Once you reach rank 2 of the pact of Pilgrims of Darkness di Dark Souls II, you will have access to the area of Dark chasm where the fearsome optional boss resides: the Dark Hunter. To have access to the fight you must have completed all three dungeons of the pact and have lit the fireplaces inside them. Once you turn on the last of them you can challenge the wonderful and fearsome enemy. Unfortunately, if you manage to emerge victorious from the battle, you will have to redo one of the three dungeons and go through the fog again. Are you ready for the challenge?
Strategy and useful tips:
This optional Dark Souls II boss is not at all easy to deal with, as it is fast and extremely harmful. Know that his most fearsome shots are those made from a distance, so always keep an eye on him. When you notice that he is about to cast the fireballs or the dark ones, start running to avoid them and stop only when he has finished. But when he takes off to cast the dark beam, wait for it to finish, obviously avoiding it, then run under him to attack him. Always stay close to him and dodge the blows: once the sequence of attacks is finished, you will have a few moments to hit him. Mind you though: when it curls up on itself it means that it is about to make the dark explosion. The latter is a blow to be avoided absolutely. Remember that his magical attacks are capable of causing massive damage and should absolutely be avoided.
At a certain point in the battle in Dark Souls II, the Dark Hunter will create his duplicate: from this moment on, you will have to be doubly careful and attack only when you are sure that you have dodged the dangerous blows of the two enemies.
Remember that the Dark Hunter is extremely weak to fire, so you can use pyromancy to have a relatively easy life. It can also be tackled from a distance with spells or arrows, but it is not recommended as it means having to avoid its spells, which are really dangerous.
- Dark Slashes: With a blade of energy, it will try to hit your character with relatively easy to stem slashes and thrusts
- Fireballs: the boss raises his hands upwards and creates a fireball, from which three fireballs come out and will come towards you; to dodge by rolling or running in circles around the arena
- Dark Spheres: the boss creates two dark spheres, from which other energy balls will come out and try to hit you; do not get caught, because the damage inflicted would be really huge
- Dark Ray: The Dark Hunter soars into the air and casts a beam of dark energy from his hand, easily avoidable by dodging or running underneath him
- Soul Spear: If you are very far from him, the boss will throw at you a Soul Spear of dark energy, very easy to avoid
- Dark Explosion: The Dark Hunter snuggles up on himself, and then releases a huge amount of dark energy, to be avoided by moving away
- Invisibility: The boss becomes invisible for a few seconds and reappears a short distance from where he disappeared
- Teleportation: The Dark Hunter teleports from one area of the arena to another, causing you to lose your aim and create some difficulties
- Mitosis: once he has lost 30% of his HP, the boss becomes able to create a copy of himself, in all respects identical to him, which will make the fight even more complex
- 35000 cores in NG / 70000 in NG +
- Soul of the Dark Hunter
- Rank 3 in the Pact of the Pilgrims of Darkness
To explore the nature of this mysterious boss, who even on an aesthetic level seems “forced” into the Dark Souls imagery created by FromSoftware, it is good to start from a small premise. In English, in fact, the boss is called "Darkluker" and, analyzing the term "lurker”You can immediately extrapolate an important truth. The Hunter, in fact, would seem to be more than anything else a prey, and the reasons that push in this direction are actually many. The first great truth is represented by the very appearance of the creature, which remembers in all respects an entity that we could define as celestial and, probably, we could not be so far from the truth.
In Dark Souls II the Dark Hunter it is practically insensitive to dark attacks and uses multiple magic different from the classic ones of those who live in darkness itself. In particular the ability to teleport, is very reminiscent of that of Four Kings, of which it inherits, summarily, also the aesthetic aspect. The Dark Hunter, therefore, could be the first contact for the series coming from an almost heavenly conception, a being that could have invaded the Dark for some reason and then find himself trapped inside it. Just keeping to his name of "spy", the Dark Hunter could have been waiting for eons, waiting for the one who, after having found him, could have freed him from a never really coveted condition. What is the truth behind the mysterious being, however, we cannot know. The fact remains that, surely, the Dark Hunter remains one of the most impressive mysteries of the iconography set by the work of Hidetaka Miyazaki.
► Dark Souls II is an RPG-Adventure game developed by FromSoftware and published by FromSoftware Bandai Namco for PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, the video game was released on 11/03/2014 The version for PC came out on 25/04/2014