Obtain ALL flashback Relics
- King of gems: Obtain ALL clear Gems
- emmeg elled eR: Collect ALL N. Vertite Gems
- Double madness: Defeat Doctors N. Tropy
- The complete picture: Complete all Timelines
- Front and back: Complete all levels in N. Vertita mode.
- Ambitious: Watch the 100% bonus ending
Gold Trophies
- The past is the future: Defeat Dr. Neo Cortex… again.
- Ultra-ambitious: Watch the 106% bonus ending
Platinum Trophies
- Marsupial master: Get ALL trophies
This was the Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time trophy list, currently available for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The title has made itself known for being unfriendly with newcomers - in a word "difficult" - so you will have to repeat the levels over and over again, refining your platforming techniques and going well beyond the expected hours to reach the titles tail.
We wish you the best of luck, and if you are interested in knowing what we think of the great return of Crash you can find our review here.
► Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time is a Platform-type game developed and published by Activision for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 02/10/2020