This guide is intended to help out those who have just come into possession of Ubisoft's new title, Starlink: Battle for Atlas. Specifically, we will provide you with some small tips that will be useful, although the title appears apparently easy in the early stages of the game.
The importance of dodging and jumping
Given that these mechanics are not valid for fights in space but only for fights on the planets, dodging allows you to avoid enemy shots by moving sideways with the circle key. The best thing to do is dodge and then try to jump over the enemies by pressing X. Once behind them, you are free to find their weak point and finish them.
Elemental combos
Elemental Combos are another way to inflict massive amounts of damage on enemies quickly by merging your elements. The Starlink: Battle for Atlas starter pack provides players with an ice and a fire weapon. Alternating the shots at speed with the two elements allows you to hit enemies hard and, to increase the damage even more, gravity weapons will be very useful, which allow you to hit multiple targets at the same time.
Travel safely
When you are traveling, you can stand between the rooftops and move between buildings. This mechanic is not explained in the tutorial, but it can be very useful for survival.
Completion of missions
Some missions in the first two planets, especially the Observatory and Refinery ones, will give you rare mods and rewards that are useful for both your weapons and the ship. Mods are a great source of upgrades for your stats. Take advantage of the early stages of the game to power yourself up to the max in view of the more challenging game content you will encounter in the future. Additionally, Observatory missions also allow you to unlock new places to visit on the map.
Merge your Mods
Mods can also be merged, via the Equinox Upgrades screen. Make sure you always use dual mods when merging, so you never miss out on anything you might need later. Doing so will also increase the rarity and efficiency of the mods you have merged.
These are some of the little tips we can give you if you have just started Starlink: Battle for Atlas, or if you plan to play it soon. Hoping that they will be useful, we remind you that the title is available on PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch and Xbox One.
► Starlink: Battle for Atlas is an Adventure-RTS-Shooter-Strategy game developed and published by Ubisoft for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 16/10/2018
Starlink: Battle for Atlas is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 79%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Starlink Review: Battle for Atlas