In Dark Souls II, rings are handy items that, when equipped, will increase your stats. Below we provide you with the complete list of memorabilia, their description and directions on where to find them.
Vital ring: increases maximum HP by 5%. It is found in the Forest of Fallen Giants, +1 in Fort Ferreo and +2 in the Sanctuary of Amana.
Ring of Chlorancy: increases stamina recovery speed by 3,5%. Found in the Forest of Fallen Giants, +1 Shady Woods and +2 Executioner's Chariot (NG + only).
Royal Guard Ring: increases the maximum load by 10%. Found in Desolate Dock, +1 Drangleic Castle and +2 Velstadt, the Royal Guard (NG + only).
First Dragon Ring; Second Dragon Ring; Third Dragon Ring: the first increases the maximum HP by 3%, the energy by 5%, and the maximum load by 5%, the second increases the maximum HP by 5%, the energy by 10%, and the maximum load by 10% and the third increases maximum HP by 7,5%, energy by 12,5%, and maximum load by 10%. To get the first you will need to get to rank 2 of the Champions covenant, the second you will get from tark and the third is in the Dragon Sanctuary.
Steel protection ring: increases physical defense by 50 points. You will get it from Crestfallen Saulden, + 1 Lucatiel of Mirrah and + 2 Knight of the Mirror (NG + only).
Quartz Ring of Spells: increases magic resist by 5%. It is found in the Carhillion of the Deep, +1 in the Earth's Peak and +2 in the King's Passage.
Flame Quartz Ring: increases fire resistance by 5%. You can buy it from Rosabeth of Melfia, +1 is in the Forest of Fallen Giants and +2 from the Guardian Dragon.
Lightning Quartz Ring: increases resistance to electricity by 5%. You can buy it from Rosabeth of Melfia, +1 is Fort Ferreo and + 2 from Navlaan, the Royal Sorcerer.
Dark Quartz Ring: increases resistance to darkness by 5%. You can buy it from Rosabeth of Melfia, +1 from the Duke of Tseldora and +2 from the Witches of Leydia.
Poison Ring: Increases poison resistance by 150 can be obtained on three occasions Earth's Peak, Valley of the Harvest, Cromwell the Absolver.
Ring of Bleeding: increases bleeding resistance by 150, Cromwell the Absolver will deliver it to you if you join the Way of the Blue.
Ring of Curses: increases Curse Resistance by 400 points. Cromwell the Absolver will give it to you if you join the Way of the Blue.
Fortifying Claw: reduces the degradation of the weapon, armor and rings by 20%. You will find it in the Lost Bastille, +1 from Chancellor Wellager and +2 in the Crypt of the Undead.
Ash claw: increases resistance to petrification by 40%. You will find it in the Tomb of the Saints.
Cancellation ring: Increases resistance to magic, electricity, fire and darkness by 6%.
Navlaan, the Royal Sorcerer, will give it to you.
Resistance Ring: increases resistance to poison, bleeding, curse and petrification by 12%. You too will get it from Cromwell the Absolver.
Blade ring: increases physical attack by 20 points. Each time you defeat the Persecutor you will get the ring.
Ring of Knowledge: increases intelligence by 5 points. Straid from Olaphis will give it to you.
Prayer Ring: increases faith by 5 points. Licia di Lindelt will deliver it to you.
Stone Ring: increases damage dealt to enemy balance by 10 points. It is located in Passage Street, dropped by the ogre before the Fire Guardian house.
Red stone ring: increases attack by 20% when HP is 30% lower. It is found in the Aldia Fortress and in the Shady Woods.
Blue stone ring: increases defense by 35% when HP is 30% lower. It is located in the Campanile of the Moon.
Giant's Ring: increases balance by 10 points. You will get it from Gavlan, +1 in the Black Throat and +2 Lord of the Giants (NG + only)
Lion Ring: strengthens lunge counterattacks by 12,5%. Defeat the Old Dragon Slayer to get him.
Spiritual Protection Ring: It does not become empty or lose souls after death, immune to petrification. breaks when activated, but can be repaired for 6000 souls. It is found in the Drain or from Vengarl's Head.
