In the eighth mission of the Bethesda Doom: Eternal title, "Sentinel Prime", there are 10 objects that can be found throughout the level. Sentinel Prime is the shortest level in the game. All objects off the path will be marked with a white question mark on the map if you pass by or a floating question mark in the game world.
In this guide we will show you where to find the level's only hidden object, a Praetor Suit point. Below you will find a map and detailed explanations on how to reach the collectible of this very short level.
Location of Praetor Suit point in Sentinel Prime
There is only one Praetor Suit point in Sentinel Prime.

In the area with the huge staircase where Khan Maykr speaks to you, go up the stairs and go down the corridor on your left. Climb through the crevice to find the Praetor Suit spot.
Here ends our guide to the collectibles featured in the eighth mission of Doom Eternal Sentinel Prime.
► Doom Eternal is a Shooter type game developed by Id Software Panic Button and published by Bethesda for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, the video game was released on 20/03/2020 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 08/12/2020
Doom Eternal is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 90%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Doom Eternal Review