With the arrival of Call of Duty: Black Ops IIII, the race for the most beautiful camouflages to unlock has also begun, which can be obtained in more or less the same way as the other chapters. In this guide we will analyze the rainbow camouflage, secret skin obtainable through some steps that may be simple but are not at all.
First we must anticipate that to unlock the rainbow camouflage it will be necessary to unlock the diamond camouflage of the weapon we are interested in. Remember that the Diamond camouflage can be unlocked only after completing all previous camouflages and has as an additional objective the unlocking of the gold camouflage in all the weapons of that category (if we want to unlock it in a submachine gun, it will be necessary to unlock the gold camouflage in all the machine guns).
As soon as you have unlocked the diamond camouflage, you will have the opportunity to unlock the secret camouflage. Using the weapon with the diamond skin in the game, each time you make five kills in a row you will unlock a new color for the camouflage. If you can make one streak of 35 kills in a row without dying you will instead unlock the secret rainbow camouflage that you can use in the game.
In the video posted on the Twitter page of the Clan Karnage you can instead analyze all the various colors of the diamond skin including the final rainbow skin.
Every 5 kill streak while using the diamond camo, the color changes. Once you do that 7 times in a match it becomes a Rainbow Camo in # BlackOps4!
THIS IS AMAZING @Treyarch! ? pic.twitter.com/g2NcHvFCO9
- KARNAGE Clan (@KARNAGEclan) October 14, 2018
We obviously want to clarify that the secret skins will remain only for the current game, so once unlocked they will not be available like the others, so the camouflage once the game is over will return to its initial color.
► Call of Duty: Black Ops IIII is an FPS-type game developed by Treyarch and published by Activision for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 12/10/2018
Call of Duty: Black Ops IIII is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 85%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Call of Duty: Black Ops IIII Review