Review for Etrian Odyssey Nexus. Nintendo 3DS game, the video game was released on 02/08/2018
A goodbye in style. The last, shining chapter of the series to grace the siliceous limbs of Nintendo 3DS, Etrian Odyssey Nexus, finally arrives, loaded with all those features capable of making that of Etrian Odyssey an irresistible saga for all those who love Dungeon Crawlers.
Over the years, Etrian Odyssey has been able to thrill fans by giving last-round battle experiences to both Nintendo DS owners and stereoscopic 3DS owners, slowly but surely gaining a place of honor in the hearts of fans.
This final chapter does not disappoint, starting with a narrative structure which, although far from being the main attraction of the title, is still enjoyable and well written, putting the gamer to grips with an exciting exploration of the islands of Lemuria. It should be noted how, during the explorations, it will be possible to enjoy interactive dialogues that are not ends in themselves, as it happens in other similar productions. As could be expected, the proposed texts are entirely in English - Etrian Odyssey Nexus is therefore an orphan of any lexeme in the Italic language.
At the level of playability and game system there are many (really many) confirmations but few, very few news. An aspect, the latter, which reveals the excellent balance achieved after years by the mechanics of the series. Nineteen classes to choose from, each with its own distinctive characteristics, give Etrian Odyssey Nexus and homo ludens himself a variety of playful possibilities that are difficult to find in other exponents of the genre, the title developed by Atlus among the best role-playing games currently available on Nintendo 3DS.
In battle, the gameplay dynamics are not dissimilar to what we glimpsed in the last chapters of the saga, with the Force Boost and Break System system taken over by Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight. The usual cornucopia of skills and sub-classes, then, grant an almost embarrassing freedom to the player, at least initially intimidated by such abundance. The practically infinite configurations available fuel the taste for experimentation, forcing the gamer to select the most suitable party for each situation.
In this regard, Etrian Odyssey Nexus also tries to mitigate the frustration for the effort required in leveling the characters not used in battle, giving the user a tool capable of sharing the experience gained in battle even with those who find themselves relegated. at the edge of your party. In terms of dungeon design, then, nothing to complain: intricate and "difficult" enough, the labyrinths sported by Etrian Odyssey Nexus are confirmed in line with what the series has proposed over time by Atlus. It should be noted that, in the face of four different difficulty levels to choose from, some sudden peaks of difficulty are not uncommon, which force the player to forcibly increase the characteristics of his party, under penalty of total annihilation.
Technically, Etrian Odyssey Nexus is confirmed on the good levels reached by the saga in its latest releases, offering a series of static screens during the exploration of the various shops, giving way to a good three-dimensional engine during the exploration phases of the dungeons. As a side note, we report the return of the master Yuzo Koshiro in the composition of the game soundtrack. It should be noted how, hidden among the binary ravines of the game code, references and references to several titles of the saga have been inserted. Good job!
Etrian Odyssey Nexus is the right farewell to the Nintendo 3DS saga. Waiting for the new chapters, predictably expected exclusively on Nintendo Switch, the last chapter of the series signed by ATLUS offers a tested but decidedly attractive game system, alongside the usual solidity of the battles a functional and enjoyable graphic-sound system.
► Etrian Odyssey Nexus is an Adventure-RPG game developed and published by ATLUS for Nintendo 3DS, the video game was released on 02/08/2018