Review for Disjunction. Game for PC, Steam, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 28/01/2021
The latest effort by Ape Tribe Games lands with all its dystopian atmosphere and with a strong hint of Blade Runner on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC via Steam thanks also to Sold-Out Software. We are talking about Disjunction, an interesting indie that finds its place in the Action / Stealth genre with a top-down view and that brings with it a cyberpunk atmosphere that as always fascinates and intrigues.
Will Disjunction be able to confirm expectations? Let's find out together.
Disjunction centers its plot on a detective, punk and dystopian set in a future that sees Frank Monroe - a cybernetically enhanced detective - grappling with the murder of a policeman.
Naturally, the investigation takes an unexpected turn and, as the classic cliché dictates, the story gets complicated: then Lockjaw, a cyber-boxer involved in clandestine fights and who wants to shed light on the death of his daughter, and Spider, a hacker who reluctantly gets entangled in the matter.
Despite being a plot already seen and revised in millions of variations, the Ape Tribe Games studio manages to create a convincing and interesting story thanks above all to a mass of dialogues as impressive as varied, written with a mastery worthy of the best science fiction authors . The acute, interesting, aseptic, cold style, so devoid of sentimentality as to make it spring in an avalanche in the reader, manages to lower the player into the right atmosphere and entertain him with taste.
Too bad there isn't a localization in Spanish, which if treated with the same care as the others would have brought the title to the attention of a greater number of players in Spain as well.
In Disjunction for the first time, at least in the analysis of the writer, we also find a choice in the answers to the dialogues of interaction built with a logical sense and which in fact also varies the approach to the development of the adventure itself. Un
As for the gameplay of Disjunction itself, we find a stealth style with a very superficial RPG component that still manages to satisfy without boring. The protagonist must be able to reach the game objectives without being discovered and operating silent kills followed by the concealment of the corpse on duty. What pleasantly strikes you right away is the intelligence of the AI: you crouch down to highlight the areas of view of the sentinels, robotic and human, and once you enter the cone of visibility you have a few seconds to hide again.
But if the movement is too evident or if you leave a corpse in sight, the fateful red zone is triggered and alerts the guards. In this case, both those nearby and those a little further away will be alarmed, and if you persevere with the careless approach, a general alarm will even be triggered. Sounds also have to be taken into account: if you shoot a camera from afar, for example, the noise will alarm the guards nearby.
This requires a careful stealth approach that requires reasoning, without falling into the banal trial and error that in the long run would be repetitive. In addition to respawn thinking that you will find the same sentinels in the same spot could be a mistake that you will pay with your life.
To complete the gameplay we find peculiar abilities for each character that will make our adventure varied and enjoyable without ever getting frustrating despite the decidedly upward level of difficulty.
The pixelated graphics of Disjunction, accompanied by an adequate soundtrack, adapt very well to the context, thanks also to fluid animations and loads reduced to the bone. The total package screams indie at the top of its lungs but the general feeling is that everything is harmonious and in keeping with the context it was intended to represent.
The port on Nintendo Switch, the console to be used in the review phase, is as often happens for indies beautifully made. The commands are mapped in a functional way and do their job, while the console values Disjunction as it deserves. If we really want to find flaws, we could point out the scarce variety of enemies and the RPG component limited to just upgrading the characteristics of each character. The localization in Spanish, a language that would lend itself beautifully to the many cyberpunk facets, would also have been appreciated. But all in all Disjunction works, and it works well.
Disjunction is a top-down Action Stealth RPG with strong cyberpunk notes, developed by Ape Tribe Games and published by Sold-Out Software for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC via Steam. The potential of the title is enhanced by the gameplay, the AI and the amount of well-constructed and transposed dialogues. Despite some flaws such as the lack of localization, the poorly exploited RPG component and the little variety of enemies and protagonists, Disjunction is a valid product and to be taken into consideration for all lovers of the genre.
► Disjunction is an Action-Shooter-Stealth-RPG-indie game developed by Ape Tribe Games and published by Sold-Out Software for PC, Steam, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 28/01/2021