Review for Fate / Extella: Link. Game for Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita, the video game was released on 07/06/2018 The version for PC came out on 19/03/2019 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 31/01/2019
Fate / EXTELLA LINK seems to be the Musou's Paradise, and consequently of all those who adore Japanese animation. The title Type-Moon and Marvelous Interactive draws heavily from the ten-year Asian tradition of smash 'em up, characterized by the presence of delicious and visual novelistic walls of text between one battle and another, as well as the usual, perennially adored manga characterization. style that distinguishes the series.
And yes, before you embraced diamond forks you were not even emulators of the persecutors of Joan of Arc, the minnes of the young maidens are always in their place.
Although not at the fetishistic levels of harmonious productions such as Dead Or Alive Extreme, also Fate / EXTELLA LINK offers its good dose of sloppy abundance, inserting itself in that dense array of digital creations capable of winking at even the most perverted of otaku. A big thumbs up in terms of character design tout court. Speaking of playful substance, however, the highlight of the game lies mainly in the single player campaign. The story mode is in fact confirmed to be quite exciting, especially if the user who uses it falls within the not exactly very large circle of musou aficionados. To underline the fact that, in order to perfectly understand the whole story, it is highly recommended to have a minimum firm hold on the events already narrated in the other works of the saga.
For those who want to feel like Archimedes Pythagorean for a day, then, a multitude of skills and characters allows the luxury of experimenting and to find the easiest way so that the user can succeed in the dear, old practice of beating up the adverse enemy scum with the greatest possible incisiveness. But beware, there is a but: we descend on the battlefield and the overbearing blasphemy arrives. When even SNAI decides to unbalance, evaluating the probability that Fate / EXTELLA LINK may not have particularly important defects with lower quotas than those attributed to the fact that Roberto Carlino is able to close the year by carrying out a number of solar showers less than a thousand, here it falls on one of the fundamental points of the genre it refers to, the camera, which often struggles to follow the action.
They are moments, very short intense moments in the midst of which starts a howl that not even the best Tardelli - West Germany of 82 would have been able to emit.
Although manually adjustable, this clumsy virtual eye forces the homo ludens to continually juggle on the pad even if it were an emulation of the unforgettable Moira Orfei. Needless to say all this fingering distracts from the action, often interrupting the savage dive. And when the gamer strongly warns the Leopardi that is in him, revealing the need to take refuge in intimacy with his ego in such a way as to rest his tired limbs, instead of proposing a binary version of the never too praised Silvia he makes a triple pike, offering on the buffet a fantastic camping, in which to verify the skills achieved up to that point, preparing at the same time for the next battle.
Interesting is the implementation of an online mode in which up to a maximum of eight contenders can kneel on the teeth.
Divided into two factions of four components each, the fights to the death represent the freshest the production is able to offer. The engine, partially aided in its task by a graphic design that is all in all enjoyable but does not dazzle, manages to guarantee very smooth action - at least on PlayStation 4 Pro - preventing the gamer from being distracted by significant frame pace uncertainties. Definitely pleasant sound, which manages to galvanize what is enough without overdoing it.
Fate / EXTELLA LINK is a title without blemish and without praise, a production that, while attempting to stand as a polar star of the musou genre, only manages to shine in the macrocosm of similar productions of a soft white light. A small star that, with a little more care, could have aspired to much more important results. Promoted without excelling.
► Fate / Extella: Link is a Musou-type game developed and published by Marvelous for Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita, the video game was released on 07/06/2018 The version for PC came out on 19/03/2019 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 31/01/2019