Review for Doom VFR. Game for PC and PlayStation VR, the video game was released on 30/11/2017 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 01/12/2017
Virtual reality video games are taking a big share of the market all over the world. Data that make us think about the future, and this is the boys of Bethesda seem to know very well: after the good result obtained with the adaptation of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, in fact, here is the collaboration with Id Software we see their first title designed and developed to take advantage of the technology of the now well-known viewers: Doom VFR.
The original version of Doom dates back to more than twenty years ago, the older generations will surely remember it, then the game was considered so innovative that it was used as a yardstick for all FPS to come. The last chapter, however, dates back only to 2016, published with obviously much more advanced technology and styles. The only step still to be taken was to be able to create something that allowed the player to feel the adrenaline and the frenzy of the game at 100% and, with Doom VFR, this last step has been reached: the player finds himself literally surrounded by demons attacking from all directions, mercilessly and relentlessly.
Doom VFR, at least structurally, takes up what was done with the last chapter of 2016, but changing its plot and protagonist and adapting everything to virtual reality: in fact, the same weapons are present with the relative stations to improve them, the upgrade stations of the character, the various power-ups, the same enemies and almost the same settings. We will start, once again, from a space station on Mars infested with enemies on which we will be the only person left alive, and then move to the underworld in search of a missing demon.
The first downside of Doom VFR comes to us as soon as we start the game: a rather meager tutorial which limits itself to showing us the basics of the game without, however, delving into some important aspects of the gameplay - such as the various power-ups - to which at least an information mirror should have been dedicated; However, this detail is negligible since as the game progresses we will still realize the effects of the temporary enhancements that can be used.
If at first glance the system of movement entrusted to teleportation does not convince us, making us think that with a free movement mode we would have found ourselves better, once we have become familiar with the PlayStation Move we will realize that not only this choice greatly reduces the motion sickness caused by helmets, but also makes battles even more frenetic thanks to a sufficiently precise aiming system, not to mention the satisfaction of seeing a stunned enemy explode because we pass through his body in a split second. However, it is fair to say that you can also play with a aim controller or joystick and opt for the classic movement mode we are all used to.
Il combat system Doom VFR played with PlayStation Move is a lot simple as satisfactory: with the right hand we have access to the weapon wheel and the trigger, while we will use the left hand almost exclusively to throw hand grenades or to shoot them once we find the grenade launcher.
From a game developed specifically for virtual reality, however, we would have expected more in terms of longevity: although Doom VFR deserves at least a second run to enjoy the different levels of difficulty and the collectibles proposed, after three to four hours of gameplay you will have already reached the end credits for the first time.
On the other hand, however Id Software e Bethesda come out on the market with a game from almost perfect technical sector: full localization, appropriate soundtracks and thrilling audio effects are the cake under a cherry represented by the almost always constant and level framerate; however, going to nitpick we notice that, perhaps thanks to the hardware limit of PlayStation VR, distant images do not always appear sharp and lose definition.
Doom VFR presents itself, it is appropriate to say violently and forcefully, as one of the best games currently available for PlayStation VR and, despite some flaws, it is a literally thrilling experience: once again Bethesda and Id Software do not disappoint expectations by immersing us literally to hell.
► Doom VFR is a FPS-Horror game developed by Id Software and published by Bethesda for PC and PlayStation VR, the video game was released on 30/11/2017 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 01/12/2017