Review for Crusader kings iii. Game for Linux, PC and Mac, the video game was released on 31/12/2020
Certainly Paradox Development Studio is not a developer known for big innovations. If a game works just bring it back with obvious technical and mechanical improvements. This is the philosophy and Crusader kings iii it does not go out of the way in the past with Crusader Kings II.
Can a game released quietly towards the end of the summer, without big claims, without huge and phantasmagoric announcements, join the elite of triple AAA (at least as far as the PC is concerned)? The answer is only one: yes.
Who buys Paradox games, then, is a true lover of history and all-round strategy. As stated in the tutorial of this last effort by the guys from Stockholm, the aim is not necessarily to conquer the whole worldindeed, the aim is to be able to found a domain that spans the centuries. Stability is the hardest thing to get into Crusader kings iii and the quality that will be most rewarded will be patience. Those who know this franchise well know that the depth of Paradox games can be, at times, even disturbing. Dozens of panels for dozens of different managements make the gaming experience a real "job". In this case, however, it must be said that Crusader kings iii has improved a lot, managing to give players of different levels pure fun.
The simplification is only apparent. The menus will continue to be as deep as the player wishes but affecting each parameter will not be a must. For those who still do not know the whole long series of video games of this developer we say that if you are looking for an all-round strategic game experience, the choice can only fall on the Paradox titles.
Also in this case we will be able to choose whether to be Counts, Dukes or Kings, everything is in choosing the territory we want to control at the beginning. The map of playable factions is vast. It goes from the coasts of Portugal to the borders of China and we have the inclusion of sub-Saharan Africa is much appreciated. The possibilities, therefore, are endless and you will discover realms that you did not even suspect existed. The choice of the domain with which to start the game is important but not too much. There are lords without heirs, lords surrounded by enemies or tiny potentates with stratospheric allies. What is really difficult to do in Crusader kings iii is to have patience. Game speed control is an essential factor to fully enjoy the experience but it can become a kind of drug, and not a good one.
Running time too quickly will lead to total defeat. Day after day there are many aspects to take care of within your domain. We need to manage relations with Council members and vassals, diplomacy with neighbors, organize marriages to secure alliances, set up plots to support our goals and make the most disparate decisions.
Yeah, the decisions. There are many situations in which a ruler must necessarily have his say and get his hands dirty. Our person will be faced with dilemmas that will also have serious repercussions on the kingdom. To raise the taxes of a vassal, to stop two nobles who sit on the council from quarreling by making sure that neither of them hate us for it, to cure cancer ... Not much. What the guys at Paradox probably thought about was making their game really fun. And they succeeded. Crusader kings iii abandon a little the extreme difficulty of some other titles of the same developer to make sure that the player can actually play with history and destiny. The neophyte's main stumbling block will be the growth of the kingdom, not so much at the level of occupied territories but rather at the level of infrastructures to be built and expanded within it. Another stumbling block could be the different government organizations that different cultures have. Playing with a Mongolian tribe and a Spanish potentate is never the same thing.
Laws of succession, laws of vassalage, customs, faiths, factions. All these factors will have to be properly taken into consideration, otherwise our dominion will rapidly descend and total defeat. In general, in this Crusader kings iii it is very easy to win, but just as easy to lose. Probably what had to be done was to make the tutorial a little more in-depth, especially regarding the issues we have just addressed. This turns out to be, in the end, a tutorial for beginners of the works of Paradox Interactive but it is quite useless for veterans or those who need to refresh their memory.
A pearl with a minimal weight of 8 Gb. What really gives us Crusader kings iii is the possibility of write our story. Give it a try: try to keep track of your kingdom's history on a Word sheet. You will see that it will not stray far from the history books you study (or studied) at school. Paradox definitely gives life to the Middle Ages, to an organism that breathes.
The only points against such a well-conceived title are a system of fortuitous events that tends more towards bad luck than luck and an introductory price perhaps a bit high for what is the actual economy of the game. For the rest, however, Crusader kings iii is the strategy you have been waiting for. o
► Crusader Kings III is an RPG-Simulation-Strategy game developed and published by Paradox Interactive for Linux, PC and Mac, the video game was released on 31/12/2020