With the release of the exceptional Devil May Cry V, the brand's community was able to enjoy new life, despite the fact that Devil May Cry's niche of “hardcore gamer” was never dead. The title, however, also aims to make new people fall in love with Dante's adventures, but approaching the game will inevitably lead to having to deal with the great step that divides the novice and / or casual player from the veteran of the series. This step is called “Dante Must Die“, and it is the difficulty that all players of Devil May Cry look to when it comes to the level of challenge of the game. This guide will list some tips, aimed at anyone who wants to try their hand at Dante Must Die, without having, yet, the ability to break the game like the hardcore gamers it is addressed to.
First of all: why on earth should I play Dante Must Die after beating the game?
Devil May Cry V is the genre of game that does not end at the end of the credits, but that invites players to keep trying combos, to face obstacles, until you get to dominate the battles with a Smokin 'Sexy Style worthy of the 3 protagonists. Dante Must Die mode is calibrated to be completed only by those who can master the game, but its difficulty accompanies the player towards the result. To become "good" at Devil May Cry, this mode is essential, even when completed, for the first time, thanks to some small tricks that we will describe below.
Enemies in this mode will have 2 characteristics:
- They will have a high vitality, aggressiveness and different positioning in the levels
- They will be able to use the Devil Trigger, enhancing attack and defense and unlocking new moves. This also applies to bosses
The first tip for this mode, with Nero and Dante especially, is to train in air combat. Only stay on the ground when you are sure you are going to launch attacks that can stun all the enemies around you. To be able to stay more in the air we recommend using the Taunts in order to remain suspended for a few more seconds. With Nero you can fight in the air thanks to his mechanical arm, which attracts enemies, and the fact that Nero is able to use grapples. With Dante, however, the use of Ebony & Ivory pistols becomes essential.
From this moment on, the guide will go into the details of the combat of the 3 characters, expect spoilers on weapons and skills of the characters:
- With Nero the "Punch Line" and "Tomboy" arms become essential. The first allows you to constantly inflict damage on enemies while fighting against others, also allows an emergency escape route thanks to the possibility of riding it. Making this move also creates a small explosion that stuns most enemies. The Tomboy instead greatly increases the attack power of Nero, the shots of the Tomboy stun all the enemies of medium-low stature and break the shields of Nelo Angelo.
- Change the gun command to one of the backbones, we suggest "R2". This is because it will be essential to always have this button pressed to load Nero's revolver. Once the maximum charge is reached, the Blue Rose will fire bullets capable of inflicting a lot of damage on enemies and creating an explosion that will repel them.
- Buying the Red Queen's EXCEED power-up and learning the timing to charge it will be very important. When the attack enters the phase where it hits the enemy hitbox, press L2 to charge the sword and increase the damage disproportionately
- V is among the 3 the simplest character to use at this difficulty. The advice is to focus more on summoning Nightmare than on strengthening the two pets. Again, as with Nero, we recommend charging the ranged hit very often, and accumulating as many Griffon attacks as possible while using Shadow to keep enemies busy.
Dante Alighieri
- Dante is simultaneously the strongest and most difficult of the three characters. Using Dante to perfection requires training, and many runs. To easily pass the first run in DMD with our demon hunter, there are a couple of tips to respect, but above all a real legal "cheat" that can break the levels.
- Equip the Rebellion in place of the Dante. Using the Rebellion's ranged strike in Swordmaster mode stuns almost all enemies and also helps against many bosses
- In mission M012 search the destroyed villa at the beginning of the level, you will find a Kalina Ann, with which you can unlock the "double Kalina Ann". This weapon in Gunslinger mode is capable of dealing massive damage from a safe distance.
- The Knight gives Hyper Armor. Use his attack in motorcycle form, usable in Swordmaster mode, to interrupt enemy combos and break his watch. You may lose some HP by doing this, but nothing irrecoverable via the devil trigger
- Save the Sin Devil Trigger for battles with the Furies.
- If you have the patience to do this during the first run, use the RoyalGuard mode. Learning this mode literally makes you invincible, but learning parry timing will take time
- If you find yourself against an insurmountable wall, you can use the "cheat" mentioned earlier: Dr. Faust. At a cost of 125 orbs, this hat will shoot any enemy in the game with the “R1 + Forward + Circle” move in Gunslinger mode.
Finishing Dante Must Die mode can be a good workout to then face the infamous “Bloody Palace”, and unlocks the ability to use characters with the infinite devil trigger.
► Devil May Cry 5 is an Action-Hack and Slash game developed and published by Capcom for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 08/03/2019
Devil May Cry 5 is a game to own at all costs: we decided to evaluate it with a 99%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Devil May Cry 5 Review