The treasure hunt begins.
Among the hundreds of weapons featured in Fallout 4, like any self-respecting RPG, there are also unique ones. The latter are endowed with powers and characteristics superior to normal weapons and are also well hidden in the Commonwealth.
Are you interested in knowing how to find these unique weapons? Then follow our guide to get them all.
Fallout 4 Unique Weapons - Firearms
Eddie's Peace: Obtained during the "Long Time Coming" mission (Mission located at Andrew Station, will be given to you by Nick Valentine) by Eddie
The Gainer: You will find this weapon in the Pump Station (an area not marked on the map, located south of the Hub City junkyard). Once inside the pumping station, you will find yourself in front of a sealed door with a machine with 4 keys nearby that will allow you to enter a code, useful for opening the door. Enter: 10-4-5-1 and the door will open. You'll find the gun next to a skeleton a little further on.
Kellogg's Pistol: Killing Kellog in Fort Hagen, during the “Reunion” mission (main mission).
The Liberator: Obtainable in the Old North Church by completing the mission "Tradecraft" (Mission acquired by Desdemona, in the Railroad Headquarters)
Wastelander's Friend: Purchase from Deb at Bunker Hill.
Reba II: Go to the city of Salem. Once there, it will not be difficult to see the Rook family home. There you will find the landlord not particularly hostile towards you. Once you are face to face with him, you will have to find a way to get hold of the key to the basement of his house, steal it from him or kill him. Once you get the key, go under the stairs and open the hatch to the dungeons and you will find the shotgun there.
Reba: Killing the aforementioned Barney Rook in the Rook Family Home.
Tinker Tom Special: Purchase from Tinker Tom in Railroad Headquarters.
Silver submachine gun: It will be given to you by Kent Connolly by completing the mission “The Silver Shroud” once you give him the Silver Machine Gun obtainable in Hubric Comics.
Spray n 'Pray: Sold by a traveling merchant named "Cricket". This vendor can be found: in Bunker Hill, outside Vault 81, outside the Warwick Estate, Outside Diamond City, Outside Fallon's Emporium, Outside Quincy Police Station.
Overseer's Guardian: Purchase from Alexis Combes, in Vault 81.
Justice: Purchase from Penny in the Covenant
Le Fusil Terribles: You can find this weapon on Libertalia, the floating camp located east of the map. Once you reach this hangout of the bandits, you will have to kill them all (there are really many and in a totally open field, so prepare yourself well) and get to the top of the "tower" built with ship scraps. Once you reach the apex of the chief's tower, you'll find the shotgun behind a door.
Heavy weapons
Big Boy: Purchase from Arturo in Diamond City.
Ashmaker: Obtainable in various ways: It will be given to you by Fahrenheit, in Goodneyside, convincing Bobbi No-Nose to leave peacefully or by killing him. Killing Fahrenheit, flanking Bobbi No-Nose.
Partystarter: Purchase from KL-E-0 in Goodneyside.
Death from Heaven: Purchasable on Prydwen from Taegan once you reach Paladin rank.
Broadsider: During the “Last Voyage of the USS Constitution” mission you will receive the weapon directly from Captain Ironsides.
Junk Jet: Obtainable in ArcJet Systems in the plant room. It is also a drop of Manta Man (walking NPC for the map, it will be possible to meet him randomly after completing the mission "The Silver Shroud".
Energy weapons
Laser weapons
Survivor's Special: Obtainable after completing the mission "The Lost Patrol" (main mission, which will be entrusted to you by Paladin Danse). Otherwise it is possible to steal it from Paladin Brandis after completing the mission “The Lost Patrol“.
Virgil's rifle: You can steal this weapon from Virgil, or you can pick it up after convincing him to get killed by completing two charisma tests.
Old Faithful: Sold by Arturo at the Diamond City Market.
Good Intentions: You can either steal it or collect it from Clint's corpse on the causeway near the Quincy Ruins.
UP77 Prototype: Let's start by saying that to get this weapon you will need to be able to pick locks at the maximum level and hack PCs at the medium level.
Travel to "University Point" (near the castle), once you have reached the goal, go to a large brown building where, after passing the large destroyed doors, you will immediately find on the right a computer (with medium difficulty) and a door, hack the pc and go down the stairs. You will arrive in a vault full of small safes, in one of these (breakable with maximum difficulty) you will find a key, press it, go through the door that opens and pick up the weapon on the white table.
Righteous Authority: You will receive this weapon from Paladin Danse as a reward for the mission "Call to Arms" (main mission, entrusted by Paladin Danse)
Wazer Wifle: You can get this weapon after completing the entire main storyline by performing three missions (not marked on the map) for Shaun.
