Liam is one of the first characters you will meet along the way. He will already be aboard the Tempest for the first mission of the game, on Eos. After building the first camp you can talk to Liam in the warehouse in the back of the ship on the lower level.
He will then move around the ship, like the other characters, but usually you'll always find him there. In order to engage in a romance with Liam Kosta you will have to take on the role of the woman Ryder.
How to manage romance with Liam Kosta
Liam is one of the easiest characters to romance with Sara Ryder. Talk to Liam about the Tempest, in the warehouses at the Nomad. He will move to the sofa and invite you to sit with him for a drink. Then he will ask you what you think of the mission: answer with: “A company like this“. He will reply that you don't know him yet. After this conversation, you can talk to him again and tell him that you are interested in him. Liam will reply that it will be better to postpone the conversation.
After Jaal is on board, you can go to the warehouse and see that both of them strike up an argument and "get to grips with" each other. Ask them what they are doing and they will tell you what game they are playing. There will be no other special dialogues after that but this will open the door to romance.
After destroying the factory on Voeld, where the Angara were taken prisoner by Kett, go talk to Liam again. You will find him without a shirt, doing pushups. Talk to him about the past and his car. Then tell him: "I need someone, and you too". Be careful not to miss this dialogue option.
Even if you have consumed with Liam there will still be more to do. After you return to the Tempest, talk to him again. He will invite you to the bar on Aya. Go to him and he will talk to you about strange business.
After this conversation there will be other actions to take to move on to the next step. Activate Forward Station, unlock three Remnant Towers on each planet. After activating three, find Liam on the Tempest and talk to him. He will ask for your help and from there he will begin his loyalty mission: "All In". Head to the Sephesa System and complete the mission. After that, check your email: Liam will invite you to Eos. Head to the main camp. There will be a football field, talk to him. Choose the romance option on the left in the dialogue wheel.
Once on board, talk to him again: he will tell you that he invented the "Lover's Jump Jet." Go to the development lab and start the jet project in question. You will need six aluminum and two iridium units. Then go back to Eos. You'll find Liam on a rock formation - you'll have to make your way to reach him. You will have to go through the quarry to the northwest and then climb towards it. So enjoy the romantic scene but be careful, there will be a QTE, make sure you don't miss it!
Other useful guides on Mass Effect Andromeda:
- Reset a character's abilities
- Trophy Guide
- Scan the planets
- Which training to choose
- How to solve Remnant puzzles
- How to change armor
- Romance guide