Mothman, the Moth Man, is one of the many creatures that populate the universe of Fallout , inspired by cryptids, folklore and urban legends.
Mothman, according to the testimonies reported so far, would be a mysterious flying creature that haunts the surroundings of Point Pleasant, West Virginia. It could therefore be missing in Fallout 76? Absolutely not! Our Moth Man, however, is an extremely elusive and elusive creature, so some advice on how to find him could be very convenient.
The encounters in Fallout 76 with Mothman seem to be able to occur in many locations, apparently unrelated to each other. Many players claim to have encountered the creature around the town of Point Pleasant, where the original legend began, but the monster was certainly spotted not far from the Cravasse dam, on the opposite side of the map.
In Point Pleasant, which is located in the wooded region west of Vault 76, we find the interesting Museum of the Mothman. Inside the building, which also served as a base for a cult dedicated to the creature, in addition to the possibility of grabbing some rather rare loot, we will be able to find many clues and objects connected to the Mothman, including two holotapes dedicated to him, listening to the which once we leave the building we will be able, if we are lucky, to find ourselves face to face with the mythical beast, perched in the surroundings and intent on observing us with its gigantic and disturbing scarlet eyes.
If, on the other hand, we haven't had any luck in Point Pleasant, we can always track down the variants of the monster, lo Stalking Mothman and Wise Mothman. To be almost certain to meet him, and also earn a lot of experience points, we will always be able to participate in an event that is held cyclically near the Landview Lighthouse where, after killing a good number of radioactive fireflies and toads, we will have to light the lamp on top of the lighthouse, whose light will attract our Mothman very easily.
Apart from these two places where he is much easier to meet, Mothman can still be seen anywhere on the extended game map, without restrictions. In general, according to the accounts of the witnesses, it would be easier to find it along the northern borders of the playing area, but many others argue that Mothman or one of its variants has suddenly appeared elsewhere, perhaps just when one least expected it. Just like its "real" counterpart!
► Fallout 76 is an RPG-Shooter type game developed and published by Bethesda for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 14/11/2018
Fallout 76 is a game that we recommend only to true fans of the genre: we have decided to evaluate it with a 58%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Fallout 76 review