Gabranth - User guide
How many of you adore Judge Magister but fail to use him? How many, after reading his description "No one survives his might" in hope, were disappointed to see that Gabranth was not a great character? Well now you will be equally surprised to discover that instead we are not talking about any character, but one of the strongest in the game. In fact, if used well, Gabranth will not only destroy the enemy in no time, but will come out totally unscathed! This is because he is a character who needs constant dodging; you won't be able to afford to be hit, or at least often, or you won't be able to charge your EX Bar.
Dodge, parry, jump charge and ... Coup de grace. This is what awaits you ... are you ready? Let's start!
We introduce the guide by saying that Gabranth cannot use PV attacks if he is not in EX mode, so without her he is a completely useless character. Furthermore, its parameters will be very low, and we will only be able to compensate with the devastating power that we will find ourselves in this mode. The bar is easily loaded by holding square, but in the meantime you will be at the complete mercy of the opponents, so you will need to get used to the character to use it to the fullest, as he will not be able to immediately dodge while charging his ex bar, but it will pass about half second from the interruption of the charge by you to the dodge, requiring you to know perfectly the timing and speed of enemy attacks. Another fundamental point is that you will have to be at a certain distance from the enemy to charge your bar, because otherwise you will risk not having the possibility to dodge their attacks due to the slight delay of Gabranth. We can therefore say that we are faced with a character who, however powerful, will not achieve anything on the battlefield except through the appropriate use of his abilities. In light of this, Gabranth will be set according to the needs that arise from his fighting style, with the right skills and good accessories. Some skills will not be available immediately, but will be learned by leveling up or upgrading those you already know by acquiring AP. To quickly level up, see the quick experience mini-guide. Your equipment will not have to focus on increasing HP, as if you know how to use Gabranth well, even a single VP may be enough to win the fight without many problems. The parameters to be enhanced will be mainly defense and attack, the latter in particular. The defense will be used to avoid suffering a collapse quickly in case you fail to dodge an attack, the attack will help you to take away hundreds of daring points from the opponent in less time than it would take to say "Collapse". Your Gabranth's attack will have to be 187, the maximum achievable once his final weapon is equipped. The defense will dance around 183, depending on the set you choose.
NB To make the most of Gabranth, it will be necessary to bring him to lvl 100, so as to have available all the attacks and one of the fundamental skills, that is "Exp to EX".

NORMAL MODE Life Point Attacks
To the ground | In mid-air | ||
Charge Ex on the ground |
Charge the EX gauge while on the ground
Charge EX in mid-air | Charge the EX bar while in midair |
Boldness attacks
To the ground | in mid-air | ||
Impetus | Charged attack that knocks the enemy away. | Circle of punishment | Gabranth rotates around, brandishing the weapon |
Ground verdict | Double hit on the ground. It can be used twice consecutively by continuing to press CIRCLE | Verdict in mid-air | Double hit in mid-air. It can be used twice consecutively by continuing to press CIRCLE |
Life Point Attacks
To the ground | In mid-air | ||
execution | Charged strike followed by an explosive swing | Hate | Sphere of energy around Gabranth that attracts the enemy and causes a shock wave. |
Innocence on the ground | Series of semicircular shock waves with arc trajectory heading towards the enemy. | Innocence in mid-air | Series of semicircular shock waves with arc trajectory heading towards the enemy. |
Boldness attacks
To the ground | In mid-air | ||
Aggression | Endless series of hits from the ground with impact to follow. | Double bite | Two very fast shots with impact to follow. |
Aero on the ground | Create a tornado that chases the enemy. | Aero in mid-air | Create a tornado that chases the enemy. |
Relentless impetus | Loaded attack that can be chained to two other identical ones by continuing to press CIRCLE | Break | 4 lightning fast hits followed by an impact. Pursue the enemy for a short distance |
// | // | Vortex of punishment | Gabranth rotates on itself, creating a vortex when repeatedly pressed CIRCLE. |
Let's move on to the general considerations on these attacks.
As for the normal mode, we can say that the PV attacks are necessarily 2, as they are the only ones available, and that it does not matter which AUD attacks you choose, because you will be in normal mode only while charging your EX bar, so give yourself little pain.
As for the EX mode, we have a little more to discuss. The attacks that we are going to find are in fact many and with different characteristics.
PV attacks
In mid-air it is advisable to use Innocence in mid-air, as even from long distances the shock waves will go straight towards your opponent, and will not hit only if you are in front of a skilled dodger. Otherwise, on the ground it is recommended to use execution to give your character a little choice based on the situation, for the simple and intuitive reason that Innocenza on the ground is identical to its aerial counterpart, which is easily usable by adding even just one jump before pressing square.
AUD bindings
The daring attacks in EX mode are varied, and apart from a few really useless ones, the choice will be dictated solely by your skills and your needs. Both Aero bindings will be easily parable, so they are highly discouraged. On the ground it would be preferable not to use relentless impetuosity due to the low number of attacks it makes (only 3), and it would be better to opt for Aggression, due to the high quantity of blows inflicted. For mid-air attacks, on the other hand, you will have to choose according to your tastes and abilities.
Vortex of punishment causes various damage to the enemy, and also throws him in the air with the possibility of continuing to hit him with X and still inflict considerable damage; It is an attack that is however not recommended for those who do not have the right timing to dodge enemy attacks in an aerial confrontation. Alternatively, you can use Double Bite and Break, similar attacks among which, however, the second undoubtedly stands out.