Review for Greedfall. Game for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 10/09/2019
Try to imagine the past times, precisely during the time when man and nature fought against each other to achieve the balance and respect that still reigns in today's world. Imagine the situation today, where one of the lungs of our earth is robbed and eradicated every day of its tribes and everything around it. Now try to imagine a handful of tribes - strongly linked to that sacred and living land - trying to defend themselves with bows and arrows against the "modern weapons" used by the military forces.
You will surely be asking yourself some questions, such as: "How is it possible to reconnect the story of Greedfall to that of today"? Yes, the two are more alike than you can imagine. After announcing it back in 2016, Spiders Studio and Focus Home Interactive are ready to release to the world one of the most anticipated Action RPGs ever, capable of involving in an incredible way those who manage to immerse themselves in this multimedia work.
Developed by a small team of about 20/25 people, GreedFall will lead us to experience the seventeenth century as we have never seen it before: forced to "live" with one of the scariest diseases that humanity has ever known, Malicore. The latter is rapidly decimating the population and, as you can imagine, man is ready to seek a cure on a completely unexplored island full of adversity. Pack your bags, make yourself comfortable and polish your swords, we are about to tell you our impressions on one of the craziest and most wonderful expeditions ever seen in the videogame world.
Welcome to the new world
Our adventure inside GreedFall begins precisely in a room where we will have to choose the appearance of our protagonist: the latter is well detailed and we will have the possibility to choose different customization options like hair, beard, eyes, skin etc etc. Although the latter is quite varied, the options available are limited and do not expect to find a hundred varieties of haircuts or fifty types of beards: the developers have focused on other aspects of the game.
Once our PG is finished we will taste the first glimpses of this mammoth title, including the first battle and the first interactions with the NPCs that will accompany us during the adventure: the first battle will make us meet Kurt, one of the Conio Guards who has protected us since childhood and who, fortunately, will be ready to make us dust off the basics of combat.
After finishing the tutorial, which will explain the basics of fighting within the world of GreedFall, we will go to pay the last farewell to our beloved mother who, unfortunately, is also suffering from the disease that everyone fears: the last farewell between our protagonist and his mother it immediately gives the feeling that we are about to face a long journey full of difficulties, at the end of which the return to this earth will not be guaranteed ...
We are finally ready to explore the city of Serene, which is the area most affected by Malicore and that, unfortunately, it will not be what we expected: visiting the city far and wide, we will notice the people devastated by the disease and mass graves will be on the agenda. The city pours into inhumane conditions and will give us that feeling of sadness and devastation as we enter its narrow alleys. Exploration is the basis of everything in this adventure: exploring the city will not only guarantee us precious materials for the creation of objects and potions, but will open us to new ways of interacting with the population present in the streets.
After completing the first few missions, both primary and secondary, we can guarantee you won't be disappointed: the main missions will take us gradually to advance in the game plot, while the secondary ones will open up a completely new world, full of intrigue and new places. During the exploration we happened to meet several NPCs who have entrusted us with secondary missions, opening up roads that connected "indirectly" to the main story. In Greedfall it is essential to dialogue with all the characters in the game area: each will give us the opportunity to earn extra material or increased armor. Once the available mission is completed, we will earn experience points essential for the growth of our hero.
Just during the exploration, we will get to know Captain Vasco who will update us on the progression of preparations for the long journey: the captain warns us that he is missing shortly before the big day and that the prince, cousin of the protagonist, has disappeared somewhere. day and that most likely he was kidnapped by some enemies in the city. Our priority will be to find Costantin d'Orsay, as without him it will not be possible to sail to the splendid island of New Serene: Once we have found our cousin and completed some fundamental missions for the advancement of the story, we will finally be ready to set sail towards a new and wonderful city.
Before leaving we will have the opportunity to meet and greet the various ambassadors of the factions available who will charge us with some special missions, but remember that the choices you make in GreedFall will affect the end game: choose carefully each answer or approach, since each choice will also affect your reputation with the enemy factions or vice versa. One of the most beautiful aspects of this multimedia work lies precisely in the freedom of choice and it will be up to us to decide our destiny: we will have to learn to be diplomatic and at the same time rebellious. Some situations will lead us to make some rather difficult choices and we assure you that it will not be easy at all.
In GreedFall we will never be alone and we will be accompanied by some characters we meet during our adventure, among which Kurt, Siora, Vasco, Aphra and Petrus stand out: our party will consist of three components and each of them will have its own specific features. For example, Vasco specializes in firearms and melee attacks, while Siora will focus more on ranged attacks and the various spells available: we guarantee that each character is well characterized and will guarantee us fundamental help during the clashes.
The city of New Serene is very distant and some legends tell that magical creatures populate those vast lands, which at the same time could hide a source of eternal life that has always animated the population and the island tribes. Man, who has now colonized these splendid lands for five long years, he is destroying and slowly invading the lands that do not belong to him, desperately seeking a cure for the disease that afflicts and decimates the population of Serene.
