If you are curious to find out more about Detroit Become Human lore and want to unlock the trophy Bookworm, you will have to find and read all 46 hidden magazines in the game.
These have a double cover and in order to complete the trophy, you will need to read them both by swiping to the right. As you can imagine, even in this case we are very tied to the choices, which affect whether or not a magazine was found. We therefore advise you to collect them only during a second run.
Chapter 3: Shades
- Cover # 10 and # 19 - On the bench to the right of Markus.
Chapter 4: New Home
- Cover # 22 and # 1 - In the living room, on the table.
- Cover # 23 and # 11 - In Todd's bedroom.
Chapter 5: The Painter
- Cover # 2 and # 27 - In front of the TV, on the coffee table.
Chapter 6: Colleagues
- Cover # 25 and # 12 - As soon as you enter the kitchen, you will find it on your right.
Chapter 10: Fugitives
- Cover # 3 and # 26 - Inside the laundry room, on the cupboard.
Chapter 12: Waiting for Hank ...
- Cover # 28 - If you didn't attack Leo in Chapter 8, you will find this magazine on your desk.
- Cover # 29 and # 30 - If you attacked Leo in Chapter 8, you will find this magazine on your desk.
Chapter 13: On the Run
- Cover # 32 and # - Very easy to find. Its position will vary according to where you decide to sleep. Next to where Alice sleeps in the house, in front of the car or near the television in the motel room.
Chapter 14: Jericho
- Cover # 32 and # 13 - After getting off the train, you will find the magazine on a bench. However, it won't be possible to see cover 32 if Kara and Alice didn't escape Todd's house and if they were seen by the police in the previous chapter.
- Cover # 15 - In case the police failed to see Kara and Alice, this cover will replace # 32. You can still find it in chapter 27.
Chapter 15: The Nest
- Cover # 20 and # 33 - Do not enter immediately where the pigeons are but move to the right, into the closet.
Chapter 17 - Zlatko
- Cover # 34 and # 35 - After Kara reset, go up to the first floor of the mansion. # 35 is only available if Kara and Alice were seen during Chapter 13 by the police.
- Cover # 41 - This cover will replace # 35 if the police failed to discover Kara and Alice.
Chapter 18: Russian Roulette
- Cover # 5 and # 4 - In Hank's bedroom.
Chapter 20: The Eden Club
- Cover # 14 and # 36 - Inside the warehouse. Be sure to read it before you start investigating.
Chapter 21: The Pirate's Lair
- Cover # 37 and # 24 - On the barrel where Kara rests the flashlight.
Chapter 22: The Bridge
- Cover # 8 and # 40 - As soon as you get out of the car you will find it on the bench opposite.
Chapter 23: The Stratford Tower
- Cover # 6 and # 38 - Go up to floor 47, before entering the bathroom, in the refreshment area.
Chapter 24: Public Enemy
- Cover # 16 and # 21 - In the kitchen of the broadcast room.
Chapter 25: Midnight Train
- Cover # 9 and # - After Rose leaves the house, take the magazine from the kitchen. If you have already opened the door for the policeman to enter, you will have to start from the last checkpoint.
Chapter 26: Capitol Park
- Cover # 39 and # 7 - As soon as you take control of Markus, turn to his left.
Chapter 27: Kamski
- Cover # 17 and # 15 - After Chloe has ushered you into Kamski's house, examine the picture on the right wall. Only then can you access the magazine below it.
Chapter 28: March for Freedom
- Cover # 42 and # 18 - If during chapter 26 you freed the androids and led a riot, turn left to collect the magazine.
Chapter 30: Crossroads
- Cover # 43 and # 44 - During chapter 28, attack the police to gain access to the magazine. It's near the stairs, but don't go upstairs, or you won't be able to retrieve it.
Chapter 32 - Battle for Detroit
- Cover # 45 - If you demonstrated peacefully in Chapter 31, Markus will find this magazine on a bench in the android camp.
- Cover # 46 - If you demonstrated violently in Chapter 31, Kara will find this magazine at the bus stop.
► Detroit: Become Human is an Adventure-type game developed by Quantic Dream and published by Sony for PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 25/05/2018
Detroit: Become Human is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 76%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the review of Detroit: Become Human