Review for God's Trigger. Game for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 18/04/2019 The version for PC came out on 18/04/2018 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 18/04/2018 The version for Xbox One came out on 18/04/2018
An angel with a raincoat, a demoness with breathtaking curves, weapons, ultra violence in profusion, more blood splashed around than in a Tarantino film ... The Apocalypse! These are the hallmarks of God's Trigger, the new action shooter from One More Level, a game that truly brings the Devil and the holy water together!
In God's Trigger we will wear the trench coat of Harry, a disgraced warrior angel, and the tight clothes of Judy, a demoness exiled on Earth for millennia and ended up becoming attached to the human race, and we will set off on an adventure in an attempt to stop none other than the 'Armageddon putting into practice a plan as simple as it is effective: find the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, take them out, go up to Heaven and put all things back in their place. Nothing more, nothing less.
God's Trigger is presented as a really fast and frenetic game, inspired very much (perhaps too much) by that small, great masterpiece that is Hotline Miami.
From the gruesome game of Dennaton Games God's Trigger takes the view from above, the brutality and the game mechanics: with one stick you control the movement, with the other the direction towards which we are oriented (and consequently the aim) and with a button you attack with the weapon we are in possession of.
Our two "heroes" start with basic equipment: a sword for Harry, quite powerful but with a short range of action, and a hook chain (ouch!) For Judy, less harmful but much faster to use and with a greater range. In addition to these two basic weapons we will be able to count on a further variety of offending objects (such as clubs, pipes, pitchforks, various firearms and so on) that can be obtained simply by mating in joy the unfortunate mobs that we will meet around the levels.
In addition to earthly weapons, Judy and Harry will also be able to rely on a series of personal supernatural powers - essential to be able to proceed in some points - and on other abilities, both active and passive, which we will be called to improve by proceeding in the game with a similar system. -Role simple but rather effective.
The peculiar feature of God's Trigger however, remains the interaction between the two different characters. It will make no difference if we decide to face the entire adventure in the company of a friend, through a local co-op mode with the split screen, or in single player. Whichever mode we choose, some actions and some key steps will be feasible only by one in particular of the two protagonists. If you are playing solo, it will be sufficient to switch from one character to another by simply pressing a button, while continuing to use the same weapon selected at that moment. This lightning-fast change will also give us a way to adapt in real time to the hectic situations we will constantly run into.
Harry will be able to execute a very powerful charge, useful for knocking down doors and sections of wall (even on the head of some unfortunate) as well as dodging bullets, while Judy will be able to teleport away from danger or through walls and structures. Also, Harry will be able to make himself invisible for short periods, while Judy will be able to "own" a mob and have him attack his companions in our stead.
The wise use of the skills of each character will give us the opportunity to face the levels in an always different and creative way, which is very useful when we find ourselves redoing a certain passage after being killed. Because in God's Trigger you die, oh if you die! Just a simple blow and our character will fall to the ground in a splattering pool of blood!
In spite of the bewildering number of times they will slaughter us, God's Trigger never reveals itself, not even in the more advanced levels or against bosses, a frustrating game. Punitive (especially in some passages) definitely yes but, we repeat, never, never frustrating. Indeed, being brutally smeared on some surface only increases the desire to skin everything that moves indiscriminately on the screen, perhaps elaborating a new approach strategy. In short, God's Trigger is a game that is unlikely to make us ragequitt, even if it will beat us soundly over and over again.
On the technical side we are faced with an excellent sound (great sountrack) and a very well done graphic sector, even if a little dated looking. Nothing transcendental, however, only that the general aspect, although very clean and detailed, is not at the level of other titles coming out in this period, now of the end of generation.
While God's Trigger might seem like a simple Hotline Miami clone at first glance, it's actually much more than that. By combining winning mechanics with proven and small - but significant - gameplay innovations, One More Level has created a simple game without excessive pretensions, but still captivating and above all very fun. Really good work.
► God's Trigger is an indie-type scrolling beat 'em up-shooter game published by Techland for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 18/04/2019 The version for PC came out on 18/04/2018 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 18/04/2018 The version for Xbox One came out on 18/04/2018