Once we have gathered the party and completed the missions in the city we will go to Vasco, who will tell us that some of his men have loaded one of the many huge beasts from the lands of Teer Fradee onto their ship: right from this moment, the beast on the ship will pop out starting the game's first real boss fight which, at times, seemed to us somewhat simplified and devoid of action. After completing this last challenge, we will finally be ready to set sail to New Serene and the mysterious lands of Teer Fradee. What happens once we land on the new island? This and much more you will have to find out by facing this huge and long-lasting adventure called GreedFall.
A noteworthy RPG
The Spiders Studio team did not focus only on the game plot, but they strongly wanted to refine and structure the fighting and everything that surrounds this game mechanic: we can well see how the developers wanted to focus tightly on the GreedFall combat system, dedicating himself in the best way to the personalization and growth of his own character. In this multimedia work we have a simple combat system that recalls, at times, some mechanics already seen in other noteworthy titles: we will notice some similarities with the works by Hidetaka Miyazaki, that "hit and dodge" already seen in the chapters of the note From Software saga.
The basics are pretty simple to guess and it won't take long before you master the combat phases: spells, quick strike, powerful strike, dodge, parry, kick and fury will be the moves that will accompany us for the duration of the adventure, and it will be up to us to combine the best actions to achieve devastating attacks. If you are not "quick" in making the right choices, the developer studio has also thought of this by inserting a tactical break that will simplify our life a lot: thanks to the latter we will be able to calmly plan the moves of our character , as well as using potions, spells and much more.
One of the peculiarities that most struck us about the title is certainly the possibility of customizing your PG in a very profound way: at the beginning of our adventure, we had the opportunity to choose and customize the abilities, attributes and talents of our character which, we assure you, are really many. The former will mainly affect weapon, armor and spell bonuses; attributes will increase the character's agility, charisma and strength; talents will go to increase life, crafting, intelligence, persuasion or magic.
One of the key elements of this multimedia work lies precisely in evaluating and thinking about one's actions: as already mentioned, in GreedFall it will be essential to decide wisely our actions, since any decision will radically influence the game ending. On some occasions, for example, it will be wiser to persuade the enemy than to strike him with brute force, or to bribe will be better than to threaten and so on. Some behaviors could change the entire game plot and compromise ongoing quests (be careful!). We advise you to mix skills and attributes during your adventure: focusing and upgrading a single skill will not be the best tactic to face the adventure.
In GreedFall the word personalization is the basis of everything, starting from the character editor up to the vast arsenal and clothing: the garments wearable during our adventure are infinite and all special, and perfectly recall the game setting and the world that surrounds the characters. We can change our clothes and those of our companions at any time and, as you can imagine, the options available are many and all special. Clothing won't be the only customizable feature in the game: any weapon or armor can be modified by increasing its attack power and stats: we will have the opportunity to change various pieces of the armor available such as kicks, materials, knobs, flambergas and much more. The role-playing side of GreedFall is quite wonderful, and goes to reiterate once again the intention of the Spiders Studio team in wanting to revive one of the most popular genres of the videogame industry.
Graphics and Sound
On the graphics sector, unfortunately, we must point out some details that cannot be exempt from criticism: some polygonal models of the characters are really careless and visually improved, while the textures and some lighting effects leave something to be desired. It will be the low budget available, it will be the few strengths of a small team, but we are sure that a little effort, graphically speaking, would certainly have been appreciated. We also noticed some rather worrying bugs, but the developers have ensured that they will be fixed in the shortest possible time. There is no question about the quality of the game world setting, the work done by the Spiders Studio guys is extraordinary: we will literally get lost in Teer Frade, exploring far and wide the places and creatures present in these beautiful lands.
Another point in favor we attribute to the music and melodies present in this work: the background music or the sounds present during the various fights will be able to transport us and make us immerse even in the most frenetic moments of the game. Focus Home Interactive strongly wanted to invest in this aspect, recording the various melodies through a specialized French orchestra (exactly as happened with A Plague Tale: Innocence).
Although some mechanics are often woody and some dialogues too long, we find the Spiders Studio original and full of features. A work like this has been missing for some time within the videogame panorama and we are quite satisfied with the result obtained by this small team which, we recall, is made up of only 20 people. It will certainly not be perfect, yes, but we can safely consider GreedFall as one of the best Action RPGs of recent years.
GreedFall is a mixture of art, fantasy and love in a single sentimental work, able to kidnap the player for over 40 hours of gameplay excluding the various secondary missions. If we note some flaw in the graphics sector of the game, we cannot fail to admire the will and strength of the development team in creating this mammoth videogame adventure. The customization of the characters, the design of the creatures and the game setting will lead us to turn a blind eye to the small defects that affix the game, leading us to appreciate other aspects and mechanics of the work in question. We recommend the purchase of the title which, we remember, is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC for the modest sum of € 49,90.
► Greedfall is an RPG type game developed by Spiders and published by Focus Home Interactive for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 10/09/2019