In Dishonored 2 there are a myriad of Paintings to collect, thanks to this simple and intuitive guide we will go to find them in every corner of Karnaca. Let's find out together how to expand our art collection, thanks to the wonderful portraits present in the latest effort by the guys from Arkane Studios.
A Long Day in Dunwall
1 # Painted.
As soon as you leave Dunwall Tower, go through the security corridor and you will find the painting on your right.
2 # Painted.
From Doctor Galvani's office, once you exit the tower, go to the building on the right: here you will find a room with the painting inside.
Edge of the World
3 # Painted.
As soon as you arrive on the quays of Karnaca, you will have to find a large building with the Delilah logo; use your powers to get to the building. Once inside, thanks to the window, you will find yourself in front of the painting in question.
4 # Painted.
From the wall of light go to the right where you will find a building with overseers. Once you get the better of them, go to the bathroom to get the painting.
5 # Painted.
Once you have passed the wall of light, you will have to head towards the Superintendent's office; here on the door there will be a painting to take.
6 # Painted.
Along the road in front of Addemire Station, you will need to go to the back of the Winslow Society to find the key to access Dr. Hypatia's office. Obtained the key, go to his office to get the painting.
The Good Doctor.
7 # Painted.
You will find the painting as soon as you enter the Addemire Institute, just to the right in the main atrium.
8 # Painted.
To find this collectible you will first have to go up to the roof of the Addemire institute, and then pass through the roofs of the surrounding houses. By doing so you will be able to access the basement where the painting is.
9 # Painted.
To reach this painting you will have to call the elevator to the top floor of the Addemire institute; once on top cut the cables to make it crash to the ground. Destroyed the wooden base, you can access the trap door that will hide the painting inside.
10 # Painted.
To find this painting you will have to go back to Doctor Hypatia's office, in the corner on the right.
The Clockwork Mansion.
11 # Painted.
This painting is very easy to find: once you get out of the sewers, use the teleporter to go over the building in front of you. Once you reach the roof, enter the hatch to collect the painting in the attic.
12 # Painted.
To find this painting you will have to go to the same building as the previous collectible, but instead of reaching the roof you will have to go to the alley.
13 # Painted.
Once you reach the upper Aventa district, disable the wall of light and kill the guard with the key. Use it to enter the red building and get the painting.
14 # Painted.
Inside the Clockwork mansion, where you will save Anton Sokolov, there will be a portrait placed in the corner of the room.
15 # Painted.
To find this collectible you will need to locate Jindosh's bathroom. Once you reach the latter you will activate the levers that will lower the platforms: climb on them to reach the painting placed higher.
The Royal Convervatory.
17 # Painted.
Painting number seventeen is in the room of the damned. To get there you will need to disable the light wall on the lower level. When you reach the second floor, clear the area of the infected and retrieve the painting in the main room.
18 # Painted.
This painting is located inside the office of curator Breanna Ashworth, along the wall to the right of the room.
19 # Painted.
It is possible to find this painting under the archive, thanks to an underground passage.
20 # Painted.
To find the twentieth painting you will have to go to the second floor of Paolo's building, here above the stairs you will find the painting waiting for you.
21 # Painted.
Head to the Overseer's building and use the teleporter to reach the destroyed wall. Once inside you can find the painting placed in the room.
A Crack in the Slab.
22 # Painted.
To find this painting you will have to use your power: go back to the past and go to the dining room to be able to take the painting. Once taken, you can safely return to the future and the painting will come with you.
23 # Painted.
To find this collectible you will have to go back to the past and take the key to the kitchen. Back in the future, destroy the balcony leading to the garden and go back to the past again to kill the two guards present. At this point, go to the hall to get the painting placed in the room.
The Grand Palace.
24 # Painted.
To find this painting, once you've destroyed the wall of light in the main district, you'll need to find a building with a windmill. Here, use your powers to go upstairs and find the collectible.
25 # Painted.
Enter the palace to find this collectible on the fireplace in the main hall.
26 # Painted.
In the same position as the previous collectible, instead of entering the main hall, go to the right along the library and you will find the painting hanging along the right wall.
Death to the Empress.
27 # Painted.
To find the last collectible before re-entering the Dunwall Tower you will have to go to the garden where Jessamine was killed. In the center of the courtyard you will find a trap door and, inside, guarded by three artifacts, you will find the last painting of the game.