Ring of Life Protection: Does not become empty or lose souls after death, not immune to petrifaction death. Breaks when activated, but can be repaired for 3000 souls. It is found in the Desolate Dock and in the Shady Woods.
Rampant Dragon Ring: extends the duration of spell effects by 15%. Straid of Olaphis will deliver it to you.
Lapis Lazuli Ring: reduces spell times by 20%. Found in the Carhillion of the Deep, +1 in the Shady Woods and +2 Skeleton Lord (NG + only).
Northern Ritual Ring: increases spell uses by 10%, +1 Reduces HP by 20%. It is located in the
Pinnacle of the Sinner, +1 in the Carhillion of the Deep and +2 in the Aldia Fortress.
Southern ritual ring: adds a harmony slot. It is found in the Bell Tower of the Moon, +1 in Tseldora's Brightstone Quarry and +2 from Najika the Scorpion (NG + only).
Gold snake ring: increases the ratio of items dropped by 50%. It is located in Forte Ferreo, +1 from Magerold of Lanafir and +2 from the Gargoyle of the Bell Tower (NG + only).
Snake Silver Ring: defeated enemies give 10% more souls. Found in the Lost Bastille, +1 from Melentia the Merchant Witch and +2 from Mytha, the Destructive Queen (NG + only).
Evil Eye Ring: Absorbs 30 HP from each defeated enemy. It is found in the Scolo, +1 in the Dragon Fortress and +2 Defender of the Throne and Guardian of the Throne (NG +).
Ring of Restoration: restores 3 HP every 1,5 seconds. It is found in the Forest of Fallen Giants.
Constraint Ring: limits HP reduction by 25% until it stops once 80% total HP is reached. It is located in the Cathedral of the Blue.
Cat silver ring: reduces damage from falling from any height except lethal. You can buy it from Shalquoir.
Red Eye Ring: makes it easier for enemies to reveal. You can buy it from Shalquoir.
Gower's Guard Ring. It causes a transparent hollow to appear on the back which absorbs all the damage taken from behind. It is found in the Shady Woods (NG +).
Name Ring: It makes it easier for players who have chosen the same god to connect. You can buy it from Shalquoir.
Hawk Ring: Increases the range of arrows by 7,55%. It is found in the Shady Woods.
Ring of the Sun: gives a 10-30% chance of causing an explosion once the damage threshold is reached. The greater the durability, the greater the likelihood of this happening. It is found in the Shady Woods.
Ring of the Dead: retains the human aspect even when undead. Milfanito will deliver it to you imprisoned in Drangleic Castle.
Ring of Thorns: Has a 30% chance to counter attack when the player takes damage. Pate the Morigerato will deliver it to you.
Whispering Ring: Causes a sound when near enemies, and can be used to talk to Tark the Scorpio Man. Shalquoir will deliver it to you.
King's Ring: opens doors with the King symbol and increases fire resistance by 5 points. Linked to history.
Blue Seal: Blue Sentinels covenant ring. Increases maximum HP by 3%. Join the Blue Sentinels covenant.
Seal of the Guardian: You are automatically summoned to other worlds. Join the Blue Sentinels covenant.
Blood Seal: ring given to those who seek blood. Adds 50 bleed damage if the weapon used already has this type of damage. Join the Brotherhood of Blood covenant.
Rat Seal: Rat King Covenant Ring. Adds 50 poisoning if the weapon in your hand already has damage of this type. The Rat King will give it to you.
Seal of the Bell: ring of the pact of the protectors of the Bell. Join the Bell Keepers covenant
Sun Seal: ring of the covenant of the Heirs of the sun. Increase the strength of miracles by 5%. Join the covenant of the Heirs to the Sun.
Conqueror's Seal: Ring of the Covenant of Champions. Increases your bare hand attack power. You will need to reach the third rank in the Company of Champions.
Ancient Dragon Seal: covenant ring for aspiring dragons. Using an Estus flask recovers 50 HP more. It is found in the Dragon Remains.
Seal of the Abyss: Dark Pilgrim Covenant Ring. Increases the power of hexes by 20% at the cost of 30 HP per hex used. You will have to join the dark pact.