The beauty of Digimon has always been placed in eggs, in fact, fans of the animated series or the game know very well that each Digimon has a specific life cycle. This can last more or less depending on various factors such as: affinity with your coach, state of health, skill points or to finish a much loved area. In Digimon World: Next Order you will find yourself having to choose the two initial partners, thanks to this quick and intuitive guide, we will find out which Digimon reside in each egg.
1 # Egg: Botamon and Koromon.
In the first egg at our disposal we will be able to choose Botamon as a partner, which once it reaches an evolutionary stage will transform into the intermediate form called Koromon.
2 # Egg: Punimon and Tsunamon.
In the second egg at your disposal you can choose Punimon, in its intermediate state it will digivolve into Tsunamon.
3 # Egg: Poyomon and Tokomon.
In the third egg at your disposal you will have two of the strongest Digimon in the game, Poyomon in his primary state. The latter will digivolve into Tokomon in the intermediate stage.
4 # Egg: YukimiBotamon and Nyaromon.
The fourth egg of your choice will put your passion in doubt, here in fact you will find yourself in front of Yukimi Botamon in the primordial stage. The latter, once trained properly, will digivolve into Nyaromon, very useful to your cause.
5 # Egg: Pabumon and Motimon.
The fifth egg will include a very versatile Pabumon digimon in his primordial state, while in the intermediate state he will digivolve into Motimon.
6 # Egg: Jyarimon and Gigimon.
The sixth egg is perhaps the most beautiful to start with, here in fact we can rely on Jyarimon in its initial stage, and then digivolve into Gigimon.
7 # Egg: Zerimon and Gummymon.
The seventh egg will see inside Zerimon in its initial stage, in its digivolution the latter will turn into Gummymon a very versatile Digimon.
8 # Egg: Conomon and Kokomon.
The eighth egg will allow you to choose Conomon, the latter in its intermediate stage will digivolve into Kokomon, a very useful digimon in terms of strength and intelligence.
9 # Egg: Pichimon and Bukamon.
If you are a true Digimon lover this is the egg for you, in fact here you will find Pichimon in its initial stage, while in its intermediate stage Bukamon.
10 # Egg: Yuramon and Taremon.
In the last egg at your disposal you can choose Yuramon a very useful Digimon, while in his intermediate stage he will transform into Taremon.