Gears Tactics is a turn-based strategy game that requires calculation and patience. After familiarizing yourself with the controls, you will soon find yourself getting to know your enemies: The Locusts. At the end of the sixth chapter of Act I you will find yourself fighting against the first real boss of the game, huge and deadly: the Brumak. With this guide we will try to help you in the best way to overcome this mammoth enemy and continue the campaign.
- Bring the soldier who can deal as much damage as possible with you
The team with which you face Brumak will be the same one you choose at the beginning of Chapter 6. For that mission you will be forced to bring with you Gabe, Sid and Mikayla and only one other component of your choice. You may be tempted to bring a Scout or Support (as an extra healer on the team never hurts) but our advice is to choose a heavily armed soldier, able to do as much damage as possible with their primary weapon. Another suggestion we give you is to not let the fourth member of the team die during the skirmishes that will precede the clash with the boss.
- Wound the Brumak by shooting him in the back
The Brumak is wounded by shooting him in the back and, in particular, to the containers he carries on his shoulders, which contain an unspecified toxic substance that keeps him alive. Shooting one of the canisters will gradually reduce its health but, at the same time, the huge boss will turn to the soldier who hit him.
The strategy to be preferred at this stage will therefore be that of place two team members in front of the boss and the other two behind. You will have to pay attention to the positions of your soldiers and determine, from time to time, which will be the last man to shoot. It will not be necessary to select the cans to hit as this will happen automatically and each of the 3 containers will represent a new phase of combat.
Also, for example, if a container has a very low health bar (like 50 HP) and is hit with a weapon capable of dealing 400 damage, the remaining 350 will not affect the health of the next container. It will essentially involve destroying 3 containers in 3 different phases. If you are about to place a critical hit with a sniper who will then need a few turns to try again, keep this dynamic in mind first.
- How to survive the Brumak movements
Brumak can damage your squad members in three different ways: by firing miniguns, stepping on them, or firing missiles. He will have two machine guns positioned on each forearm whose single shot will not cause too much damage and will not be very accurate since it will cover an area not exactly restricted. However, repeated hits, perhaps during the same turn, could be lethal even for a soldier defended by a high quality armor. We therefore advise you to eliminate both miniguns as soon as possible even though they will have an initial health bar of 2000. During this phase, also try to move your men to an advantageous shelter.
If you get too close to the boss he will will trample you inflicting a significant amount of damage to you and immediately stopping any of your actions, such as the Lookout for example. So try to keep your men on safety distance.
Whenever the first Gears Tactics boss ends his turn it will also fire missiles into the air that will land with devastating effects at the end of your turn. The interface will notify you the point of impact of ground missiles marking areas with huge flashing red circles. Very often the impact zones will correspond to your men, so you will have to reposition them frequently. Initially the boss will only fire two missiles but they will become three and then four during the rest of the battle. By acting with a bit of cunning, you can also protect your men before the explosions e lure other enemies into the impact zones.
- Always have at least one frag grenade ready for use per turn
During the fight the so-called will open from time to time emergence holes, from which some types of enemies present in Gears Tactics will emerge. Mainly it will be about Abietti which, while not very formidable, will still be very annoying. Husk health is low but thanks to their speed they can cover long distances during a shift. Then use the fragmentation grenades to close emergence holes as quickly as possible or to eliminate small groups of enemies before focusing on Brumak. Only in case the boss's health is relatively low is it advisable to focus only on him rather than on the other enemies in order to finish the challenge as soon as possible.
- Last warning
The mission will end with a game over in case Sid gets killed. We therefore recommend that you use the save function at least halfway through the fight, or when the health bar of the second container on Brumak's shoulder will be more or less halfway.
Gears Tactics, as a good turn-based strategy, requires patience and planning especially in the most demanding missions. Though the level of challenge will be adjustable at will, the game developed by the Splash Damage team will always test you, so to avoid nasty surprises we invite you to read our other guide for Gears Tactics.
► Gears Tactics is a Strategy-Tactical game developed by Splash Damage and published by Black Tusk Studios for PC and Xbox Series X, the video game was released on 28/04/2020
Gears Tactics is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 88%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Gears Tactics Review