Review for indivisible. Game for Linux, Mac, Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 08/10/2019
After an almost infinite gestation, following a successful five-year crowdfunding campaign, Indivisible, the new IP action RPG created by the guys from Lab Zero Games (known for the famous fighting game Skullgirls) arrived at the end of last year on consoles. and PC - recently also landing on Switch. This particular role-playing game that is so reminiscent of Valkyrie Profile, with a healthy injection of platformer mechanics, it met with good critical acclaim, and we liked it a lot too.
A few months after its launch, on May 7, the first additional content of the title, the Razmi's Challenges DLC, arrived in the digital stores, sold at the competitive price of € 7.99 (which, however, becomes more significant if we consider that the main game was launched directly at € 39.99 instead of full price) and dedicated to what was perhaps the most successful and brilliant character of all Indivisible .
The answer is within you
After the purchase, the downloadable content is accessible from Ajna's inner realm, just by going to talk to the dressed tiger witch, who will have set up a tent that will be used, in fact, to access her challenges. It will not matter that you have finished the game: all the contents of the DLC are unrelated to the skills you have obtained up to that moment, from your progress to the composition at the party level: the only request will be that you have reached Mount Sumeru for the first time in history. All this because Razmi's Challenges will only consist of 40 pre-packaged and separate challenges from the rest of the game, where you will not gain EXP or learn new skills: Razmi will put you to the test in Combat - where to defeat a certain enemy or group of enemies with a pre-made team - or of Platforms, where, on the other hand, your reflexes as consummate platform players will come in handy to overcome the demanding jumps and stunts required.
Each of these challenges has a variable duration between 10 "and 3-4 ′ and offers a good level of difficulty, especially in platform trials, where the timing of the jumps and the use of the "few" skills that Razmi will grant you from time to time will be crucial to pass the test in the shortest possible time and thus obtain a medal, from bronze to platinum. Too bad that Razmi's Challenges, especially in its weird combat tests, either one of the least inspired DLCs we've ever had the "pleasure" of trying. There is nothing really wrong with it, but it is the very last way we would have chosen to have a reason to return to Indivisible, a game we loved and not a little.
Dear Razmi you are not wasted
Because in Razmi's Challenges, first of all, the stakes are almost nil. Beyond a few more goals to unlock, there are no reasons to face the challenges: the reward for finishing them will be a poor costume for Ajna which you can also use in the rest of the game. That's all, with very little push to build a square deck and reach platinum in all Challenges. In addition to this, the work done by the development team in many small details and details of the DLC is really disappointing: the uploads are long and frequent (every time we start a challenge), and think that when we pass one, you will not be able to face it again immediately or see your result to maybe improve; you have to go out, reload and try again, so much so that when we tried to get platinum medals we decided to die on purpose when we noticed that one of our attempts was not going 100%, to save time.
Furthermore, the game does not offer information on what it takes to reach the different medals, leaving us to consult YouTube to get an idea of how many seconds we have to take away from our time to make it. Not to mention that the eye also wants its part: these challenges are than the least visually inspired one could think, for a game that has instead accustomed us to an artistic direction and crazy backdrops; think that there is practically no visual satisfaction for having earned a platinum, only a few skimpy stars that change color.
It's really a shame, because Indivisible, with its structure, lent itself very well perhaps to a small expansion of the story, with a handful of new characters and situations for Ajna; instead Lab Zero Games with Razmi's Challenges preferred not to commit too much energy, providing us with an hour of total content divided into 40 challenges for their own sake, in which you will feel just a little adrenaline when the linked jumps become more complex or a little 'of frustration when you don't understand what it really takes to beat different color versions with a sea of HP of monsters already faced previously in the story.
► Indivisible is an RPG type game developed by Lab Zero and published by 505 Games for Linux, Mac, Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the game was released on 08/10/2019