Final judgement: Obtained by killing Arthur Maxson at Prydwen.
Plasma weapons
Experiment 18-A: Purchasable in the institute for about 3000 caps.
Sentinel's Plasmacaster: After completing the main storyline, it will be sold by Teagan on the Prydwen
Other energy weapons
Alien Blaster: This weapon, recurring for many chapters within the saga, is this time inside a cave east of the Oberland station (located on the west side of the map).
Cryolator: The most attentive will surely have seen this weapon from the early stages of gameplay. the Cryolator it is in fact located inside Vault 111, in the superintendent's office. However, you will need the maximum level in the “Burglar” skill to be able to open the case that contains it.
The Last Minute: Sold by Ronnie Shaw at the Castle, after completing the "Old Gun" mission (mission entrusted to you by Preston in Sanctuary)
Lorenzo's Artifact gun: Obtained by completing the mission "The Secret of Cabot House" (Mission that will be entrusted to you by Jack in the Cabot House)
Zeta Gun: In the Cabot House, siding with Lorenzo you will find the weapon on Jack's corpse. Otherwise, siding with Jack you will still find the weapon on a table in his laboratory.
Melee weapons
White weapons
General Chao's Revenge: Sold by Trudy at the Drumlin Restaurant
Zao's sword: Reward from the mission “Here There Be Monsters” (mission entrusted to you by Donny Kowalski at Shamrock Taphouse) by succeeding in three persuasion tests with Captain Zao.
Pickman's Blade: To get this weapon you will first need to go to Goodneyside and talk to Hancock, who will ask you to investigate the Pickman Gallery. Once in the tunnel, explore it until you find a hole in a wall on the upper floors, go through the galleries until you find a man threatened by three armed bandits, save him. Once helped, it turns out to be Pickman, who gives you a key as a thank you. Go back to the entrance, where you will see a strange red painting, remove it to reveal a safe, use the key to open it and pick up the weapon.
Grognak's ax: You will have to reach the Hubric Comics, behind the counter you will find a display case, pick it up (medium difficulty) and collect the barbarian's ax.
Kremvh's Tooth: Reach Dunwich Borers, and walk through the dungeons. After a long walk you will find yourself in front of a well full of water, enter it and at the end you will find an altar with the weapon on it.
Shem Drowne sword: During the mission "The Gilded Grasshopper" (This mission will be unlocked by reading documents regarding Marty Bullfinch in Nick Valentine's office) you can find this weapon inside a coffin, behind the Pickman Gallery (without the mission "The Gilded Grasshopper "It will not be possible to collect the weapon)
2076 World Series Baseball Bat: Grabbing this unique baseball bat won't be easy at all, but follow our guidelines and it'll all go smoothly. We have divided the process into two "phases", if your pg is able to break doors and hack PCs at the maximum level, you can skip the first phase.
- You must first get to Jamaica Plain (you will find plenty of ghouls, so be prepared). Once you reach the entrance of the city (the point reachable with the fast journey), taking a few steps you will find the corpse of a man, search it to get one of the two keys necessary to continue. Once this is done, go past the body and turn right, follow the road between the houses until you see an orange car. Enter the house next to the orange car and go up the stairs, you will find two corpses, from the one on the left you will get the second key. Go back to the main street and go to the town hall (it is in the city center with a statue in front of it, you will recognize it immediately). Enter the town hall and go to the front door that will take you to the bathroom, go up the stairs to find yourself in front of a corpse from which you can take a password.
- Ok now you have everything you need. Go back to the town hall entrance but this time go left, go down the stairs and open the basement door with the key you took earlier (or break it). Continuing in the basement, and past the double door, you will find yourself in front of a crossroads that leads to the same destination. We have served you the simplest way, that is the left door, you just need to use the archive key (or break even this one) to access it and overcome this step. You are now faced with the last step, interact with the PC and enter the password found previously (or hack it), the doors will open and you can collect the bat lying in a case.
Rockville Slugger: Sold by Moe Cronin at the Diamond City Market
Big Jim: Here, too, you have two options: if you are a master burglar and can open the doors with the maximum difficulty, then simply go to Lake Walden, enter the gift shop and crack the back door, once inside you just have to kill the bandits on the spot. and you will find the weapon on a rusty table shortly after the door you entered.
Aren't you a master of burglary? No problem. Approach the lake, enter the sewers and continue in the pipes until you get behind the door of the gift shop, from there follow the instructions written above.