The Quest Rogue deck is a deck that makes use of the Mission to play the same card at least 4 times, making it return continuously to your hand, then using the reward to get various 5/5 monsters at the beginning of the game that will defeat the opponent. This deck features cards from the latest expansions The Slums of Meccania and Voyage to Una Goro.
How to make a Quest Rogue deck for Hearthstone? Here we show you the list of cards needed to develop it.
Thief cards
- Explore the Abyss x 1
- Step into the Shadow x 2
- Preparation x 2
- Pilot of Meccania x 2
- Imitator Pod x 2
- Fan of Blades x 1
- Disappearance x 1
Neutral Cards
- Wisp x 2
- Scagliadura Boar x 2
- Firefly x 2
- Glacial Shard x 2
- Pirate Grin x 1
- Acquanera Cutthroat x 2
- Pinnatorva Seahunter x 2
- Young Brewer x 2
- Novice Engineer x 2
- Igneous Elemental x 2
So here are the cards to own for create a Quest Rogue deck for Hearthstone. Have fun!