All Nekravol Collectibles - Part 1.
In the tenth mission of the title Bethesda Doom Eternal Nekravol - Part 1 there are 13 objects. These items are scattered throughout the areas of this level, namely: Basin of Pain, The Mill and Passage of the Damned. While some items such as code entries are automatically displayed on the map, a secret object will not be displayed. You will understand that you are in the vicinity of a hidden object once you see a white question mark or a floating question mark in the game world.
In this guide we will show you how to get all the hidden objects in the XNUMXth Doom Eternal mission: three toys, two secret encounters, a hidden mastery token, an album and a cheat code. Below you will find maps, locations and detailed explanations on how to reach each question mark and find all the secrets in the Nekravol level - Part 1 of Doom Eternal.
Location of toys in Nekravol - Part 1
In the 1th Doom Eternal mission “Nekravol - Part XNUMX” there are three toys.

After facing the first battle, look for a bar high up on one side. Along the wall adjacent to it there is a wall on which it is possible to climb. Since it is on a long, thin strip, the wall is barely noticeable.
Use the bottom bar to swing over the top bar and then grab the wall. Climb up, jump away from the wall and go back to make your way into a small room. Get the 1UP and then go down to the room below to get the Toy 1: Baron of Hell.

After defeating Kalibas, head into the depths of the Soul Factory. As you move, you reach a point where you have to jump through a gap to enter a battle arena. Once you've cleared the passage, you'll need to jump off a ledge to continue.
However, looking back where you came from, you will notice a passage under the ledge you originally jumped from. Jump and run to find a hidden tunnel. Take the secret encounter hidden there and proceed until you find Toy 2: Gladiator.

In the area just after Samuel Hayden explains the soul gathering process, you must guide a movable cage upward to further enter the Soul Factory. Continuing on you will come across an area where giant peaks fall from the ceiling. On the wall to the right of the first peak is a barely noticeable destructible wall. Perform a melee attack to find the mastery token and a toy 3: Doom Hunter.
Location of secret encounters hidden in Nekravol - Part 1
There are two secret encounters hidden in Doom Eternal's tenth mission "Nekravol - Part 1".

Once you beat Kalibas, move further and further into the Soul Factory. At one point, jump over a gap to enter a battle area. Keep this ledge in mind.
After clearing the battle area, you'll need to exit the object by jumping through an opening in the previous area. However, if you look back at the ledge you jumped from earlier, you will notice a passage just below it. Jump and run over there to find this secret encounter.

In the combat area in the third section of the Soul Factory, you'll notice a ledge to the northwest of the room. To access it, first enter the mobile cages where there is a glowing green skull. Just before you reach the top, jump down from the cage on the right and grab the wall to climb up. From there, jump to the ledge, drop down and activate the green skull switch. Once this is done, you will hear a sound but you will not see any changes in the surrounding area. Exit the combat area and go back the way you came, under the two large spikes that fall from the ceiling. Look for a previously fenced area that is now open. Now you can find the secret meeting.
Location of Mastery Tokens in Nekravol - Part 1
There are two Mastery Tokens in Nekravol - Part 1. One of them is on the path, while the other is hidden.

Right after Samuel Hayden explains the soul gathering process you will find an area with large spikes falling from the ceiling. To the right of the tunnel with the spikes is a breakable wall just visible under the first set of spikes. Perform a melee attack and you will find both toy 2 and the mastery token.
Location of the album in Nekravol - Part 1
In Nekravol - Part 1 there is only one album.

In the battle arena in the third section of the Soul Factory, you'll see a series of movable cages on the right side of the room with a glowing green skull above them. Climb up the cage and, before reaching the top, jump to the right wall. Jump to the adjacent ledge, drop down and activate the green skull switch. You will hear a noise, but you will not see any changes whatsoever. Exit the battle area and go back the way you came, past the area with the spikes falling from the ceiling. Look for a previously fenced area that has opened, revealing the entrance to a secret meeting. Further down that corridor you will find the hidden album: KEEN - You've Got to Eat Your Vegetables.
Location of the cheat code in Nekravol - Part 1
In “Nekravol - Part 1” there is only one cheat code.

In the battle area in the third section of the Soul Factory. you will find a second pair of falling spikes on the opposite side from the room entrance. After clearing the enemies in that area, you will see two sets of cages moving upwards. If you go down the path on the right, you will find a passage where you can enter. At the end of the passage you will find a room where the cheat code is present: Famine Mode.
This closes our guide on the collectibles present in the “Nekravol - Part 1” level of Doom Eternal.
► Doom Eternal is a Shooter type game developed by Id Software Panic Button and published by Bethesda for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, the video game was released on 20/03/2020 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 08/12/2020
Doom Eternal is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 90%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Doom Eternal Review
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