As with its predecessors, also in Pokémon Ultra Sun e Ultra Moon players can take advantage of the Poké Pass, a feature that allows you to move faster around the region by riding different Pokémon (thus retiring the good old bicycle). To get the aforementioned functionality, just defeat Kahuna Hala in the Great Trial of Mele Mele Island, and later you will be given the Call Pass; after that, you can use the abilities of some monsters thanks to the Y key of your 3DS.
Below is the complete list of Pokémon that can be used thanks to the Poké Pass:
Tauros - You can unlock this Pokémon after defeating the Kahuna of theMele Mele Island. Once on Tauros, you can use his charge, which will allow you to run faster and smash some large boulders.
Stoutland - You will get this Pokémon from Captain Ibis, in the middle of your first visit to the Ohana Farm. With Stoutland you will be able to find hidden objects thanks to its nose, which can be activated with B.
Lapras - You will get this Pokémon from Captain Suiren during the test on the Rolling Hill: Lapras will allow you to move on the different bodies of water in the game, as well as being able to fish on its back.
Charizard - You will get this Pokémon from Captain Kawe after completing the trial at Wela Volcano Park. Charizard is a variation on the typical “Flight” move that will allow you to move to previously visited places in the Alola region.
Sharpedo - You will get this Pokémon from Grimsley on Route 15 of Ula Ula Island. Sharpedo is the marine variant of Tauros, thanks to which you can destroy the boulders in the water.
Machamp - You will get this Pokémon from Hapi's grandmother, on the Via Antica di Poni. Machamp is an alternative to "Forza", with which you can move the large boulders that block certain areas.
Mudsdale - You will get this Pokémon from Kahuna Hapi, on Route 12 of Ula Ula. Mudsdale allows you to walk some steeper and more rocky stretches, which cannot be walked normally by the player.
And which Pokè Pass do you use most in Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon?
► Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon is a JRPG type game developed by Game Freak and published by Nintendo for Nintendo 3DS, the video game was released on 17/11/2017
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