How to request a refund on Steam - How long does it take?

If you ask yourself how I can request or request a refund on the Steam platform? You should know that it is not complicated at all and that it is quite a simple process.

Steam offers a very large number of deliveries that you can purchase, so you have a huge catalog to choose from. However, it usually happens that you lose interest in a game or just don't want to play it anymore. And that's why it was born the need to request a refund. It is recommended that you ask for a refund before completely removing the game from your computer.

Where and when refunds apply

Refunds from any company, including Steam, raise significant doubts among users. With this understanding, below, we will tell you everything you need to know about Steam refunds.

Refunds valid on Steam

Only refunds will be valid that meet certain characteristics. These characteristics are: That it has not been more than 2 weeks and that you have not played for more than two hours. If you fail with these criteria, you will have a hard time redeeming any security.

In turn, with the repurchased securities, you can receive a refund before it is released at any time and the above criteria are met even then. As for the purchases within the games, you can request a refund within the first 48 hours of purchase, provided the "item" has not been modified or transferred.

Non-refundable content on Steam

Steam does not offer refunds for any audiovisual (video) content including movies, series, short films, etc. The exception to this rule is that the audiovisual content is part of a non-video package.

How to request a refund on Steam - How long does it take?

In turn, all purchases made outside of Steam, such as title codes and various third party content, DON'T are redeemable. In other words, Steam only refunds content purchased within its platform, with the exceptions mentioned above.

How many refunds can be made on Steam

Steam has no limits for making refunds, for which technically you could do several. In any case, Steam analyzes any refunds users request and if they believe you are abusing their policies, they may be limiting your account, so only apply this policy when you really need it.

How long does a Steam refund take?

After receiving the request, the average repayment term is included between 3 and 10 days, on average a week. Of course it also depends on the bank or the means you used for the purchase.

How to refund a game on Steam

Once we have decided which delivery is the one we want to return to recover the money invested. We will have to open our user on the platform. We can do this both in the browser and in the desktop program. Therefore we will have to go to support to see our recent purchases and select the one we want.

When you do this, a menu will appear with different options in which we will have to select one of the available ones. In general, these options refer to or imply that we didn't like the game. If we click on one of these options, another menu will appear with more options.

In this menu that opens we can see the refund option, it will appear directly. If we click here, a tab will open in to which we are informed that the return will be requested of that product and we will be asked if we agree with it. Plus, we can give a testimony of what we didn't like about the game. So we have to select send.

How to request a refund on Steam - How long does it take?

Once this is done, the refund request will be sent, with this you just have to wait a little longer to use our money to purchase and install another game on the same platform.

How to request a refund for a Steam gift

Gifts are also linked to the times mentioned, i.e. a refund must be requested within 14 days and the user who received the gift must not have played more than two hours.

Either way, to streamline the process, it's better ask the recipient to initiate the refund. After completing these steps, proceed to fill out the refund request for the purchase.

Request hardware refunds

Steam has a period of 14 days to notify the refund request, this is satisfied for some helmets, stations and virtual reality controls. However, other products such as the Steam Controller have a maximum refund request period of 30 days. Given the above, it is best for the customer to express their case directly with Steam's technical service.

How to cancel a refund request on Steam

Before requesting a refund you must be very sure of your decision, as a refund cannot be canceled. In any case, if you feel urgent, it is best to contact the customer support center provided by Steam and discuss your problem.

Conditions necessary for the return to be approved quickly

Steam offers refunds for many of its products. Mainly for purchases in Valve games, so if you want make this request in the games of other companies. You will need to read the terms they impose.

This what you can do is that the time to request it is shorter. It usually takes 2 hours to apply and say you didn't like the game for whatever reason. Although that changes if it is a Valve game, since Steam gives you up to 48 hours to carry out the process.

How to request a refund on Steam - How long does it take?

In case your account only has one game or one purchase, some features may be affected. This might be the case with adding friends to your Steam account. Because this feature is usually enabled when you make purchases within the app.

In addition to the above, you must be clear when giving the reason for the refund, because if there is any bad intention or if you are falsifying the data. This will be rejected and you will not be able to get your money back. Likewise, when you make a purchase try to test the game to verify that it is what they have offered you and that you fully agree with it.

Special case for European Union countries

If you are a resident of one of the member countries of the European Union, you should know that you have some special benefits. On the one hand, something that can be crucial is the speed with which the application is approved, because these are processed very quickly, getting your money back in a few hours.

Also, if the server detects that you are in one of these countries, you won't need to provide any kind of explanation as to why you need the refund. This way you shouldn't fill out any forms or give any reasons.

This provides greater privacy while applying. Furthermore, you will not have any kind of penalty for this refund.

This particular case is really useful, what you should keep in mind is that the times to do the request remain the same, and in the same way it must be done as soon as possible.

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