Much of the time spent on Final Fantasy XIV will be devoted to class leveling. Given the ability to change classes at any time, it is very likely that you will find yourself having to level up a second class ... without being able to take advantage of the missions of the Main Scenario. In this short guide we will give you some leveling guidelines on Square Enix's latest MMO.
Level 1 - 15
This first step is the fastest, but probably the most boring. In fact, before level 10 it is not possible to enter any instance, except the Palace of the Dead, which, however, we do not recommend to do these first levels, for a reason that we will explain in the second part of the guide. The best way to get to 15 quickly is therefore to teleport to one of the 3 starting cities: Ul'dah, Limsa Lominsa or Gridania, and kill the mobs surrounding it, heading to any point of refuge in the areas surrounding the city. Along the way you should have done at least 4 or 5 levels, the first being really instant. Once you arrive at one of these outposts, sand you are at least level 10 you should take part in the “Levequests“, Repeatable quests of different nature, which give a lot of exp. In about an hour you should be ready to go to step 2 of the guide
Level 16-50
From level 16, Final Fantasy XIV's leveling method differs slightly by role. Tank and Healer, taking advantage of the instant queues that benefit them, are encouraged to level up while continuing to do the highest level dungeon available. At each run, usually 15 minutes each, it is possible to do from 1 to 5 levels based on the passive exp bonus of the character. However, DPS find themselves disadvantaged by the waiting times to enter dungeons that plague their role. The best way to level the DPS, if you don't have a companion healer or tank capable of partying the DPS in the queues, is to farm the aforementioned "Palace of the Dead". Qhis procedural dungeon consists of 10 random exploration floors, with a team of 4 people whose classes have no role limitations (it can even be 4 DPS for example). Each run of the "Palace" lasts around 10-15 minutes, and the exp earned changes along with the level of the class that participates in it, making a run usually correspond to a level.
In Final Fantasy XIV, level 18 also unlocks the first daily roulette, roulette leveling. This is a must for every player, as it ensures at least one level per day.
Level 50 - 60
With level 50 in Final Fantasy XIV, the leveling process gets longer. The method remains almost unchanged to that explained above for levels 16-50. However there are some new additions. With the arrival at 50 will be unlocked 2 roulette, the "Main Scenario" and the "Trial". Ldepending on not much exp, but it is extremely quick to complete, so we absolutely recommend it. Different speech for the Main Scenario, which we recommend only in the last phase of leveling. In addition to these two roulettes it is possible to unlock another, the "alliance raid", by completing the quest "Crystal Tower" present in Mor Dhona. The latter is probably the best roulette for leveling from 50 onwards, while requiring slightly longer runs than classic dungeons.
Level 60 - 70
With the arrival at level 60 it is necessary to specify how some leveling methods become ineffective. While Alliance Raid, Leveling and Trial remain recommended, the palace of the Dead loses all its usefulness after level 60. However, to help DPS leveling it is possible to find a replacement for the Palace of the Dead, “Heaven's on High”… which consists of a Palace of the Dead 2.0, available after arriving at the Ruby Sea during the Stormblood main scenario. With the arrival at level 60 it will be possible to unlock an additional roulette, the normal raid ... however the rewards are really poor, so we do not recommend it for leveling. After level 67, whichever class you use, it becomes very advantageous to farm the “Doma Castle” dungeon, which gives huge amounts of exp and boasts relatively short queues even for DPS. In addition, even the Main Scenario roulette becomes very interesting, even with a considerable investment of time (let's talk about an hour at least), this roulette gives almost an entire level a day. However this will require you to repeat the final two dungeons of A Realm Reborn… without being able to skip the cutscenes.
► Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn is an Adventure-RPG game published by Square Enix for PC, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 27/08/2013 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 05/04/2014