Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana, like a huge part of Falcom games, features multiple endings to the player. In this title we have 3 different endings: bad ending, good ending and true ending. The purpose of this FAQ is to show you what actually affects the ending and how to get the True Ending, which is also needed for the “End of the Blue Waves” gold trophy.
The ending of Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana basically varies from the “Approval” value that the player can check at any time via Adol's diary. This parameter is defined by the esteem and approval that the shipwreck people of the Isle of Seiren have towards the protagonist. Therefore, the crucial first step is to find all the shipwrecks scattered around the island, many of which are optional. You can find the complete list of characters and how to get them in this other FAQ.
To increase the Approval value you will have to basically protect the village through the “Interceptions”, or carry out the secondary missions that the various shipwrecks of the island of Seiren will request through the bulletin board located at the entrance of the village. Each time you complete a specific character's quest, his approval of Adol will increase by one star. The cumulative total of stars per castaway is 4, except for a few of them. As you can see, doing the quests will not be enough. Another way to raise this parameter is to give gifts to certain village members. Most of the gifts can be obtained via bargaining chips at the village itself, by trading with Dina the merchant for other items or materials. The list of gifts that you will have to find while exploring are:
- Snowflake Soap, to give to Hummel - Eternial capital ruins.
- Gold Energy Crystal, to give to Dana - Archeozoic Big Hole.
- Big Seed, to give to Little Paro - Passage of Ancients Species.
- Iron Knuckle, to give to Dogi - Eleftheria.
- Rainbow Pigment, to give to Austin - Gendarme.
- Ancient Coin, to give to Dina - It is located at the Baha Tower.
- Romun Badge, to give to Aaron - It is located in Nostalgic Cape.
- Old Stethoscope, to give to Licht - It is located at Groundwater Artery.
- Engraved Pen, to give to Thanatos - It is located in Lonely Island.
- Gold Emblem, to give to Sir Carlan - Complete the “Desperate Defense” Raid by predicting at least Rank A.
- Violet Bookmark, to give to Griselda - It is located in Lofos Hill.
- Ship Nameplate, to give to Kashu - Return to the depths of the Archeozoic Big Hole where you faced the Kraken and look for the sunken Lombardy plaque.
With the necessary gifts and completed the quests on the bulletin board (remember to check it every time you return to the village between explorations), you will have done everything it takes to ensure the True Ending. Here are the statistics needed to have the three different endings:
Bad Ending: Approval equal to or below 103
Good ending: Approval 104 to 197
True Ending: Approval equal to or greater than 198.
Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana is available on PlayStation 4 and Playstation Vita. A version on Steam will be released during the next year.