Review for Fallen Legion Plus. PC game, the video game came out on 31/12/2018
Published a few months ago on Playstation Vita first, and Playstation 4 then, Fallen Legion Plus would seem to represent the answer of YummyYummyTummy addressed to all those who, and there are many, anxiously await the publication of a new episode of the saga of Valkyrie Profile.
Equipped with a battle system apparently capable of touching the strings touched by Tri-Ace with Lenneth e Silmeria, Fallen Legion however he fails to fully convince, showing his muscles especially in the context of a decidedly pleasant and clean artistic direction.
Although the Steam version of the game - object of the analysis of this review - is not excellent, it appears to be inclusive of the possibility of addressing the same story narrated from two distinct points of view, that of Princess Cecille and General Laendur, in such a way as to provide different interpretations of a plot that mixes magic, power games and lots and lots of blood.
Fallen Legion + tells the story of the empire of Fenumia, on the brink of a decisive war for the accession to the throne. Both Laendur and Cecille will intertwine their destinies within one narration that, although pleasant, never exceeds sufficiency, above all due to a decidedly unrelenting pace and too stereotyped dialogues (in English). Luckily, once you get there on the battlefield, things improve, albeit not as much as one would expect.
A party consisting of up to four heroes takes part in clashes in which devastating spells are mixed with weapons of all kinds and shapes, creating a melting-pot of (little) tactic and (very) button smashing. Each character is controlled by the press of a single button, which triggers the attack. By furiously hammering the keys, the moment will come in which no more action will be allowed, after the exhaustion of the appropriate action meter, relieving the fingertips of the homo ludens from too much stress through a weighted cooldown period.
And there would also be the possibility of pararerushing enemy attacks, by pressing the appropriate button, too bad that both the confusion prevailing on the screen, as well as the few advantages brought about by a moderate and prudent conduct of the battle, recommend letting yourself go and play with the pad as neither in any of the editions of Track and Field.
Between one stage and another of the journey (the map cannot be freely explored, practically representing an interactive list of the locations that can be visited), the gamer can decide to refine the equipment supplied to their heroes, assigning them precious stones, guardians of a whole series of succulent buffs to be used during the virtual battle, as well as configuring the formation by which to take sides on the battlefield.
Occasionally, in the midst of battle, some moral choices are offered that provide temporary bonuses.
The real problem with Fallen Legion + is that it gets bored quickly.
Thanks to the narrative, not exactly exciting, and despite the discrete opportunities provided by the gameplay of the production, it is impossible not to notice how the winning tactic is almost always to rape the buttons, trying to deflect attacks from the enemy scum when it happens. Add to the mix a perennial hint of repetitiveness, and les jeux sont faits.
The technical aspect, as regards the graphic side, is discreetly outlined, so as to give the naturalistic settings an aftertaste romantic-impressionist It certainly does not go unnoticed how, usually, homo ludens can find himself playing video games in a work that aesthetically recalls Odin Sphere.
A wasted opportunity? Surely. Not that Fallen Legion + is a horrendous game, far from it, but considering the care taken on the graphic side it would have deserved a more compelling and less monotonous gameplay than the one actually conveyed.
► Fallen Legion Plus is an Action-RPG type game developed and published by YummyYummyTummy for PC, the video game was released on 31/12/2018