Review for Gundam Versus. Game for PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 06/07/2017
In Japan there is a fighting game genre in particular that is very popular, especially in the arcade: we are talking about the Arena-style beat 'em up, of which games like Jojo Eyes of Heaven, J Stars Victory VS and Dissidia Final Fantasy NT are exponents. . At the top of the type, however, the fighting game dedicated to Gundam has always stood out, of which we received a taste on western consoles when Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme VS Force was released on PSP. A few days ago the new chapter of the saga was released on PlayStation 4, simply called Gundam Versus.
The stories are mainstream
Gundam Versus, unlike Extreme VS Force, has no story mode; this could already make someone turn up their noses, but the worst problem is that, in general, offline modes are almost completely absent. We find a mode called "Final battle", In which we will have to face a number of waves of enemies, another named"Battle Test", In which there is a certain number of stages divided into roads to choose from according to the preferred difficulty, and, finally, a"Free battle”In which we will be able to choose the characters on the pitch and any type of setting. These are the only offline modes, and it goes without saying that they are not enough to guarantee more than a few hours of interest.
Versus titles are designed for arcades, so unless the console versions are "upgraded", they only have an online component of friendly and ranked fights. Gundam Versus is the perfect example: once the very scarce single-player content is exhausted, all that's left is to throw yourself headlong into online battles.
Space battles
The heart of the production is obviously the gameplay with which we can engage in furious online battles. Alone or alongside one or two companions (being the base game a 2v2 but being able to get to 3v3 in this version), we will find ourselves in an arena in command of the chosen Gundam. Our warrior has ranged and short-range attacks, the latter in different variations depending on the direction pressed. It will be possible to perform combos, dodges, special attacks, defensive maneuvers and summons of a fellow “striker” who will carry out an attack before disappearing. We will also be able to activate a temporary enhancement of your choice between the Blazing Gear (which enhances single attacks in close combat) and the Lightning Gear (which is more suitable for ranged attacks and increases mobility); it will also affect the Gundams within the team. When the companion is guided by the CPU we will be able to give him simple orders, but the greatest fun comes from a close collaboration between friends, which shows a teamplay capable of subduing enemy Mobile Suits.
Gundam Versus was designed to be played in the arcade or in any other company, but here we find the other huge weakness of the production on PlayStation 4: although online play is the main mode and it is possible to invite PSN friends to team up, a split screen mode is not available for two to play on the same console. This further destroys the fun, not being able to share the experience with a friend who acts as a rival or, even better, as a teammate.
Technical sheet: all green
The technical side of Gundam Versus is definitely the best part of the product. Finally, by not sharing the production between multiple console generations, the developers were able to focus on PlayStation 4, showing superior graphics. THE Mobile Suits are all excellently crafted, with realistic attacks and movements, very closely reminiscent of animations seen in anime, and the settings are very detailed and full of destructible elements. Note of demerit for the explosions of bosses and big Mobile Suits, which seem to disappear into thin air in detonations smaller than themselves. The audio sector presents a perfect dubbing, with all the original voices of old and new characters, and music tracks taken from the soundtracks of all the series, even including several opening themes. This can only make every enthusiast happy, also thanks tohuge roster of characters available, more or less a hundred.
By leveling up the Gundams and using the money earned from the various battles, we will also be able to buy new strikers, new pilots for the various Mobile Suits, and even navigators taken from the various anime series. Too bad that suits and pilots from entire series have been skipped of the saga, which certainly cannot help a purely fanservice side.
Gundam Versus is an excellent fighting game between Mobile Suit, where strategy, reflexes, and teamplay make the difference. Although there is little to argue about the actual gameplay, the console port was carried out without considering what a player needs at home in the least: offline modes are important, as a story mode plays on both the fanservice factor and on longevity. . Gundam Versus, on the other hand, does not provide for almost any single player need, showing an almost totalitarian component for online and competitive gaming. Too bad that the arcade spirit is also lost, since it is impossible to play locally with friends.
► Gundam Versus is a fighting game developed and published by Bandai Namco for PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 06/07/2017