Review for Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition. Game for PC, Android, iOS, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 08/02/2018 The version for PC came out on 06/06/2018 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 13/09/2018 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 07/09/2019 The version for Xbox One came out on 07/09/2019
After waiting for a decade, month plus month less, Final Fantasy XV made its triumphal entry on consoles around the world and then on PC. Great was the impact that this title had on the gaming scene, equal only to the passion infused by Square Enix in every frame, as well as the final result was great (widely appreciated by both the press and critics). Riding the wave of such an extensive success and accompanied by the warmth of the fans, the software house has well thought of also creating a version for mobile, now landed in HD also on the laptop that for some time has occupied the leading role in the spotlight : Nintendo Switch.
Let's talk about Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition HD.
Final Fantasy XV has tried to make photorealism one of its strengths, therefore it seems impossible to think that a version of it weakened to run on mobile devices - or on the newborn from Nintendo - can convince the general public. As powerful as it is, Switch does not have the possibility (for now) to run an open world title with such an impressive graphic detail without drops or uncertainties. Square Enix, however, has not been intimidated and has created a version that, instead of photorealism, leaves room for a more minimal and cartoonish graphics that still remain in agreement with the Final Fantasy saga and that does not clash overall, on the contrary.
The free exploration structure is also sacrificed in favor of an episodic storyline (all available immediately as opposed to the mobile version), and the combat system has been simplified, but incredibly none of these cuts significantly affect the final result that remains engaging and well done.
The stylized protagonists do not lose that emotional depth that the production house has wisely infused and the decision not to vary the plot or the cutscenes in any way, has meant that the emotion transmitted to the gamer remains almost unchanged. Noctis and his fraternal companions in adventure maintain the characteristics that made them famous and there is no lack of high-level graphic detail throughout the course of the adventure: this happens thanks to Square Enix's experience in the production of JRPG and in his field-proven abilities to instill character and sentiment in his characters even without having to resort to exceptional photorealism.
Even the growth of the character, accessible by means of a skill tree available at the end of the game section, is not undermined in this transposition, rather it keeps intact the basic characteristics of the original title by resorting to some small compromise in relation to the slightly sacrificed gameplay.
We must not think, however, that the latter lacks thickness, because our darling Noctis maintains his ability to project himself and his basic control of the magical arts: one button is used for dodging, one for projections, one for the basic attack, and in combo with the backbones it is possible to unleash the use of ancestral weapons or the use of magic.
Despite these simplifications, the guerrilla phases are always exciting even if, apart from the boss, they are rather simple to overcome. Interesting is the implementation, due to the search for greater combat depth, of integrating a “quick-time event” which, depending on the player's readiness, will allow a powerful counterattack or a lightning-fast dodge.
Another small sacrifice was made in terms of map size, free travel aboard the Regalia and side quests, which in Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition HD are very simplified, at times trivial, and are aimed mostly at so-called completists.
Fortunately, the audio sector remains practically unchanged compared to the original and the emotional depth that it is able to confer, combined with the choice of design of characters and environments, returns a satisfying and pleasant final result. Moreover, playing Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition HD in the portable version we did not notice the slightest uncertainty even in the most excited phases, but strangely you can see drops in reproduction on the big screen. We are hopeful that these small and negligible uncertainties will soon be patched by the development team, always ready and attentive on all fronts.
Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition HD is another small Square Enix masterpiece that allows you to play on Nintendo Switch a title that otherwise would have been closed to a large portion of the public. The cuts made to adapt to less powerful hardware do not undermine usability overall. The only real limitation you might run into could be a comparison with the original version: if you have enjoyed the title on PlayStation 4, you may find it boring to relive the same adventures in a lite version.
► Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition is an Action-JRPG game developed and published by Square Enix for PC, Android, iOS, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch, the game was released on 08/02/2018 The version for PC came out on 06/06/2018 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 13/09/2018 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 07/09/2019 The version for Xbox One came out on 07/09/2019